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Archived Discussion Administrivia / TropeDecay

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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Trope Decay launched as Trope Decay Discussion: From YKTTW

R Taco: Removed this bit of natter:

  • Know what else is Flanderized? Adding pointless Take That! natter whining about the Flanderized trope list. Can you tell I'm being caustic?
  • Technically wouldn't the above be a pointless Take That! natter aimed at...pointless Take That! natter? Kind of defeats the purpose yeah?
  • Also, "edit reason (optional)" line, of all things, sometimes serves as a sort of Take That! chat whenever people are too lazy to cut/paste something into Discussion page and comment it there. As opposed to being, well, place for writing edit reason. Optionally.

Inkblot: This page:

  • In other words, this very page has suffered Trope Decay
Paradoxic Title: Yeah, it's becoming something along the lines of "Complaining About Tropes You Don't Like".
  • Doom Tay: As much as I agree with you, I still feel like punching you for using that kind of image.

Insanity Prelude: So basically, this is what you get when you lump Square Peg Round Trope and Slippery Trope.
Pro-Mole: I'm disturbed by the sheer number of examples in this page. Considering the probability of many examples not being listed right now, this means at least one thing: that this whole wiki is decaying. And that surely can't be good.
Janitor: re:cutlisting: I cut the examples, as a first step. Whether the article itself is useful needs discussion.

Shrikesnest: We have Slippery Trope, right? I don't see the point of keeping this around if we're not going to have examples...

Janitor: Actually, we don't have that article anymore. The articles are not just excuses for example lists. This one defines a term we use.

Camacan: I wonder if this page could use a few lines on risk factors for trope decay? Such as long and/or vauge articles, definitions hidden in the article body, absence of a laconic version, numerous over-specific conditions which if applied would reduce the trope to a single qualifying work (and so tend to get dropped — but dropped differently by different people), articles dependent on people "just knowing" the trope definition regardless of what the text states, titles that strongly suggest a different trope, and so on. No specific examples, just a few general pointers about where we've got into trouble historically.
