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Archived Discussion HoYay / Literature

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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Micah: Shakespearean examples moved to the Theater section.

Willy Four Eyes: Removing the Mercedes Lackey example. If there's no subtext, and the characters are openly gay, wouldn't that automatically disqualify it from this trope? Preserved just for the sake of keeping the "Page History" from eating it:

  • Mercedes Lackey's novels put the Ho Yay in the text; many of her male characters are openly gay and have romances with other men. Author Appeal, anyone?
    • Well, no. Given that homosexuality can be cured by telepathy and that men become gay upon anal No, I don't think so. Newp.
      • That's actually Anne McCaffery with the anal penetration story. Mercedes Lackey seems to be more viciously open-minded.

Lina: Would anyone object if I removed all the spoilerization from the A Song Of Ice And Fire examples? Honestly, think, would it ruin your enjoyment of the story if you'd known ahead of time? There are no big reveals or anything.
Tweaked the Kushiel's Legacy entry. Lucius/Imriel counts because they never sleep together and while the Ho Yay is definitely intentional, it remains subtext. It is not subtext when two characters have an established relationship and obviously got down at some point, even if it's over by the time the book starts, and moreover the discovery of this relationship is a major plot point!
Revolos55: I noticed the LesYay between Ida and Ruby in the film adaptation of Cold Mountain, but I haven't read the book. Was it in there as well?
