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Archived Discussion Main / MasterApprenticeChain

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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

From YKTTW Working Title: Chain Of Masters

Sgamer82 Launch Notes — I'm honestly not sure which index this should go to. I thought "Mentors" but that lists specific mentor types and I'm not sure this counts. Also, there was one entry in the original YKTTW that I didn't understand completely and wasn't sure counted. I'd be appreciative to anyone who could clarify:

  • "Blood Diamond: Could be considered tenuous but Danny Archer conversation, with the man who searched his room/been stalking him, reveals both employees of the "Colonel" and presumbaly trained by him."

Paul A: I'm not sure I've understood it completely either, but I reckon it falls under "just one master training two apprentices doesn't count".
