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Archived Discussion Main / ArrogantKungFuGuy

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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Khym Chanur: I don't think Ryoga is nearly that bad (at least not in the manga). He's not mean or arrogant, just obsessed on getting baseless revenge on Ranma.

"His only joy comes from putting 'foolish fools' in their place."— I can't exactly explain why, but this is just brilliant.

Eponymous Kid: Please put me on Made Of Win for that (I wrote the entry, and the line). That sort of thing ("You foolish fool! I am a kung fu master!") is just the sort of line you come to expect from a character like this in a dubbed kung fu movie from the 70s.

Ryoga, to me, mostly fits because he doesn't know how to do anything but fighting properly. And his rivalry with Ranma is another huge factor in that.

Zef: Agree with Khym Chanur. Ryoga is nowhere NEAR an Arrogant Kung-Fu Guy, as he only ever gets angry at Ranma, and is actually very humble and a pretty good guy otherwise (and, once he gets over his feud halfway through the manga, he's actively friendly towards Ranma.) He's not so much a "loner" as "lonely" (what with being lost all the time,) and, as far as "doesn't know how to do anything but fight," that applies to most of the cast anyhow. You want an Arrogant Kung-Fu Guy in this series, look at Pantyhose Taro, Ryuu Kumon, or Herb. ESPECIALLY Ryuu Kumon.

Eponymous Kid: Ugh. There are no good images for this...

Storm: What about Vegeta?
