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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

So I was reading Brothers of the Snake the other day and at the climax the hero, a giant brute armed with a Power Fist (actually a power claw, but it amounts to the same thing) fights a duel with what is, basically, a Fragile Speedster space elf lord armed with an extendable spear.

I was instantly reminded of Hellboy II, the climax of which involves the hero, a giant brute armed with a Power Fist, fighting a duel with what is, basically, a Fragile Speedster elf prince armed with an extendable spear.

It's highly unlikely either of these inspired the other (the book came out a year before the film, if you're wondering, but what are the odds of Guillermo del Toro basing the plot of his film on a relatively obscure science fiction novel?), so I'd chalk this up to a fun coincidence.

Do we have a trope for that?

Grimace: That's...a really good point actually. I don't think we have a trope for that. "Unexpected Similarities"?

Ouroboros: Brute Force VS Skilled But Weak?
