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Archived Discussion Franchise / Predator

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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Kendra Kirai: I just wanted to mention that the Schizo Tech in this case is somewhat reasonable...the Predators are ProudWarriorRaceGuys. Their technology is geared towards helping them hunt on a more or less even level with their prey. It's unsporting otherwise. Thus, no radar or sonar (humans don't have them small enough to be useful for tracking it), only visual modes of detection...the cloaking helps them blend in, it doesn't make them completely invisible - call it a nod to the humans having the 'home field advantage'...we know the environment better. Negligible armor, because humans don't have any useful armor...the shoulder plasma thrower is for prey that actually poses a threat...The cloaking system doesn't totally fail upon any contact with water...but it has issues keeping up whatever light-bending properties it uses, and if the prey knows the Predator has it, it loses it's effectiveness; that's when the Predator discards it. Notice in the Aliens vs. Predator movies, the Predators are rather better equipped than the ones from the solo movies; Xenomorphs are a hell of a lot more dangerous than humans. In the comics and other It's All There in the Manual items, it's shown that the Yautja (Predators) don't really care about their technology except as it relates to the Hunt.

Removed this:

  • Hollywood Science: heat vision was somehow combined with being water-based lifeform (as it looks like there are No Biochemical Barriers) and coming from homeworld much warmer than Earth. That means more vapor. It would look like walking in more or less dense fog most of the time, both in Terran jungles and in their own world. How good this would be for carnivores, save ambush-only hunters (these guys play more active "seek or chase")? Also, seeing non-living things poorly somehow didn't prevented these guys from developing technology-rich civilisation. No Waterproofing in the Future means they aren't accustomed to rains (in hot water world, yeah). Even if they are desert species, it alleviates steam problem, but not others (sitting on sand and stone doesn't helps to reach even bronze age).
    • Infrared is what they see with their special vision mask, and later revealed to be adjustable (among other thinks, to the UV end of the spectrum). Their natural vision was shown at the end of the first movie to be red-white-tinted on earth, but not really heat vision as such.

since, as the comment says, the first movie showed that the heat vision was a function of the mask, not the species's eyes.

Arivne: Deleted the following from "Tropes used in both Predator and Predator 2:", because if you read that page, you'll see that it's about people being invited somewhere in order to be killed, which isn't what happened in either movie.
