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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Working Title: Random Citizen That Can Kick A Werewolfs Ass: From YKTTW

Peteman: Can't remember, but I'm pretty sure Aunt May whacked Doc Oc, at the very least getting an assist to stopping Doc Oc's bank robbery rampage.

EscherEnigma: Does Kate Bishop's decking a gunman in Young Avengers #1 count? She later went on to become the new Hawkeye (though it took her twelve issues) but at the time she had just been a bridesmaid for a few pages.

Man Without A Body: This article needs cleanup. I'm pretty sure many of the examples here are genuine main characters. This trope is about when a member of the crowd with no prior introduction appears, kicks ass, and then leaves the story.
