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Archived Discussion Main / NonappearingTitle

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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

From YKTTW Working Title: Non-Appearing Title

Chad M: Isn't the inclusion of an "Instrumentals" section kind of silly? Doesn't that, by definition, include every instrumental ever?

CodeMan38: I was wondering the same thing as ChadM. Seems like something from the Department of Redundancy Department.

a little boy: How the fuck is this a trope??

Trix Rabbi: I agree 100% with a little boy. It happens so often that this page could fill entire books. It's not even a trope. It's just the title. The word "Futurama" is never said on the show. Nor is "Evil Dead" ever said in Evil Dead. This page is pointless.

endlessnostalgia Perhaps if it's only about songs (I always assumed that)? After all, most songs nowadays seem to be named with a portion of the lyrics, and many non-appearing titles don't even reflect the contents of their songs. Going against that standard seems tropeable to me.
