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Archived Discussion Main / Ot3

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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Deadpool Fan: While I am aware that the OT 3 ships exist in some form or another, I have no idea what kinds of examples there are of them. It would be nice to have some proof that these pairings do exist and their shipping circles exist. Some fanfiction pointing these shipping communities out would be nice.

Yes, I have trouble finding them on the web. So sue me, Rule 34 makes it obvious that its out there but its not so easy to find it.

Vezirov: You mean for Deadpool? Or just OT3 fics in general?

Dmaster: While I haven't checked for it, it wouldn't surprise me at all if some Yugioh slash fics included an OT3 between the three duelists we see duel the most, Yugi, Kaiba, and Jounoichi/Joey. Hell, throw in the fact that "Yugi" is really two people, and even more OT3 options open up.

Andrewe Paul: Not sure if this is the venue for bringing this up, but I think One True Threesome would be a better name (or at least a redirect) than the current title. I see "OT3" and think of Scientology.
