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Archived Discussion Main / PillarofLight

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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Looney Toons: I had a beautiful moment of what was almost Truth in Television this morning (18 March 08) while driving into work. I had dropped off my wife at her job at an ungodly early hour and as a result was on the road as the sun began to come up. The sky in the east must have been filled with high cirrus clouds or something, because in the early false dawn, it was a spectacular mix of colors that you normally only see in matte paintings or well-done cycloramas. And right in the middle of it, directly over the point where the sun would come up in ten minutes or so, was a visible pillar of light, formed by reflections of the sun off those multiple layers of clouds. I've never seen anything like that before, and it was amazing to experience. I was seriously tempted to pull over just to look at it while it lasted.

Meocross: Zomgz are you serious! why didnt you take a picture (X_X)

Looney Toons: Too busy driving, no shoulder on the road, and my cellphone was in the back seat in my suit jacket.


Anonymous: If nobody minds me asking, where is the awesome picture on the main page from?
