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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Working Title: Playing Your Annoying Self?: From YKTTW

Andrew: Removed the Kristen Bell example because it just doesn't fit. For one, she hasn't been around long enough to establish any kind of unbreakable Typecasting. Second, "She's played two similar characters with no hint of parody or self-awareness" isn't what this trope is about.

Whogus The Whatsler: Aaron Eckhart? Huh? For one thing, playing a goody two-shoes who flips out and kills some people neither plays with or subverts a "slimy businessman" typecast. But more importantly, Eckhart doesn't have a "slimy businessman" typecast. He was vaguely in that area in Thank You for Smoking, but he was the protagonist in that and a spokesperson is hardly a businessman. Then, what, he was a good-natured biker in Erin Brockovich, a nerdy geologist in The Core, a sleazy halfwit criminal in Nurse Betty...where are the slimy businessmen?

Would The Matador count as Pierce Brosnan Adam Westing his role as James Bond? I personally thought it was funny that he was playing a character so like yet unlike James Bond or was that just me?

Jack Black is a terrible example. Did he parody Tenacious D at some point? Is that even possible? Did someone not realize that the guy in Epic Movie wasn't Jack Black? And what's with the weird phrasing?

Vampire Buddha: Cut some stuff:


Trogga: "Gore and Gygax aren't actors; this is just a sort of flanderisation, played for laughs." Isn't that what this page is mostly about? I don't see why it can't be expanded to include non-actors.

Garfman: I was thinking of adding Ozzy Osbourne's increasingly confused and unintelligible commercial spots, but if the above doesn't count, does this?

Kamino Neko: Cut (Re: George Takei's playing Camp Gay):

He publicly came out 2 years before the bit in question was filmed, so it really isn't hindsight.
