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Archived Discussion Main / IAmSpartacus

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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Mister Six: Could this also include lone characters who stand up to the baddies and claim to be the person they're looking for to get their friends off the hook? For example, one character in the latest season of 24 claimed to be the manager of CTU in order to protect the real manager - and got a bullet in the head as a result.

Daibhid C: Since we already have parody examples, can we mention the possibly-true story that, when Eric Douglas (or it might have been Joel Douglas) went into stand-up comedy, it went very badly, and he snapped at the hecklers "I'm Kirk Douglas' son!" At which point, someone jumped up and said "No, I'm Kirk Douglas' son!"

Lawyerdude: As awesome as the original scene was, something about It Just Bugs Me!: The Romans offered to free the slaves if they could identify the living person or the dead body of Spartacus. They all could have escaped crucifixion if one of them had stepped forward and said, "Spartacus is dead. His body is right there." and pointed to some random guy. Of course, that wouldn't be historically accurate and would have made the famous scene redundant.

Areku: Would the scene in V for Vendetta where all the people are in Guy Fawkes masks and cloaks count for this? Also, what about the handmaidens/decoys used for Queen Amidala in Star Wars? They're both slightly different than the trope, so I didn't want to add them right away.

I'm not sure which category this should go in, but should be mentioned.
