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Archived Discussion Main / GentlemanThief

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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

The Gentleman Thief, Phantom Thief, and Kaitou entries are all pretty similar; Lupin even shows up in all three. Maybe the three of them (or at least Phantom Thief and Kaitou) should be combined, or more of a distinction made? -- Adonic Meki

Looney Toons: Kaitou is a genre, while Phantom Thief is a character type. However, merging Gentleman Thief and Phantom Thief would probably work.

TravisWells: yeah, there's a lot of overlap. "Sir Charles Lytton" from Gentleman Thief is the same as "David Niven's character from The Pink Panther" from Classy Cat-Burglar.

Daibhid C: I'd recommend making Classy Cat-Burglar an Always Female trope, and moving the male examples to Gentleman Thief (if they're not already there). Phantom Thief seems to be "Gentleman Thief, only in anime".

Sci Vo: Agreed. The description in Classy Cat-Burglar of the Distaff Counterpart sounds exactly like Gentleman Thief.

Adam850: removed:
  • Spike Spiegel from "Cowboy Bebop" is a more violent example of a Gentleman Thief.
    • Except he's no a gentleman. And not a thief. Perhaps you're thinking about "Anti-Hero"? The two terms are... well, not similar at all, but still.

Mith: The Discworld example needs to be clearer on what was annoying. Given the series, I'd guess people were annoyed that their thieves weren't properly classy, hence the Thieves' Guild started classes, but I don't know where the example's from.

Daibhid C: Clarified it a bit. It's from the Thieves' Guild Diary, your one stop shop for thievery tropes (my favourite is that pickpockets get taught how to do Crowd Songs. Consider yourself one of us...)
