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Archived Discussion Main / NonActionGuy

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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Ununnilium: I think it's pretty obvious in the first season that Mickey Can Do It. I mean, he launches a nuclear missile at one point!

Paul A: Only because the Doctor's there giving him step-by-step instructions. And it's followed almost immediately by the scene where the Doctor offers him a berth in the TARDIS crew and Mickey says "I can't, I'm The Guy Who Doesn't Have What It Takes." (Which I actually liked, by the way. Only time in the series history there's been a regular character I could identify with. That's one of the reasons I was annoyed when he turned out to be an elite hacker with a zeppelin pilot's license.)

Micah: Removed natter from the Firefly example:

  • The above editor has apparently never seen the episode "War Stories".
    • Exception of the rule?

Johnny E: Removed, because it doesn't fit particularly well and would go better in Sweet Polly Oliver.

Did they send me daughters
When I asked for sons?

Mulan, "I'll Make A Man Out Of You"
