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Archived Discussion Main / ColorCodedPatrician

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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

From YKTTW Working Title: Color Coded Patrician

Willbyr: Moving this here; not enough info to sort it.

  • In a Live Action Period Piece about an early Han emperor, the young emperor disguises himself as a peasant to sneak out of the palace, but accidentally gives himself away to an astute observer because he's wearing Imperial Yellow shoes.

Furry Kef: I removed this:

  • In Spanish the word for the term "purpura" (purple) refers to red. I sort of wonder if emperors actually wore red, or someone mixed up the colors into Spanish.
I speak Spanish and never have seen púrpura used to refer to red. Furthermore, both my English/Spanish dictionary and the Spanish Wikipedia say that it is purple.
