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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

werd: The article is written in a clearly degrogatory, biased fashion. For example:

The show is pretty much a candid reality TV show, with much of the humor coming from watching Kate act like a shrew and a fame whore, often abusing her jerkass, apathetic husband while neglecting their kids and trying to get as many freebies as humanly possible from the show's producers.

I know we don't always have to stick with unbiased opinions on this site OR provide references, but not everyone agrees with any of the words included in the above paragraph. What if there is actually someone who agrees with what Kate says and that she IS continuing the show purely to better the lives of her family? And that's just ONE of the paragraphs! What proof is there that the original fans left RIGHT when the show started to feature extravagant vacations?! Surely the scandals alone did not pay for the show! Jon may act lazy when scolding the kids, but he DOES try! What an overblown, unprofessional way to write an article!

Kalle: Then maybe it should have been cut?
