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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Working Title: Rules Of The Road: From YKTTW

Central Avenue: For anyone who was wondering, the Cleveland example applies to this trope because it's an example where the signs do mean what they say...most drivers are conditioned so that signs warning of a curve and telling you to slow down simply mean "tap on the brakes a little," but in this example, 35 really means 35.

Nornagest: Most regions have a road or two where the signs mean what they say. For Northern California, one of the most memorable is Highway 17 from San Jose to Santa Cruz — a twisty, narrow-laned mountain highway with no shoulder to speak of, where the warning signs truly do indicate 45 and not a mile over it. It's a fun road when it's not crowded, which is rare.

For bonus points, the northbound Highway 1 - Highway 17 interchange includes a 270-degree turn, cheekily nicknamed the "Death Spiral", which tightens from 45 to 25 along its length; the concrete of the Jersey barrier along the tightest part of the curve is black with scraped-off paint and rubber.
