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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Working Title: Rule Of Drama: From YKTTW

In other words, this trope is why there's a movie about Apollo 13 and not Apollo 11.

Noaqiyeum: Na No Wri Mo knows that quote as "When in doubt, have ninja break down a wall and attack. You'll get at least another five hundred words out of your characters standing around say 'What the ^&*%@&? Ninjas?'"

Sines: Maybe this page should list Elan from Order of the Stick as a patron saint, or head priest, etc... of this trope, as he seems to uphold the Rule of Drama as a personal code.

fleb: *pasting cut quotes* I thought the Vaarsuvius quote fits better than the current (slightly long) Deegan one.

"If you ask me, you people are too happy. The essence of drama is conflict... which is why they gave me this tazer!"
That Guy Who Was Squiggy From Laverne And Shirley, The Simpsons

Quilt: I have deduced that your old girlfriend escaped death because she was pregnant with your love-child and this Oracle Hunter is none other than your long-lost daughter!
Donovan Deegan: And how, praytell, did you deduce all that?
Quilt: Because it is very dramatic.
Dominic Deegan

"And once again, Probability proves itself willing to sneak into a back alley and service Drama as if it were a copper-piece harlot."
