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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Working Title: You Are The Translated Foreign Phrase: From YKTTW

Is this the place for the classic translater trope that runs something like...

  • Hero: Tell your master I am ready to accept his sword, and his surrender.
    Translator: (Translates)
    Villain: Tell that whining son of a jackal bitch that he may have his sword when I sheath it in his stinking guts. And once I have torn out his entrails and (insert prolonged and unnecessarily graphic threat, also covering the brutal murder of The Lancer and the gruesome violation of The Chick)... And then bear the remains upon my standard for all to see.
    Translator: (To hero) He says no.

  • No idea where this goes, but in Allegiance, two stormtroopers are deeply unhappy about killing a town full of innocents but don't know what they can do. One says this isn't what he signed up for. The other says "What you signed up for was to obey orders. You certainly didn't sign up to let the ISB haul you off for seditious thinking." The narrative, in the POV of the first stormtrooper, adds, Translation: don't ever talk this way again.
