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Archived Discussion Main / Pantomime

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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Seth: This entry seems very negative, i used to love going to a panto. The point is that they are less stuffy/more fun than a normal play.

Silent Hunter: Never really liked the things when I was younger. Haven't been to any for a while now.

Kilyle: This sounds like a lot of fun! I'm 30 and I'd still go to one (with or without nephew in tow) if it were available in my area. And if I knew better how to do so, I'd write one! (Also, the description kinda reminds me of what I've seen of Kaptein Sabeltann aka Captain Sabertooth, a Norwegian play series about pirates that includes a vast audience of children standing on the shore of some lake, watching the pirates interact on apparently a real boat and a fairly small beach/dock stage (check that one out on You Tube).)
