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Characters / Diary Of An Analog Protagonists

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A character page for the protagonists of Diary of an Analog.

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    General Tropes applying to everyone 

  • Adaptational Badass: Everyone achieves Mega Level at one point or another, as opposed to only Tai, Matt, Davis, and Ken canonically doing so in 02 proper. Special mentions go to the 02 kids, who actually achieve Ultimate Level without DNA Digivolution and likewise achieve their own individual Mega Level as a result.
  • Adaptation Species Change: Some of the Mega Levels are different, due to the obvious circumstances with some of the cast.
    Gomamon > Ikkakumon > Zudomon > Vikemon
    Gatomon > Angewomon > Ophanimon
    Veemon > ExVeemon > Magnamon > Magnamon X
    Hawkmon > Aquilamon > Hippogriffomon > Griffomon
    Armadillomon > Ankylomon > Doedicurumon > Plesiomon
    Wormmon > Stingmon > JewelBeemon > BloomLordmon
    Terriermon > Gargomon > Rapidmon > Rapidmon X
    Lopmon > Turuiemon > Antylamon > Diablomon
    • Seraphimon and Ophanimon can also briefly become their "Beast Equivalents", as the other Celestial Digimon refer to their alternate Mega Level forms Goddramon and Magnadramon respectively. They basically serve as remnants of their lower form's bestial instincts and also are the primary reason why they can Armor Digivolve as well; Goddramon and Magnadramon were both Apex Digimon among the Ancient Species to exist, rivaled only by the likes of Imperialdramon.
  • Age Lift: Very Downplayed compared to other works by MF217, to the point it's arguably not actually in effect. Regardless, the given ages of the characters are as follows, all of which apply as of the very beginning of Diary of an Analog.
    Joe: 16
    Tai, Matt, Sora: 14
    Izzy, Mimi: 13
    Yolei, Willis: 12
    T.K., Kari, Davis, Ken: 11
    Cody: 9
  • Composite Character:
    • It'd be easier to list which characters don't have aspects of their abilities lifted straight from the video games in the franchise. So far nobody can even be listed thus far because that's just how immensely everyone has aspects from the video games placed into their track records.
  • Dub Name Change: The English Dub terminology is used rather extensively all throughout the fic, to the point that the events of the Dub even are actually considered canon to this particular take on the story as opposed to the original. Even then, there are exceptions (Omegamon), or sometimes mixtures of the Japanese and Dub terminology (BelialMyotismon).
  • No Periods, Period: Averted for every. single. female lead. Brutally, at that, considering Sora's first period causes a lot of drama both for herself and others since it occurs around the same time as the events of Our War Game.
  • O.C. Stand-in:
    • Doedicurumon for Ankylomon's Ultimate Level serving as an intermediate between Ankylomon and Plesiomon.
    • Magnamon is given a second design to function as an Ultimate Level similar to how Rapidmon canonically has an Ultimate Level design as well. However, whereas the common fandom idea regarding such a design had otherwise depicted Magnamon as being blue, this specific version is colored after Imperialdramon to stand out more.
  • Out of Focus: Davis, Yolei, and Cody, deliberately so early on at the very least. Ken only gets a tiny bit more focus considering his role as the Digimon Emperor, but even then he's not referred to by his actual name.
  • Palette Swap: It is intended for Magnamon as an Ultimate Level to be similar in color to Imperialdramon as opposed to being gold, and Rapidmon as an Ultimate is the same exact green palette used by the official Rapidmon Ultimate. However, true to their respective forms, the X-Antibody Mega Level forms they take have them regain their Golden Super Mode status, but their newfound Ultimate Level forms prior will never see the same glory as their original golden forms did. Also, like Rapidmon, Magnamon's Crest of Miracles is no longer displayed on its body in this Ultimate Level form, instead having the same crystal that Rapidmon has.
  • Viewers Are Geniuses: Much like in Digimon World 3 regarding Kotemon, Koemon, and Bearmon, Wormmon's Digivolution Route favors impalement weaponry regarding its primary attack, which as it Digivolves further, it gains increasingly stronger weaponry favoring this fighting style, much like how Kotemon (swordsman), Koemon (gunner), and Bearmon (brawler) had their respective Digivolutions designed with advancing their fighting styles in mind over looking more like the types of creatures they start off as.

    Protagonists (Canon) 


  • Abled in the Adaptation:
    • Patamon and Gatomon do not have any handicaps from the backstory specifically for 02, as the plot point regarding the Crests ended with the revelation that the original cast always had the power to digivolve to Ultimate onward inside of them and outgrew the need for the Crests. Meanwhile, Gatomon doesn't even lose her Holy Ring this time, meaning she's still on par with a Champion Level here. Likewise, while nowhere near as noticeable with Gatomon, Patamon, as well as everyone else from the original cast gain the ability to skip Champion Level altogether and go straight into Ultimate Level. Even Agumon and Gabumon, who normally go straight to Mega Level, gained this ability as well, including being able to go directly into Mega Level from Ultimate Level.
    • The tie-in, NSFW one-shot Away from Innocent Eyes, showcases just a few months before Diary of an Analog begins, it is true that everyone in the cast could maintain their final-most forms, either as Mega Level in the case of Agumon and Gabumon, or Ultimate Level in regards to everyone else. With Agumon and Gabumon, there's more to it than this, though; they don't appear in the flesh as Mega Level in this one-shot, but they do appear as MetalGreymon Alterous Mode and WereGarurumon Sagittarius Mode, which based on their wording regarding them getting used to these newfound equipment they've only just recently acquired these forms.
  • Adaptation Name Change: Whereas the nicknames of the older cast were just that, there wasn't much explanation behind the nicknames for the 02 cast. Within this particular context, however, each of the three earned their nicknames from trips to America in which interaction with the locals caused them to adopt these nicknames they got from them. Yolei seems to take the most interest in this more than any of the three.
  • Foregone Conclusion: The species of Mega Level that the veteran partners become is already set in stone long before they achieve the forms proper. WarGreymon and MetalGarurumon are the most obvious since they're both already fully cultivated. Everyone else? Phoenixmon, HerculesKabuterimon, Rosemon, Vikemon, Seraphimon, and Ophanidramon. However, as far as the 02 kids are concerned? Magnamon X, Valkyrimon, Plesiomon, and BloomLordmon.
  • Fusion Dance: Averted for the 02 kids, but Played Straight with WarGreymon and MetalGarurumon into Omegamon. The 02 kids have standalone Ultimate Level forms for their partners, as well as Mega Level forms, whereas Omegamon is present but initially incapable of being willfully invoked.
  • The Mentor: Tai, Izzy, and Matt, who have dubbed the three of themselves as the inner circle of the 1999 DigiDestined. Justified as to why, considering the three of them alongside T.K. were vital to dealing with the Diablomon crisis in 2000. The three are all a case of Fire-Forged Friends, as while Matt may have had his disagreements with the two and still sort of does, he respects them above all else, and views them as nothing short of True Companions after what they had been through.
  • Multiform Balance: Patamon and Gatomon have bestial Mega Level forms known as Goddramon and Magnadramon. They are much better suited to close quarters combat than their humanoid Mega Level forms, which Seraphimon specializes in long distance attacking with powerful spells, and Ophanimon is not physically inept, but favors magic based attacks and healing abilities. Basically Patamon changes his fighting style altogether between forms, whereas Gatomon pretty much goes through a complete class change between forms.
  • Oblivious to Love: The younger DigiDestined are prone to this for the first several chapters because puberty doesn't take hold of any of them just yet. Averted with the senior DigiDestined, such as Matt and Sora, who are an Official Couple.

Takaishi "T.K." Takeru

  • Berserk Button: He doesn't like seeing his own Crest of Hope being used on the decor of enemy Digimon, because he feels personally insulted by it because he believes antagonist Digimon being adorned with it are Ungrateful Bastards for when he played the biggest role in defeating Piedmon because of his Crest of Hope activating at his most defining Determinator moment ever.
  • Determinator: He's the personification of the Crest of Hope, even if he no longer has the physical crest itself.
  • Erotic Dream:
    • Implied to have these in the prologue of the fic, in which T.K. describes numerous weird dreams he has with dreams like these being heavily implied to occur as well.
    • Played for Drama with a very specific Erotic Dream he has at times. Every now and then, T.K. dreams of him walking down the street towards and back from school, in the middle of the night, and constantly finding himself meeting a strange, adult woman with blonde hair who would try and approach him and lure him in without saying a word. Once T.K. was close enough, she would showcase vampire fangs to where she'll become forceful with grabbing T.K. and attempting to feed off of his blood, all the while the woman's hands can't be stopped from touching him in places that make him feel unclean.
  • First Person Snarker: He's a lot less subtle about it when compared to Grandis from the overall Series Fic proper, considering T.K. being a narrator in the fic is a fact quickly revealed to the reader in the very prologue itself. It's not exactly hard for T.K. to go into a freak out regarding a given situation depending on how hurt a situation causes him to become, which leads to him being thrown severely out of the loop in terms of context, or if his personal collection of berserk buttons are pressed to make him uncharacteristically become snappier than normal in his narration.
  • Hidden Depths:
    • He apparently has some form of resentment towards someone, but to who and to what degree, nobody knows. ShadowSeraphimon is so far the only clue as to the fact he holds such a grudge against someone in particular. It apparently goes deeper, as it apparently is part of the reason his narration reacted in the way he did against seeing Knightmon first as an enemy Digimon, branded with the Crest of Hope on their shields.
  • Oblivious to Love: Initially, at least; puberty hasn't taken effect on him just yet.
  • O.O.C. Is Serious Business: His confrontation with Darkdramon has him behaving significantly darker in tone compared to how he normally is, flat out intending to kill Darkdramon using a Dark Digivolved ShadowSeraphimon, because Darkdramon is a spiteful bastard. Even with this in mind, though, he actually holds back, as he and ShadowSeraphimon don't wind up making Darkdramon suffer in his death in spite of how much of an Asshole Victim he is.
  • Unreliable Narrator: To the point some chapters have entire sections without his otherwise standard first person narration because of him either being knocked out, or just having to watch things unfold as the POV switches to a standard third person view.


  • A Taste of Power: He temporarily gains access to Seraphimon just once early because he's being scouted to succeed the Celestial Digimon Seraphimon himself. Downplayed in a sense that it won't be for much longer he gains access to Mega Level, though eliminating those Dark Towers that Ken constructs will be the most crucial step for him to be able to do so.
  • Dark Is Not Evil: ShadowSeraphimon is surprisingly in control of himself despite being a Dark Digivolution, and T.K. is fully aware of this fact. Then again, not that surprising considering T.K. literally two chapters ago was discussing this trope overall in regards to the true nature of Dark Digivolutions, as to whether under any other context aside from the initial SkullGreymon example could they be used in a situation that doesn't cause anyone harm in the process.
  • Dramatic Unmask: Angemon-species tend to hide their faces because of the fact their true faces underneath their helmets are meant to showcase an intense intimacy within them towards another individual. It's also a case of O.O.C. Is Serious Business as well, and it differs on the individual as to why they would ever remove their helmet. Everyone is oblivious curious as to why Angemon's face is hidden so often. When T.K. asks Angemon for advice as to his budding feelings for Kari becoming more apparent, he is actually able to see what Angemon looks like unmasked for the first time, because Angemon realizes that, in a platonic sense, his bond with T.K. at this point couldn't be any stronger than now, considering Angemon has also began to develop feelings for Angewomon.
  • Dub Name Change: "Shadow Starburst" doesn't refer to "Testament" like it did in Frontier, but instead references Seraphimon's "Hallowed Ascension" move. Justified in the fact as to how Shadow Starburst was used in Frontier was anything but how Testament is described as being in all other occasions.
    • ShadowSeraphimon itself uses the Dub name over it's original Japanese name of BlackSeraphimon due to, as elaborated on by MF217 in the author's note of Chapter 18, is completely a case of Non-Indicative Name since absolutely none of ShadowSeraphimon is actually black.
  • Ontological Inertia: His Gate of Destiny remains summoned until he orders it to cease, which is important during his battle against Darkdramon. Even when he becomes ShadowSeraphimon, and the Gate of Destiny is now trying to suck him in instead, and Darkdramon intends to push him through his own mechanism. He doesn't realize, however, that not only is ShadowSeraphimon still able to control it, but even though it's acting against him, he exploits it because it's Light energy allows him to use one of the techniques of his normal Seraphimon form, which pretty much seals Darkdramon's fate.
  • Power at a Price: ShadowSeraphimon's presence will cause automated mechanisms such as the Gate of Destiny or other Light based technology to turn against him and try and harm him, due to perceiving him as a threat bordering just shy from the Demon Lord Daemon. Not only that, but Darkness based automated defensive systems don't side with him either; they see him as the opposite extreme as one step away from a proper Seraphimon. In short, he neither has the advantages of his usual Attribute and Alignments nor does he have the benefits of an actual Virus or Nightmare Soldiers Digimon. He does, however, unquestionably have the power of a Mega Level with no other strings attached, aside from the fact the only real reason he even has the ShadowSeraphimon form is due to a Secret Test of Character meant to test whether or not T.K. and Patamon can understand that darkness is not actually a force exclusive to evil and that darkness is a powerful force, and that not just it, but Light itself, also requires a strong will and determination to be able to properly unleash upon any of their given enemies or use to help others around them.
  • Shout-Out: His Dark Digivolution into ShadowSeraphimon is a direct beat for beat recreation of Arata's transformation into Eater Adam from Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth.
  • Took a Level in Badass: He can now Warp Digivolve from Patamon directly to MagnaAngemon after having spent the two years after Our War Game training to become Mega Level. Also, out of all of the old guard, he trained the most of the bunch, to the point only Gatomon's training could remotely compare with his own.
  • Wham Shot:
    • When he Mega Digivolves against Darkdramon, he Dark Digivolves into ShadowSeraphimon, and he and T.K. roll with it, as ShadowSeraphimon proceeds to use an attack to transform Darkdramon into a Keychain only to promptly shatter him in his powerful grip.
      • To emphasize how important this is, using this attack causes BanchoLeomon to immediately arrive after the fight, and discover that Darkdramon having vomited up corpses of his victims wasn't just for displaying his sadism; he had actually vomited up his own Digicore on purpose because he outright wanted this situation to happen.

Yagami "Kari" Hikari

  • Adaptational Dumbass: Deconstruction: For the past three years and further she has relied on Tai so much that it's beginning to cause problems for her ability to make rational decisions without his presence. Tai admits that he needs to figure out how to help Kari outgrow the need to rely on him, but he fears if he does so, that'll technically still be him helping Kari on a subject she otherwise needs to learn on her own.
  • Adaptational Wimp: An issue she had briefly as a Compressed Vice in the canon 02 series was a crippling overreliance on her brother that only lasted for a single episode, despite the main source of the problem in said episode still showing up later. Here? She's already over reliant on Tai from the start, as shown by how she takes a backseat to fighting during the first few chapters and only intervenes herself when she's literally the only one with her Partner Digimon currently on the scene, as demonstrated with LoaderLiomon. Her encounter with Lady Sigma basically boiled down to having Angewomon cast a buff on WarGreymon alongside Seraphimon, in which since then she hasn't done anything directly herself, with Gatomon's encounter with Diablomon and a Unimon being mostly by herself with Patamon being rescued by her with the first bit. In fact, Gatomon actually appears to function as a fighter better without Kari backing her up.
  • Big Brother Worship: To the point it contributes to her Adaptational Dumbass by virtue of, for a while, being incapable of making smart decisions on her own with the absence of Tai present nearby to guide her. Dagomon manipulates her into believing she will never outgrow her need for her brother's support, considering Kari is still an ailing girl who'll never survive without her family nearby. Eventually she realizes that gaining the ability to become independent from her brother is what'll ultimately allow her to have Gatomon achieve Mega Level.


  • Abled in the Adaptation: She only loses her Holy Ring for about the span of a minute. In Chapter 11.5, she battles a Unimon with a Control Ring on it. Unimon ambushes her and manages to knock her Holy Ring off, but the Holy Ring's own power caused a case of Holy Burns Evil and caused Unimon to avoid touching it. As a direct result, Gatomon was able to pounce on Unimon using her inner SaberLeomon data, and even use SaberLeomon's Howling Crusher move to destroy the Control Ring on Unimon. After Unimon is freed and it leaves, Gatomon simply takes her Holy Ring back and puts it back on her tail, this time tightening it's grip on her tail in the process so that it doesn't fall off again.
  • Adaptational Badass: The trade-off to Kari's Adaptational Wimp is that Gatomon can fight on her own surprisingly well, which is something that can't really be said for most of the other partners with the sole exception so far mostly being Patamon, though Gatomon manages to be the most independant of the bunch due to the Loophole Abuse caused by her default form already being Champion Level, and since all of the Partner Digimon can easily Digivolve one stage at a time without their respective DigiDestined this time around...
  • Chekhov's Boomerang: Kari's whistle from which she was given at the end of Adventure reappears for Diary of an Analog, which by comparison, canon 02 did not make any mention of it at all. It actually proves super vital to being able to snap other Digimon back to their senses in the midst of either brainwashing or experiencing a Dark Digivolution.
  • Aggressive Submissive: A G-Rated example with her Angewomon form regarding removing her helmet.
  • Dramatic Unmask: As Angewomon she prefers to keep her face hidden, considering she's heard only rumors about how Angel Digimon are in terms of showing their faces being an intimate act.
  • Male Gaze: It's acknowledged by the narrative that Angewomon's armor is kind of skimpy in how much it covers.
  • Ms. Fanservice: She's got the attention of several of her allies and even some of the Royal Knights, especially Dynasmon.
  • Overshadowed by Awesome: As Gatomon, she lost a fight against a Knightmon. However, Knightmon are very powerful Digimon in general, a Knightmon counters a Gatomon in terms of attributes by default, and Gatomon still fought well enough for the Knightmon to bring even more Knightmon. In short, this defeat does not diminish Gatomon's skills at all.
  • Take That!: To canon 02 regarding her Holy Ring being the cause of her Adaptational Wimp in said series, which here Gatomon loses her Holy Ring very briefly against Unimon, but taps into her inner SaberLeomon data stored in her claws to destroy the Dark Ring on and simply put her Holy Ring back on as if it was no big deal.

Motomiya "Davis" Daisuke

  • A Day in the Limelight: To serve as an Establishing Character Moment better for how he'll behave as a Hot-Blooded DigiDestined, his entire debut fight with Veemon Armor Digivolving to Flamedramon is this.
  • Mysterious Past: He claims to have some form of reoccurring memories of how reality is as a DigiDestined, to the point it's borderline second nature to him even though he's just started with what would otherwise be described as beginner's luck. He also seems to already know who Veemon is, identifying him as an old friend on their on-page meeting.


  • Adaptational Badass:
    • Flamedramon related example: He fights 100 Vermilimonnote  and comes out victorious without so much as breaking a sweat. Oh, and he sucker punches Crusadermon using a spare Vermilimon's body and diamond hard armor to knock her out with a blow to the back of her head.
    • Raidramon is actually a direct digivolution of Flamedramon, as opposed to coming from Veemon directly. Not that this is the first time in the franchise this has happened, as Raidramon was Flamedramon's Ultimate in Digimon World 2. Not only that, but Raidramon can fly outright in this rendition; something it flat out couldn't do originally.
  • Adaptational Wimp: Zig-zagged In-Universe: Magnamon is an Ultimate Level, but the downgrade from how he's depicted elsewhere in Citadel of the Heart is at least justified by Magnamon X being Mega Level in it's place. Although admittedly, it's not saying much when all of the Armor Digimon are classified as Ultimate Level in this fic. However, there is a weird issue with Magnamon altogether; he actually was Mega Level, and when he's first employed, he's a Golden Super Mode to Raidramon and thus can overwhelm a Mega Level like how Raidramon could Ultimate Level Digimon. It's only after having drained the DigiEgg of Miracles and subsequently cracking the Crest of Miracles that his downgrade to Ultimate Level like the rest of the Armor Digivolution applies, but even then, once he acquires the X-Antibody, it completely absorbs the Crest of Miracles in the process, repairs it, and then supercharges it, restoring Magnamon back to Mega Level, but only if employed as Magnamon X. Even then, without Digivolving from Raidramon, Magnamon's default power stays at Ultimate Level, as without the ability to become Raidramon anymore due to the Armor DigiEggs being destroyed, he has to make due with Digivolving from ExVeemon.
  • Not His Sled:
    • Magnamon becomes his Ultimate Level form, and the X-Antibody is used to X-Digivolve Magnamon from Ultimate Level to Mega Level. Imperialdramon has no association with this individual Veemon in the process.
    • In-Universe everyone also thought his Ultimate was going to be Raidramon, only for it to turn out to be Magnamon. He turned out different since, much like Willis and Terriermon, instead of the DigiEgg of Miracles being destroyed altogether, part of it revealed the Crest of Miracles within it, and thus Davis wears the Crest of Miracles around his neck from this point onward with his own Tag.

Inoue "Yolei" Miyako

  • The Nicknamer: She, Davis, and Cody earned their Dub names by a trip to America over the prior summer, in which they all took more American sounding names to make it easier for their new friends in America to refer to them as. Yolei, though, still insists on referring to the whole trio by said nicknames even when they're back in school in Odaiba.
  • Playful Hacker: Chapter 13 implies and showcases she can hack, most of which seen so far is mostly getting access to passwords that anyone else wouldn't be able to get a hold of.
  • Ship Tease:
    • She had all of one scene prior to Ken's reveal of being the Digimon Emperor that she has a crush on him, and even though she winds up married to him in the epilogue of 02, no further shipping moments between the two had occurred to explain how these two got together. In Diary of an Analog, Yolei and Ken are to have a lot more active Ship Tease than they did originally, especially considering they're far from the only individuals to have this apply to them, and that isn't even just referring to the only other confirmed canon couple of Matt and Sora.
      • Chapter 13 has a sleepy Ken sitting alone napping in the computer room of Odaiba Elementary, and Yolei is the first to sit next to him, rather eager to do so at that. She's attracted to him, as Cody puts it, but Cody doesn't understand why exactly that is the case.
    • Initially, when the two first interact with Ken as the Digimon Emperor, Ken tries to use her as a hostage, holding a knife to her throat even, to keep the other DigiDestined away from him, with Shurimon's intervention being what saves Yolei in the end. Later on, when Ken is exposed as the Digimon Emperor, Yolei kind of has a tendency to refuse to let Ken forget he pulled this stunt prior even when he's begging for mercy and shelter to evade the Analogs.


  • Adaptational Badass: Halsemon is an additional layer of Armor Digivolution applied to Shurimon, intensifying the power of the Armor Digivolution to be able to overwhelm even Ultimate Level Digimon. This would have normally applied to Shurimon instead, but Diary of an Analog made it so Shurimon was Hawkmon's first Armor Digivolution instead of Halsemon.
  • Canon Character All Along: When she's finally revealed to exist, Wormmmon frees her from her Dark Ring out of the orders that Ken no longer has a need for her, to which Wormmon ponders to himself whether she can revert back to her original form or not. The form she's currently in? Devidramon, the most reoccurring mount of the Digimon Emperor.
  • Deader than Dead: The other Armor DigiEggs are destroyed later by Kimeramon, but in Halsemon's case, she isn't coming back because of Darkdramon being what destroys this particular Armor Digi Egg first. Kimeramon had at least left small fragments of the Armor DigiEggs intact by mistake; Darkdramon did not pull any punches with making absolutely certain that the DigiEgg of Love was gone forever.
  • Gender Flip: Female... at least, she claims, anyways. Even she isn't so sure of where she stands on this subject. She's actually androgynous, meaning she has no actual gender; this revelation is something she's in severe denial of because of past abuse from the Analogs.
  • Not His Sled:
    • Silphymon is no longer her Ultimate Level as DNA Digivolution never comes into play with the New DigiDestined.
    • Unlike Armadillomon, though, her Ultimate Level is the canon Digimon Hippogriffomon.
  • Out of Focus: As of Chapter 19, Veemon has appeared physically and has already established Armor Digivolution as Flamedramon in a 100 vs 1 melee. Armadillomon has not directly been alluded to as anything other than his Mega Level form being trapped in a parallel world, and Hawkmon thus far has had no foreshadowing at all.
  • Pragmatic Adaptation: Considering Armadillomon will be making his debut very late, Halsemon and Shurimon's order of obtainment compared to canon are flipped so that Hawkmon can fill in what would've been Digmon's combat role with having access to Shurimon early.
  • Ship Tease: Defied with Wormmon. Neither of the two develop an attraction to each other in a romantic sense.
  • Wham Shot:
    • Gets severely wounded by Darkdramon in her debut as Halsemon, in which she manages to singlehandedly win the battle that day up until then... only for Darkdramon to shoot her in the back, forcefully Load all of Halsemon's Data into himself, and then for extra measure, outright taking the DigiEgg of Love from Yolei by force and absolutely destroying it with Dark Prominence.
    • When it's finally revealed where in the story she's been, she's revealed to be one of the Digimon Emperor's own captive Digimon, and has been Dark Digivolved into a Devidramon for quite some time. Wormmon frees her after the Digimon Emperor deems her useless, but also to test a theory of his, and Devidramon flees the vicinity and looks for a way to revert herself back to Hawkmon.

Hida "Cody" Iori

  • Adaptational Backstory Change: In the original 02, he was on the very plane Garudamon saves at the very end of the Myotismon arc in Adventure in which as to how he witnessed a Digimon's existence. While this still did happen as intended, Cody also was in a hospital that was within firing range of Parrotmon from when his predecessors all each witnessed a Digimon on their own with the Parrotmon incident proper. In other words, Cody feels like he owes them his life because of having been inadvertently rescued by them twice in two separate occasions.
  • Foreshadowing:
    • Out of the three 2002 DigiDestined between him, Davis, and Yolei, he has the most interaction with T.K. in the first 20 chapters of the fic thus far. While ultimately this does not lead to referencing a development for Shakkoumon, it does however establish a close connection between the two of them is ultimately how Cody winds up finding his partner Armadillomon in the first place.
    • It's later revealed one can only enter the World without Hope so long as their own Digimon is also present there with them. The fact Cody arrived along with T.K. and Patamon the first visit isn't an error; Armadillomon is already destined to be Cody's partner and is actually present somewhere in the World without Hope. Cody also eyes a painting of the Loch Ness Monster while in the castle within what used to be Scotland where Pidmon is stationed, and subsequently it is revealed that Armadillomon had long achieved Mega Level as Plesiomon, and is currently still in said form.
  • Hidden Depths: He's very quick to get onto a PC and put on headphones, described as being almost like it were second nature to him.
  • The Quiet One: He's not as outspoken in real life if he can afford to keep it that way. In Chapter 13 in the computer room at Odaiba, he's significantly chattier on a keyboard than he is via voice.


  • Adaptational Badass: Armadillomon's reason for debuting so late is because he originates from the World without Hope, and is actually a Mega Level from the start as Plesiomon. Severe damage he's sustained from Parallelmon ultimately has him De-Digivolve to Rookie Level for quite some time, though, and unlike Veemon and Hawkmon, he De-Digivolves to Upamon whenever he's in the real world much like in canon.
  • Eyes Do Not Belong There: As Doedicurumon, his eyes are located within a transparent dome where his skull is, and are actually perpetually directly pointed straight up. Those "eyes" that appear to be on his face are actually headlights that are meant to fool people.
  • Making a Splash: Armadillomon loves water, can swim surprisingly well, and is well suited to holding his breath for a long time underwater. Is it any wonder this time around his Digivolution Line are all Deep Savers related Digimon?
  • Mix-and-Match Critters: Doedicurumon has the primary animal basis being the prehistoric Doedicurus, which is effectively a mammalian version of Ankylosaurus. His head and eyes are modeled after a Barreleye Fish, with his overall body being akin to some form of fictional submarine, complete with the ability to carry multiple people within his armored back.
  • Not His Sled:
    • Shakkoumon is no longer his Ultimate Level as DNA Digivolution never comes into play with the New DigiDestined.
    • He and Gomamon have their Mega Levels from the WonderSwan games flipped, with Armadillomon becoming Plesiomon and Gomamon becoming Vikemon.
    • An O.C. Stand-in species serves as Armadillomon's Ultimate Level to serve as an intermediate between Ankylomon and Plesiomon. It was revealed on March 27, 2021, and is called Doedicurumon.


  • Bunnies for Cuteness: He has a fondness for cute animals, which seems to be why he's partnered with Terriermon, even though Terriermon is best known later in it's line as being more of a canine. Played straight with his later known partner Digimon Lopmon, though, which actually is based on a rabbit.
  • Canon Foreigner: Debatably, considering his Non-Serial Movie has been implied several times to be canon after all. However, in spite of that, he's a major character to be introduced later in Diary of an Analog, whereas in the actual 02 series proper he didn't show up in person outside of the Hurricane Touchdown OVA.
  • The Cracker: As his attempt to create a second partner Digimon ultimately succeeded with the reformatted Diablomon, and how his formula for the nature of Digicores effectively unlocked all of the potential of the remainder of the Digital World for good and bad, his hacking skills are unequaled by virtually everyone across the net. Even the Analogs uncharacteristically fear him because they not only have no reliable counter to his most prized creation Lopmon, but they also have too much of an admiration to his Mega Level Diablomon to do anything about it.
  • Out of Focus: He lives in America from which the story overall takes place in Japan. Kind of goes without saying that despite getting equal billing with Davis in regards to the type of partner Digimon he has, he's Out of Focus when it comes to scenes of him in the real world.
  • Walking Spoiler

Terriermon and Lopmon

  • Unrelated in the Adaptation: Both Digimon came from the same Digitama in the original, both in the Japanese version and the Dub. In Diary of an Analog, with Lopmon being retconned to actually be a purified Diablomon, this results in Terriermon being a lone offspring of a single Digitama with Lopmon not appearing until many years later.


  • Later-Installment Weirdness: Terriermon is referred to as a canine based Digimon even in spite of MegaGargomon not being associated with him this time, considering his Ultimate and Mega are Rapidmon Armor and Rapidmon Armor X.
  • Loophole Abuse: The DigiEgg of Destiny is what allows him to achieve Ultimate Level and by extension Mega Level, considering Terriermon actually lacks the proper training to become Ultimate Level naturally, since as an "Old World" Digitama, he's only guaranteed the capacity to become Champion Level without much training prior.


  • Adaptation Origin Connection: Willis created an artificial DigiEgg sometime in the late 90s, but he failed to ensure his computer was designed to stand a chance against the Y2K Bug, and thus while his PC was still on in the middle of night, the data was forcefully scanned by a malfunctioning Yggdrasil, who initially creates Kuramon through the now hatching DigiEgg. After Digivolving all the way to Mega and being destroyed as Diablomon, he's reborn a second time as a more abarrant Diablomon, before MagnaAngemon and Angewomon confront him from which Diablomon absorbs data from both light and darkness, and reverts to his originally intended form of Lopmon. Also, it's worth noting that despite having Wendigomon and Antylamon as his intermediate forms, he keeps the Diablomon form as his Mega Level form.
  • Adaptational Badass/Adaptational Wimp:
    • As of right now it's too soon to tell, considering he's recovering from a lot of fatigue regarding struggling to adapt to natural gravity, having been pinned down by MagnaAngemon and Angewomon, and while he successfully fixed his own bugged coding by absorbing both Light and Darkness energy, it had an unusual effect of reducing him to Lopmon with an absolutely skittish personality.
  • Adaptational Abomination: It defies the natural order of all Digimon that ever existed in the Adventure continuity, and yet somehow is a functioning being in it's own right.
  • Adaptational Context Change: "Go back", the line he speaks frequently in the Dub as Wendigomon, is in reference to wanting to go back to how he used to be, asking for a Mercy Kill from the protagonists. Here, the "go back" line refers to his desire to reunite with Willis after he is finally a stabilized Digimon and wants to meet his DigiDestined partner at long last; the problem is that he doesn't know the directions to get from point A to B with Japan and Colorado, and he ain't the sharpest tool in the shed about how he handles things too.
  • Body Horror: Depending on which form he's in, he'll manifest his Diablomon-species equivalent of that Digivolution Level from his body as unnatural extensions of the Antylamon line proper.
  • Dark Is Not Evil: As the result of being a Diablomon who willingly converted to the light and became Lopmon, he has perfect control over his new line's dark half due to having originally been an entity who was affiliated with neither at first.
  • Easily Forgiven: Invoked simply so that nobody risks him becoming Diablomon again almost immediately after reforming. Borders into Deconstruction considering how much of a ticking time bomb Lopmon is in terms of raw unbridled power and child-like mental capacity it has.
  • Heel–Face Turn: How his true rebirth has him come into existence.
  • Olympus Mons: The first born Digitama capable of achieving Mega Level at an alarming rate, which even when reborn into Lopmon he demonstrates this as an utter cakewalk for him compared to everyone else.
  • Parody Sue: Not that nobody takes it seriously, but it's the fact everyone fears it outright the moment they realize what this thing is capable of. This is what you'd get with Lopmon being a reformed Diablomon.
  • Related in the Adaptation: He was born much later than Terriermon was, and actually was first born as Diablomon. When the Digimon Emperor was attempting to extract Diablomon's dispersed data, he was stopped by MagnaAngemon and Angewomon, who thwarted said plan once they listen to Diablomon's genuine desire to reform and thus becoming Lopmon on his own will to break the holy chains on him.
  • Story-Breaker Power: Perhaps the most powerful of the Digimon protagonists in this whole fic. The real problem is that his rather childish mentality and the risks of him going into a Power High are too great to just casually have him be the answer to everyone's problems.
  • Walking Spoiler: Just about everything in the spoiler tags for Lopmon has to do with the fact he is simultaneously Unrelated in the Adaptation with Terriermon and Related in the Adaptation with Diablomon.
  • Wham Line: When he manifests in the human world as Diablomon, Tentomon is accompanying him and asking him what exactly happened on the way through. Diablomon speaks, revealing that something has irreversibly damaged the barrier between the two worlds, which is what is allowing Mega Level Digimon to just waltz from one world to the other without any issue, as he himself just demonstrated as his own Mega Level form.
  • With Great Power Comes Great Insanity: The amount of times Lopmon experiences a form of nasty Power High just by going into Ultimate Level alone yet alone the times he experiences it as a Mega Level is more than enough to have everyone discouraged from asking for Lopmon's help in something, or for that matter even allowing him to help at all.
  • Wrong Context Magic: A Digimon of this magnitude was never intended to exist, ever, and yet it ultimately does.

Yagami "Tai" Taichi

  • Big Brother Instinct: Perhaps too much so with Kari, considering Matt genuinely feels that Tai is being too protective of her to the point that Kari lacks any proper degree of independence to be able to fend for herself. Tai admits that the biggest reason that he doesn't agree with Matt's choice to have Kari be the leader is that T.K. has been in the Digital World and experienced things harsher than Kari ever did, especially considering Matt of all people should know this considering what T.K. had to deal with being near completely reliant on everyone else for a long while after the defeat of Devimon, and yet in spite of all of that, T.K. has more independence from Matt because of his own efforts to train Patamon to achieve Mega Level being more or less a solo training effort compared to everyone else who didn't achieve Mega Level yet.


  • Composite Character: Much like in an earlier fic made by MF217, he is a composite character of the Agumon from the pilot and the Agumon from the main series proper. However, something to note was that this decision was made before tri. revealed that this was indeed canonically the case the entire time. That said, Agumon does inherit a lot of traits of his Digimon Adventure: (2020) incarnation, such as having Alterous Mode and an eventually shown Dark Digivolution into Machinedramon, though the latter works differently here than it did in the 2020 anime series.
  • O.O.C. Is Serious Business: Ever since Sealsdramon massacred Sora's mother's side of her family, Agumon has been consistently observed to Warp Digivolve all on his own to WarGreymon and immediately attempt to butcher Sealsdramon and his Digivolutions with his Dramon Destroyers. He's more than willing to go full power against his subordinate Commandramon; Rookie Level Dramon-species Digimon, and ruthlessly slaughter them all on sight.

Ishida "Matt" Yamato

  • Big Brother Instinct: He may be not as heavily leaning towards this as he was before, considering he wants T.K. to become independent of him, but Matt still comes to the rescue every now and then should he have no other choice but to intervene.
  • Brooding Boy, Gentle Girl: With Sora, although sometimes their roles in their relationship can overlap, with Matt often being very delicate to Sora when she needs him to be.
  • Friend to All Living Things: He actually doesn't have much of an issue accepting the new kids into the group, considering Lady Sigma kind of forced the three into action proper, and that as they've already witnessed Digimon in the real world, it was only a matter of time before all three got a digivice of their own.]]
  • Mr. Fanservice: His often cited a lot for his good looks even among his friends. Due to this he's often mistaken for being older than he actually is, to the point he's tricked older women into being charmed by him so he can get any information out of them as he can.
  • Refuge in Audacity: Flat out kills the herald of the Analogs with MetalGarurumon when he offers Matt a chance to join them in exchange for his friends safety, only for Matt to have learned from past mistakes in this regard and opting to continue to side with his friends. Matt's undying loyalty to his friends is what allowed him to eventually reveal that he has WereGarurumon Sagittarius Mode as an alternate option for combat.
  • Skewed Priorities: He believes his falling out with the group due to Cherrymon's manipulations to be absolutely stupid, in his words, considering the Dark Masters still had 3 members left at the time, and Piedmon turned out to be everything he hated about Myotismon and then some in hindsight. So, naturally, when someone attempts to persuade Matt to side against his friends for their own purpose? Matt doesn't even entertain the idea, and immediately has Gabumon Warp Digivolve to MetalGarurumon to kill them flat out.
  • Took a Level in Cynic: His teenager self took on the whole brooding loner is kind of emphasized more than in the original 02 series.
  • Undying Loyalty: When the Analogs threatened his friends and offered him to join them in exchange for their safety, Matt doesn't buy it because he's been through this song and dance before and immediately sends the messenger to hell with MetalGarurumon freezing them to death in a single blow. Matt admits what he and Gabumon did in the moment was potentially threatening to everyone, but as the Analogs did not opt to respond to said threat from Matt, he thinks he's gotten the point across.

Takenouchi Sora

  • All Periods Are PMS: Defied, as most of the characters who spoke with her during her first period were for the most part only able to notice her irritability and some of her angst, but when she describes the events in detail to Mimi when asking for advice? She recounts a lot of other effects she believes were a lot worse to the point she feels the irritability factor with others who saw her during that time was the most tame bit of the whole ordeal. Other symptoms she had experienced then for those curious included slight fatigue, conflicting sense of direction and thought, tiredness, and as Sora herself admitted solely to Mimi and Matt at different instances, tender breasts. She heavily implies the tender breasts bit on occasion since during her other periods she notes that's one of the more reoccurring symptoms, and considering her breasts do indeed grow quite a bit during the skip between Adventure and Diary of an Analog...
  • Better as Friends: The emotional fallout of her failed attempt at a relationship with Tai caused her to inadvertedly neglect to help out during the Diablomon incident where she claims that she could've easily rounded everyone up to help, but her fatigue from the fallout with Tai prevented her and she felt like she was being super petty about it. After a further incident with Sealsdramon, Sora is finally given a breather and Tai visits her and the two manage to reconcile to the point they realize they're better as friends above all else. A year later, Tai even helps Sora with encouragement when Sora has an interest in dating Matt.
  • Brooding Boy, Gentle Girl: She very much is a sweetheart to Matt, although Matt isn't entirely brooding when he's just as sweet to Sora to ensure she always has a shoulder to cry on.
  • Hidden Depths: She can apparently play a piano quite well, regardless of what type of piano it is in particular, which is a skill she developed independently from Matt's singer interests with the beginning of their teenage years. Matt encourages her to play a solo performance with her piano skills to see how well she does on her own as a musician, as prior to this she's done some minor work for the Teenage Wolves as a backup pianist.
  • Menstrual Menace: Sora personally believes this to be the case considering her first period occurred during the Diablomon crisis, but even the likes of Tai highly question it's seriousness considering everyone else believes that Sora is bringing herself down by making it out to be far worse than it actually was, considering, as Mimi puts it, it was nothing short of highly coincidental bad timing.
  • No Periods, Period: A lot of trouble during the Diablomon incident could've been avoided had her falling out with Taichi not happened while she was in the middle of a period.
  • Surprisingly Realistic Outcome: Her attempt to retire and live up to her status as an heir to her mother would've been fine... had it not been for the fact this isn't our real world this is taking place in, so much so as opposed to this being her's; the same real world which had a nuclear strike narrowly averted because of a rampaging Mega Level, and previously was given a full scale invasion of Japan by a literal Vampire Demon Digimon, auroras in the sky constantly trying to connect the two worlds, and most importantly of all, a reoccurring enemy of former DigiDestined who absolutely refuses to let any of them retire and live to tell about it.
  • 10-Minute Retirement: She tried to retire from being a DigiDestined out of shame from being unable to help during the Diablomon incident. Too bad Sealsdramon wasn't willing to allow her to live if she kept her word on it, as Sealsdramon kills every single relative of hers out of pure spite, leading to Sora taking the mantle back up after she just barely survives his wrath.
  • Tomboy: She stays this way and doesn't wind up taking up feminine traits like she does in the canon 02 series. Her eventually living with Matt and his father due to her relatives being murdered by Sealsdramon in cold blood only caused her to take on more responsible traits in regards to being more feminine, considering she's often the one cleaning up after the messes that Matt's father winds up causing with the apartment... and often having Matt be kind of a errand boy for her at times, though she admits she's often too harsh on him by accident, but Matt on the other hand seems to care less as he likes Sora's bossier attitude.


  • My Greatest Failure: The driving force of what leads her to Digivolve to Phoenixmon is her guilt in her inability to save Toshiko from Tankdramon, of which she tries to reassure Tentomon that he doesn't deserve the blame he's giving himself since Tentomon actually did more to fight than she did.
  • Suddenly Voiced: In the canon series, Birdramon didn't speak much outside of calling her attacks, but in Chapter 22 of Diary of an Analog, she has two lines of non-combat related dialogue, which was a rarity for her even in canon.

Izumi "Izzy" Koushirou

  • Foreshadowing: Chapter 17 reveals information regarding a Noodle Incident between him and Tentomon that isn't quite clear, but was apparently an experiment of some sorts. Turns out Izzy was attempting to use the same method of how he got Tentomon to Digivolve to Kabuterimon for the first time to achieve Mega Level with him. Tentomon wasn't able to handle the power so suddenly and Dark Digivolved to TyrantKabuterimon and went completely ballistic until he completely exhausted himself of his energy.
  • True Sight: Not really, but his intelligence gives him more than enough of an ability to observe individual character quirks and render even the most significantly different of appearances of other characters trying to hide into nothing more than a Paper-Thin Disguise from his point of view. He identifies Wizardmon as Dynasmon and Kashou as Velgrmon specifically because of recognizing a few of their character quirks alone.


  • My Greatest Failure: He was able to safely grab Matt, T.K., and Sora from harm from Tankdramon, but Tankdramon was quick enough to grab Toshiko, ultimately being who kills her in the end because of it. The ensuing fallout had Tentomon feel super guilty because of it, while Birdramon felt at fault for feeling like she only intensified Tentomon's feeling of helplessness, since she didn't even manage to contribute to that whole fight like how he did.
  • O.O.C. Is Serious Business: He's normally very spastic when terrified, but Duskmon has him so terrified that he's instead eerily calm and quiet about speaking how afraid he is.
  • Superpowered Evil Side: TyrantKabuterimon.
  • Unstoppable Force Meets Immovable Object: Spoofed in the tie-in Away from Innocent Eyes, as shown with Tentomon as MegaKabuterimon when training against Zudomon using his Horn Buster move on an incoming Vulcan's Hammer which strikes MegaKabuterimon's horn directly. Both are supercharged with more electricity than either of them can handle and are both anticlimactically sent flying backwards equally.
  • You Are Better Than You Think: Izzy tries to reassure him the most about a Noodle Incident in which he feels responsible for, but Tentomon is feeling like he's the main source of blame here, and not Izzy as he attempts to insist is entirely his fault for what happened.

Tachikawa Mimi

  • Out of Focus: She lives in American at the time the fic begins, so Mimi is absent because of her time zone differences from the other characters. She shares this in common with Willis as to why both of them are Out of Focus during the beginning of the fic.


  • A Day in the Limelight: While she only has a small role and a few lines, she actually appears in Away from Innocent Eyes whereas thus far she's been absent from the main story for now. The author, in the wake of the desire to make more Lighter and Softer tie-ins to Diary of an Analog, intends to do a Whole-Plot Reference of the episode in which ShogunGekomon was the main threat of the week, detailing the Retcon this take on Palmon has by having her go Ultimate Level for the first time significantly sooner than she did in canon otherwise.
  • Adaptational Badass: In the Retcon in her backstory from Adventure making her achieve Ultimate against ShogunGekomon, she doesn't go down as easily to Myotismon since she has more experience going Ultimate Level than she did when Myotismon struck her down in canon.
  • Adaptational Curves: Later-Installment Weirdness made it so that Lillymon is noticeably curvier than she was in Adventure overall. In Diary of an Analog, said curvier nature is present, but at least justified in that Lillymon had a bit of a growth spurt that caused her to overall grow taller than she was originally.
  • Curb Stomp Cushion: She didn't exactly attempt to put up a fight against Myotismon, but the fight between him and her differ from how it unfolded in canon. Due to having had Ultimate Level a tad sooner than before, she manages to use Flower Wreath on Myotismon, knowing full well she's otherwise outgunned and uses the attack solely to distract Myotismon for long enough that allows her and Mimi to escape with a few others and regroup. Even then Flower Wreath's usual effects are dispelled by Myotismon in less than a minute, so her window of opportunity is just barely long enough to allow her to escape.
  • Did You Just Flip Off Cthulhu?: While she does attain Ultimate Level sooner than in canon, she does differ only one real fight between her and another opponent in canon, in this case being her confrontation with Myotismon. With DarkTyrannomon being handled much quicker by Lillymon without breaking a sweat, Lillymon manages to use Flower Wreath on Myotismon, but even then she's aware with someone as evil as him it won't last for very long, so she mainly uses it to distract him long enough to bye her, Mimi, and the latter's parents time to escape and regroup with the others.
  • Hormone-Addled Teenager: Assuming Angewomon's words about how she talked about either of their assets prior to Away from Innocent Eyes, Angewomon doesn't appear to be the only female Digimon to be driven by human-esque lust...
  • Out of Focus:
    • Aside from the expanded material mentioned above and below, Palmon has not directly appeared as of Chapter 19. The reasons for this is the same reason why Mimi hasn't appeared yet; she's in America with Mimi.
  • Pint-Sized Powerhouse: She's the smallest of the Ultimate Level Digimon even after her growth spurt, considering MagnaAngemon and Angewomon also got a bit of a growth spurt happening to them as well, leading to both of the latter two being significantly taller than they were before.
  • Retcon: While most of the events of Adventure have remained intact even with the changed personalities and backstories of the past villains, Mimi's Crest of Sincerity actually activated during her encounter with ShogunGekomon, leading to Lillymon making her debut significantly earlier than she canonically did.
  • Took a Level in Badass: While not outright better overall in combat, Lillymon had grown a tiny bit, and is strong enough to carry Mimi on her back now, meaning she can more reliably attack midflight while carrying Mimi.

Kido Joe

  • Out of Focus: He's been directly mentioned by Gomamon, but he hasn't appeared on-page just yet. He's apparently working part-time at a hospital, and is who was helping tend to some injuries T.K. had sustained while confronting Lady Sigma.


  • Out of Focus: He's appeared directly on-page unlike Joe, but he's basically a nurse helping out at the hospital and informs Tai, Izzy, and Matt about T.K.'s condition and that closing time is near.


Ishida Hiroaki

Nancy "Natsuko" Takaishi

  • Adaptation Expansion: Her heritage and some other aspects of her characterization are given more of an in-depth exploration in Diary of an Analog. While this also applies to her ex-husband, considering the majority of the fic takes place from T.K.'s point of view, Nancy is given more focus out of the two as a direct result.
  • Ascended Extra: Beginning with the aftermath of the first encounter with Lady Sigma, she perhaps has the largest role of all of the parents of the main leads.
  • But Not Too Foreign: Her father is partially French, she was born in the United States, knows Willis' father as an old family friend, but all in all it's because of her own mother as to why she's better known in Japan above all else.

Worldwide DigiDestined

Catherine Deneuve

  • Adapted Out: Tai's crush on her is replaced with Davis having a bit of an attraction to her.
  • Ship Tease: She makes her debut at the same time as T.K. going through puberty and beginning to experience affection for others, and Catherine attracts his attention, especially when he meets her, in which she kisses him on the cheek as her greeting to him.

Individual Digimon: Adventure Holdovers


  • Adaptational Badass: Assuming MetalEtemon would ever be reborn, his Chrome Digizoid body would mean nothing at this point, as the reborn SaberLeomon now has more than enough physical strength to shred through Chrome Digizoid altogether.
  • Came Back Strong: His Digitama was partially reformatted when he was finally reborn in Primary Village, meaning achieving Mega Level at this point was no big deal for him. So much so in fact that by the time we see him again in the present, he's almost exclusively SaberLeomon for his given form.
  • O.O.C. Is Serious Business: He legitimately considers maiming Sealsdramon alongside his rival Ogremon because of how royally ticked off Sealsdramon has made both of them in their encounter in Chapter 20.


  • O.O.C. Is Serious Business: Even with Leomon back alive he's apparently not forgotten about their rivalry. That said, the moment Sealsdramon threatens Leomon with death, he doesn't even hesitate or say anything when he blasts him across the room with a single Pummel Whack as if it meant nothing, yet alone the sheer Enemy Mine he and Leomon pull to ensure nobody else dies in the restaurant. Datamon only died because he was out of the restaurant by that point, forcefully being dragged there by Sealsdramon.


  • Walking Spoiler: Considering he's been reborn into Dynasmon, it's no wonder most of his tropes apply more directly to Dynasmon than his initial Champion Level form.


  • Awakening the Sleeping Giant: Omegamon's initial appearance during Our War Game may very well by exactly why the Royal Knights have begun to appear prior to the present.
  • Foreshadowing: All of the actions of the Royal Knights thus far have indicated that they're desperate, and Omegamon is specifically not one of their current members, with Lady Sigma going out of her way to spare Agumon and Gabumon from lethal force with the implication she wants these two to take up the role of the Omegamon of the Royal Knights.
  • Mook Horror Show: In his second successful Combination, he appears just in time for a swarm of Machinedramon from the Back Dimension to have cornered Tai, Matt, and the younger DigiDestined. Omegamon, however, cannot apparently be properly tamed, so instead of providing salvation to the forcefully transformed Digimon into Machinedramon, Omegamon instead opts for wholesale slaughter against them.
  • Wrong Context Magic:
    • Unlike all of the other Digivolutions, Omegamon cannot be willfully invoked. Not only that, but Omegamon is still classified as a Mega Level of tenfold the strength of an ordinary Mega, as opposed to being classified as Ultra as seen in Later-Installment Weirdness.
    • Unlike other Digimon, who when gaining a new form, have to learn how to use it properly to fight well, Omegamon already has the combined battle experience of both of his components and even displays intelligence and skill not showcased by either of them individually.

    Protagonists (OC) 



  • Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: Any Digimon can and will be reborn in Jijimon's File City if they ever find their data dispersing here; Diablomon had apparently loaded fragments of every single Digimon from all across history, and when he died, all of that data went to File City, thus allowing the rebirths of Digimon who were otherwise still dead even at the end of Adventure, such as Devimon.
  • Stronger with Age: After he became Jijimon, he started off as Ultimate Level. Eventually, through aging and staying isolated in the Digital World alone, he ascended to Mega Level sometime long after the initial appearance of Machinedramon, who was the first Mega Level to officially exist in this timeline.


  • Foreshadowing: His trophy room has an oddly specific set of enemy Digimon imprisoned as trophies in his room, which hint more as to his Mysterious Past among the other Royal Knights. Anybody who can recognize them on their own will realize he's a Canon Character All Along in the form of a reborn Wizardmon with some of the species of Digimon turned into trophies here consisting of the most valuable trophy he has being that of Myotismon.
  • New Powers as the Plot Demands: Not only does Dynasmon show an increasingly high amount of new abilities being introduced more than anyone else, but this is also serving as additional Foreshadowing to his past identity as Wizardmon, from whom this trope also applied to extensively as well.
  • O.O.C. Is Serious Business: Either Undying Loyalty does not apply to this Dynasmon in particular, or he serves someone else entirely from whom he considers his "Lord". From all indications, it isn't Lady Sigma, but nobody knows of anyone else has any idea of whom he refers to as his "Lord".
  • Token Evil Teammate: The Royal Knights are evil like most adaptations, but Yggdrasil has nothing to do with this alignment this time around, and Lady Sigma (Alphamon) is a sociopathic individual who believes Dynasmon to be a villain among her own crew because of the fact he's far too soft for everyone's own good. Turns out there's a very good reason for that.
    • Token Heroic Orc: He's actually the Token Good Teammate to the Royal Knights, as he's much more reasonable with the DigiDestined's intentions, and when Lady Sigma is temporarily rendered out of commission in Chapter 7, he takes control of the Royal Knights and showcases greater concern with not just repairing Lady Sigma back to working order, but also to focus on increasing the castle's defenses to prepare for the impending onslaught from the D-Brigade and potentially the Analogs. As for the DigiDestined at this point? He effectively chewed out Ouryumon with wanting to order Duftmon to render them extinct, considering at this rate Dynasmon's concerns now that he's in charge means that all of the Royal Knights are to stay out of the DigiDestined's way and let each faction handle their own problems accordingly.
  • Shown Their Work: The author admits that anybody who has done their homework and knows which Digimon commonly become Dynasmon the most frequently will already know the twist of this particular Dynasmon long in advance. Specifically, this refers to the Ultimate Level Digimon Mistymon, who has the most citations on it becoming Dynasmon, who Mistymon in turn has the most citations for Wizardmon becoming it. This didn't happen in Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth if merely because Mistymon is flat out not in the game as a playable unit.
  • Something Only They Would Say: When Lady Sigma outs him as a traitor, he has a very oddly specific choice of words...

Tatsumi Kashou

  • Adaptational Angst Upgrade: She wasn't nearly as grumpy of an individual in her original incarnation, but here she's grumpy, but not in a way that makes her more of a Jerkass, instead owing itself to the nature of her daily life and the fact as a fatherless girl she's prone to being rather upset over the lack of a father figure in her life.
  • Artistic License – Law: Even if they were to crack down on her being below the legal age of getting a proper moped license, they can't, because her scooter is actually a disguised Behemoth and thus not only has a mind of it's own, but will flat out go on a rampage if Kashou and only Kashou can't keep it in check.
  • Age Lift: From 18+ to 12.
  • Ambiguous Situation: Duskmon's dialogue for those who can successfully decipher it is actually of him politely asking for Izzy's help even when he appears to initially abduct him. Exactly what Duskmon needs from him is unclear, but both Izzy and Tentomon vanished without a trace after Duskmon manifested partially in the room.
  • Be Careful What You Wish For: She created the personalities of Duskmon and Velgrmon in her mind to have a male influence in her life as a surrogate father figure. Her negative emotions caused the two to indeed gain minds of their own, but now wanted to be more open of who they were outside of her mind, and even molesting her to get their way to have her submit control over to them.
  • But Not Too Foreign: The only clue that exists as to the identity of her father in any capacity is that her mother was in Germany when she gave birth to Kashou, indicating that Kashou is half German in heritage.
  • Character Tics: Often forces herself to have a perpetually grumpy expression, even when it's clear she can most certainly emote other than that.
  • Child Prodigy:
    • She has learned to ride a scooter 6 years below the legal age for a license for one in Japan, and is now a 12 year old who has been riding one for 2 years now.
    • She only actually has to attend school for exams, since her job gives her leeway in being able to allow her to miss school on virtually every other occasion. Not only that, but her grades are consistently very high, so she's actually skipped a few grades.
  • Dark Is Not Evil:
    • Neither Duskmon nor Velgrmon are actually genuinely evil; they're only acting out of severe, unstable negative emotions from a 12 year old who is personifying them as adult male figures where her life lacks any such role models. They are acting in what they believe is her best interest, and once Kashou comes to terms with herself, they slowly fade back within Kashou and allow Löwemon to awaken within her.
    • To those who can decipher what Duskmon is saying in Chapter 17, Duskmon is actually politely asking Izzy for help and is only antagonistic regarding being a tad in a rush and also his terrifying appearance scaring the crap out of Tentomon.
  • Disappeared Dad: About the only thing she knows her father gave her was half of his genes. Nobody else even remotely has a clue who he is, with Kashou's mother sharing the same sentiment. Although, according to Kashou? Calling her biological father anything along the lines of an actual father figure would be a gross over exaggeration of his actual importance in her life, as in, only an unknown male who had impregnated her mom and was never seen again. Said perverted interpretation of her biological father wound up being heavily influencing her into creating the Duskmon personality in her mind.
  • Establishing Character Moment: Her highly flirtatious nature and emotional behavior overall points her as a very hormonally charged girl that has a more in your face means of flirting with Davis and seems to already be more than aware of what Digimon are, as evident but how her meeting Veemon and Veemon's own reaction not treating her debut like it was a big deal.
  • Fighting from the Inside: Duskmon and Velgrmon often try and fight for control of Kashou's body by forcefully having her Digivolve into either of them. They are both pretty much separate personalities from Kashou proper, which is more or less what Kashou actually wanted them to be in the first place.
  • Fille Fatale: Definitely very hormonally charged, since puberty has kind of hit her in full swing long before her own debut. She has apparently been sexually harassed by a Duskmon who she doesn't even seem to recognize is indeed real, and she believes is just a part of her mind as Duskmon is manipulating her into thinking, all as part of a plan to reclaim what he believes is his namesake of the Ancient Spirit of Darkness. Then it gets worse, when it's revealed she and Duskmon are the exact same individual and not a case of Literal Split Personality.
  • Foreshadowing:
    • She has seen a Digimon in the past and is a witness of the Diablomon fight from Our War Game. Her becoming a DigiDestined isn't just eventual, it's inevitable. Davis is also quick to notice that Kashou is carrying a Digivice as a belt buckle on her attire, but Kashou's Digimon is nowhere to be found.
    • Upon learning her scooter is actually a disguised Behemoth, it is believed her partner is none other than Beelzemon, which is precisely why Behemoth is willing to bow before Kashou but not to anyone else.
      • Later it turns out the real reason Behemoth is bowing to her has more to do with AncientSphinxmon and it's associated Spirit Digimon being sealed within her, and that Kashou is effectively a Rookie Level form for each of the Warriors of Darkness, meaning Behemoth simply deems Kashou worthy of taming it.
    • T.K. discusses the nature of Dark Digivolutions in his mind and wonders if they could be used as normal Digivolutions under other circumstances in the same chapter Kashou makes her debut in. Duskmon and Velgrmon are later revealed to not be traditional Dark Digivolutions, but rather normal Digimon with their own personalities deliberately created to act this way by the very person they're residing within, although the idea of both of them being influenced by negative emotions does come up with the fact Kashou does have angst regarding wanting to know who her father was and said angst carrying over into how she imagined said personality that created Duskmon within her.
    • She was a witness to Darkdramon destroying an entire city block in 2001, within her Velgrmon form. The next chapter showcases her in said form and exposing her identity to Izzy by a slip of character.
  • Free-Range Children: In terms of her introduction, she was on her way from a delivery closer to where she lives in Shinjuku, riding her scooter to cover the distance between there, and then heading over to Odaiba for another delivery once that's over, and meeting Davis in the process.
  • Gender Bender: Duskmon and Velgrmon are both males, but her other Spirit forms are females, as well as Kashou herself by default. AncientSphinxmon as it was in the ancient past was already a female entity.
  • Grade Skipper: She's attending 8th grade despite only being 12, and she's typically mistaken for a 6th grader because of her age. Anyone who sees how well she does on the few tests she's obligated to actually do, however, will know immediately why she's in 8th grade.
  • Gratuitous German: Duskmon initially speaks in German, which is mostly a reference to the fact all of the Darkness Spirits have German naming going on for them. Heck, Velgrmon's English spelled attacks are renamed to German translations of said attacks.
  • Humble Goal: She wants to expand from a mostly at home based business of cooking and delivering takeout to a more professional, larger scale takeout business.
  • Improbable Age: Riding a scooter delivering takeout which mostly she herself cooks to customers who eagerly look forward to her delivers all across Japan.
  • Literal Split Personality: Averted regarding her and Duskmon, as everyone initially mistakes this to be the case, because they can't exactly find the evidence that they don't appear together at the same time considering she lives in a different district further north, and the fact the two's personalities and respective genders don't add up to even consider the possibility of the them being the same individual until The Reveal happens.
  • Must Have Caffeine: She has a big taste for highly refined oolong tea which she drinks a lot of; a scent of which is enough to give away her actual identity when as Velgrmon to Izzy.
  • Nightmare Fuel Station Attendant: Duskmon's introduction in a nutshell has a lot of Nothing Is Scarier vibes going on, with Tentomon able to see Duskmon's many eyes but Duskmon otherwise being nowhere to be found according to the narration. Duskmon's DigiScan on Izzy's computer is the only obvious clue as to the fact he specifically showed up out of all of the other dark based Digimon out there.
  • No Periods, Period: She and the other female characters experience puberty just like the boys do, but perhaps this is the most prevalent with Kashou proper. Kashou, by the time of her introduction in Chapter 16, has clearly been going through enough to develop the overall personality of The Tease towards Davis, as well as being hyperactive to the point Yolei would tell her to calm down if they ever met.
  • No Sense of Personal Space: She certainly loves getting up close with Davis in Chapter 16, being rather bluntly obvious with her flirting with him at that.
  • Out of Focus: For an Original Character of the main cast, especially one in the form of a DigiDestined, she does not appear whatsoever until Chapter 16. Somewhat justified at least, as even with a dozen chapters into the story, the status quo hasn't been established yet for what the daily lives of the characters attending Odaiba Elementary School will be like, and also most importantly that Kashou doesn't attend any of the schools near Odaiba, yet alone the same grade as the others.
  • Outside-Context Problem:
    • The real reason the authorities can't do jack shit regarding her driving a scooter for her age? The scooter's true form is none other than Behemoth, which considering what it does on it's own without a Beelzemon to control it, it would go on an absolute rampage with no means of stopping it aside from Kashou and only Kashou riding it around to keep it in check. The other authorities tried riding the scooter before, but it simply dropped the disguise and went on a speeding frenzy all across Tokyo's numerous districts until Kashou managed to catch it's attention and stop it.
    • She is in fact a Digimon, and the very Digimon who had molested her not too long ago is none other than a corrupted version of herself. Duskmon was for a while was thought to be a Literal Split Personality, but was actually indeed stuck within Kashou's body the whole time. Duskmon's adult nature is revealed to be the personified, pent up angst Kashou has over the mysterious nature of her own father, and who he might've been, and since all she knows of him was he was just some guy who hit on his mother and bailed when she got pregnant, she envisioned him as a complete pervert who lacked responsibility, and thus Duskmon's personality as such an entity was born within her as the repressed negative emotions that Kashou is conflicted by.
    • Going back to her being a Digimon, when she manages to seal Duskmon away within a tighter seal, she undergoes Digivolution in the process, becoming Löwemon in the process. A
  • Pragmatic Adaptation: To keep the German theme naming of the Darkness Spirits, Velgrmon's attacks are translated to German based off of their originally English spelled names. "Zone Deleter" becomes "Zonenlöscher", and "Master of Darkness" being altered from "Master" to "Seer", leading to "Seher der Dunkelheit".
  • Red Herring: Duskmon is set up to appear to be as though it's a separate entity from Kashou and is in fact her partner Digimon, but in reality, Kashou and Duskmon are the same entity altogether.
  • Refuge in Audacity: Why doesn't she get in trouble with the authorities for riding a scooter below the legal age for a license? She cooks for the authorities in question for their lunch breaks for free.
  • Screw Yourself: She was molested by Duskmon, but the two are not only the same individual descended from AncientSphinxmon, but at it turns out they don't even have separate bodies and in fact are not a case of a Literal Split Personality.
  • Ship Tease:
    • Willis learned Japanese from a Japanese girl who he was rather flirty with. Kashou is apparently said girl in particular. Both of them know each other enough to actually kiss each other on the cheek, with an implied kiss on the lips having happened in a ferriswheel ride.
    • When she and Davis are assigned to be tutor and student respectively, Davis all on his own decides to help Kashou in the kitchen with her takeout orders and actually causes business to boom a little bit for the weekend he's staying at her place, because Kashou can actually focus more on delivering orders while Davis does the cooking. She can't help but be very affectionate when she tries Davis' cooking and very much enjoys it.
  • Something Only They Would Say: Winds up giving her identity and secret to Izzy when as Velgrmon by referring to him by his real name Koushirou; that name has been overshadowed by his nickname to the point Izzy can name all of the people who still refer to him by that name on a single hand. If that wasn't obvious enough, Izzy smelled her breathe which oozed of the taste of oolong tea; something Izzy himself would recall all too well since he drank a lot of it during Our War Game, and he's also aware of the exact nature from which Kashou prepares her own version of it.
  • The Tease: A very mild example considering she's only 12, but she's by all means the most hormonally charged of the female cast, as this reflects her nature of having been written as an 18+ year old character before being given an Age Lift down to age 12. She seems to switch back and forth within seconds as to how she treats Davis in particular, but regardless of which emotion she displays, she is very noticeably playful towards him.
  • Vile Villain, Saccharine Show: Aside from the Duskmon and Velgrmon parts of her being, she's not actually villainous, but the depths of her character explore incredibly fucked up as all hell concepts of her identity, sexuality, and angst regarding her history with her family, her lack of a father, her overall grief when dealing with her pet rabbit's death very badly, and her repressed emotions in her mind which she uses as a means of giving herself an imaginary father figure only winds up giving a phyisical basis for Duskmon to emerge from within her as, and the implication she was molested at some point and Duskmon has only played an increasingly large role in effectively inflicting herself with punishment from what she believes is being undesired by her "father".
  • Voice of the Legion: Duskmon speaks this way when he appears in Chapter 17. Not just in the usual Zalgo text that the author uses for such voices, but also the fact the words and punctuation are turned 180 degrees. Oh, and spoken in German.
  • Walking Spoiler: Any of the Darkness Spirits and AncientSphinxmon itself are rather difficult to talk about in regards to Kashou's partner Digimon when she and her partner Digimon are in fact the same individual entity. To say nothing of Duskmon and Velgrmon being a Gender Bender personality within her own mind that manifest physically through her as opposed to being a Literal Split Personality like one would initially think of them.
