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Archived Discussion Main / LeftFielder

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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Scrounge: This discussion page is now about being left in a field. It seems pretty damn scary to me, you'd be lost and alone with no recognizable landmarks and nowhere to hide, thinking you'd never see home again... Brrr...

Insanity Prelude: Depends. Do I have a cellphone?

Professor Raine: We have Depends. :D

Duckluck: Sweet merciful Whale Jesus! I leave this page alone for a few months and you jerks do this to my poor baby. Also that left in a field thing happened to me once, except it was at night, and it was at a beach, in Mexico, and I was six. Not a fun night. :(

Rissa: Restored page after deletion of all the fun stuff by jojabar
