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Archived Discussion Main / JesusWasWayCool

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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Working Title: No Straw Jesus: From YKTTW

Whould Gaius Baltar from the new Battlestar Galactica count as a subversion?

The whole Black Metal music genre seems to be an exception to this. There are a lot of people there who launch verbal attacks against Jesus, although how much of this is just for show and how much is heartfelt is up for debate. Best example I can come up with would be Burzum's Jesus Død (Jesus' Death). Look up the lyrics to that one.
Okay, so a lot of clever and insightful people have all made essentially the same point that Jesus rules and Christians suck. Point made. Does this mean I get to stop hearing it from pseudo-intellectual douchebags at parties? I'll gladly accept this commentary if I can at least get that as an exchange.
