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Archived Discussion Administrivia / JustLaunchItAlready

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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Working Title: Just Launch It Already: From YKTTW

Maso Tey: Maybe my literal-mindedness is showing, but does the reference to "over 30 replies" mean that this should only be applied to YKTTWs having more than that number, or is it just flavor?

Koveras: It's just flavor but having 30 replies in your YKTTW does usually mean that you are doing something wrong, So Yeah.

Earnest: Yeah, once you reach the critical mass needed for a good trope example density and and thus inbound wiks, waiting any longer means people will be dissuaded from launching because of the tedium of example sorting. Which at 70+ replies can be downright painful. *shudder* Just the memory of sorting Computer Voice makes me tired.

Koveras: Alternatively, people launch the page without any examples, which isn't really nice towards other contributors whose efforts were for nothing this way.

I think I recognize the rocket in the picture, but I'm not quite sure...
