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Archived Discussion Main / RapidFireComedy

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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Working Title: Comedy Through Superior Firepower: From YKTTW

Jack Butler: Don't get the "Lurkerbunny" reference, but whatever. Sorry my hyperbolously calling Robin Willians the "Great God" of something offended you.

Prfnoff: I still think this should have a different title.

The Laughing Fan: I changed to another Airplane quote, with three jokes during one line.

Sabre Justice: Having not seen this trope since it was in YKTTW, I kinda wish this was about comedies that involve lots of firepower. (Hot Fuzz, Tropic Thunder)

Ack Sed: I remember watching Leslie Nielsen saying the quote as a talking head in one of those List Shows. So now you know.

Monster Dog: This trope screams for a Troper Tales section.

(after rename)
