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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Looney Toons: I'd just like to note that the Crossover phenomenon is centuries old. A case in point would be Lancelot's appearance in the Arthurian cycle — he was originally the hero of a separate saga popular in Britanny/Normandy/France about the same time that the Arthurian tales crossed the English Channel. Some clever bard decided to do a classic fusion of the two cycles, and Lancelot has been part of the Table Round ever since.

//If you've ever read the Carolingian Cycle, you will note that it's the Arthurian legend with the serial numbers filed off and set in Dark Ages France instead of post-Roman Britain. The names of most of the important characters, except for the king himself, are the same, as well as the important events of the plot.

Or maybe it's the other way around.

This is a very, very old story, the story of the good king who gathers skilled warriors to himself to right wrongs and perhaps drive out a foreign invader (Romans, or Saxons, or Bronze Age chieftains from Wessex), the good king who will one day return in the hour of greatest need. Stories like this go back to antiquity.

Ununnilium: The Lilo And Stitch example is already in Cartoon Crossovers. ``v

Abby: Oops, sorry...>_< At least I got the inevitable newbie mess-up out of the way already...

Ununnilium: Hey, you learn from your mistakes. ^-^

grixit: From what i've read, the carolignian stories came first. Arthur was just a collection of unorganized folk tales before the Norman Conquest. The weaving together into a coherent saga was to give England as impressive a mythological past as France had.

Further back in time, the Argosy and other hellenic era quest stories are thought to have been created as a way to get the characters from various popular stories together.

Ununnilium: Took out:

  • The Kingdom Hearts videogame series is based entirely on this premise.

...because that's in Massive Multiplayer Crossover.

TJ Devil 02: Best opening quote ever?

Looney Toons: I'd say "thanks" except I didn't come up with it, I just copied it from a message a friend posted in a forum we both habituate. He got it apparently from another forum somewhere else...

Ununnilium: Seems more appropriate for Intercontinuity Crossover, though.

Looney Toons: Good point; I'd forgotten that had gotten split off. <trots off to edit>

Sikon: I don't get the picture. What does a picture of Jean-Luc Picard with a blue arrow on his forehead have to do with crossovers?

Looney Toons: It makes him out to be the title character of Avatar The Last Air Bender, who's a bald kid with a blue arrow on his forehead. The pic and caption really belong on Fusion, not here, though. (Moments later) And since I was already here, I moved it over. We should find a nice pic for this page to replace it, though.

Looney Toons: The entire Fan Works section in the examples really belongs in Intercontinuity Crossover.

Seth: Hey, just thought i would drop in with this image i found. Thought it would be perfect for this page.

If not, Citizen i'm sure you can find a use for it.

Seth: Ah heck I added it myself. (Tries to remember that i still have account)
