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Archived Discussion Main / PeopleJars

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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.


Silent Hunter: Not sure this fits in the Alien category. They aren't specifically aliens.

Seth: That was meant to be on Alien as in the film series Aliens. I dont know why i ended up there. Do we have film/Alien

Paul A: The correct link is Movies/{{Alien}}. Fixed.

Paul A: ...and then somebody did move it to Film/{{Alien}}. Bah. (Fixed again.)

Your Obedient Serpent: What about BRAINS in jars, and disembodied heads?

Ununnilium: We need a separate trope for that, IMHO.

Seth: Organ Jars show up in almost every TV biology lab when i doubt many keep them at all. Sunako has a few in The Wallflower and then there are the talking varieties is films like The Man With Two Brains.

A guest: In the Ben 10 episode "A Small Problem", Ben was literally in a jar for a while. Does that work here?

Seth: Removing the Ass Caps. This isn't like Recycled In Space, the joke works as it is and uncapitalised Asscaps actually stand out less.

  • people in jars. (What we had, normal text)
  • people IN JARS. (Same gag as IN SPACE, i like to picture dramatic VO doing it)
  • people in jars. (What was there, arguably stands out the least)
  • people In Jars. (Capitalised Asscaps)
  • people IN JARS. (Shouting Asscaps)
I say leave as is, the joke was supposed to be in the repetition not in the emphasis.

Air Of Mystery: A fair point. I didn't know you could have uncapitalised Asscaps.

Can we leave in the elipses, though?

Nobodymuch: Was Snow White the very first person in a jar?
