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Archived Discussion Main / DoNotDropYourWeapon

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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Working Title: Don\'t drop your weapon: From YKTTW

Shay Guy: GAAH! This is what I've been talking about! DONT! Not "do not," DONT! It's not "he'll" or "we're," there's no such excuse - DONT! Screw the frackin' apostrophe, it just. Doesn't. Sound. RIGHT!

Mman: I didn't know about just dropping the apostrophe when I made this, so I thought it sounded wrong too. It would be nice to be able to change it.

Machu: I removed the reference to Samurai Shodown (right after Soul Caliber, I believe), as you can disarm characters pretty often. Not only through Super Attacks, but also during button mashing blade clashes. Actually, someone could add this as an aversion?
