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    Cyclops In-Universe Quotes 

"We all showed Professor Xavier due reverence in our younger days, but when the big robots with laser-palms came, it was Scott we followed."
Beast, Hellions #3

Cyclops: Like you aren't dying to hit me.
Benjamin: You're Scott Summers! Everyone's dying to hit you.

"You have a dream. I have a plan."
Cyclops to Xavier, Uncanny X-Men #515

"Poor little Scott Summers— the boy most likely to have a nervous breakdown— prepared his whole life to lead an army by everyone he ever knew and trusted. And then it's time to grow up and lead and— and it's an awkward fit on him, sometimes."
Emma Frost, Uncanny X-Men #522

Havok: Yeah, what do you say when your father pops up after 20 years? That reunion must have been rough for you, Scott. At least, when I was adopted, I had surrogate parents to love, who loved me. You had nothing.
Cyclops: I survived, then and now.
Uncanny X-Men #159

"Everyone has work to do. Do it. Until the world needs saving."
Cyclops, Uncanny X-Men 2011 annual

"Just like a horse needs to run, you have to use your power."
Jean, X-Men: First Class

Cyclops: Why can't everyone just be straight with me?
Emma Frost: Because we live in a bendy world, dear. Let go.
New X-Men #131

"Xavier and Fury trained us pretty well. I probably killed six thousand men. And I didn't give a damn. Until I saw the looks we got from our own side."
Cyclops, X-Treme X-Men #10

"I was never adopted. The orphanage was the only home I knew...Until I ran away. Saying all this isn't easy, Jean...I...I love you."
Cyclops, Uncanny X-Men #138

"I come out [to the Savage Land] to clear my head. Get centered again, get focused. Strip everything down to fundamentals and just do the work. No second guessing. No surprises."
Cyclops, Uncanny X-Men: The Heroic Age, during the dinosaur-fighting scene

"Maybe I'm just making excuses for myself...But I've always thought that deadly eyes set me apart- in a world of my own. Since I feel I'm a potential threat to anyone I meet...Anyone I know...I've always tried to keep everybody at arm's length."
Cyclops, X-Men #32

"The first time I looked into those eyes of yours...I'm not ashamed to say that it was me who blinked first."
Magneto, Prelude to Schism #2

"[after defeating the Void sliver in his brain] What can I say? I'm an expert at repression."
Cyclops, Uncanny X-Men #519

"We're a lot alike. Too damn private for our own good. The hardest thing for us to do is trust. Moments like these, when we've been hammered, our first impulse is to deal with the loss alone. We forget that X-Men is plural. We're part of a team."
Cyclops (to Emma), House of M: The Day After

Cyclops: And now, Magneto's back- stronger than ever- and all the X-Men are kept busy fighting him, leaving Professor Xavier unprotected. That's why we're heading home, because I think Eric's after the Professor. And we've got to be there to stop him.
Wolverine: Hey, Summers, you can justify this 'til the day you die, but it won't change the fact that you made us run. You turned the X-Men inta (sic) cowards, bub, an' that's something the Wolverine'll never forgive!
X-Men #104

Scott: Sinister. Magneto. Apocalypse. Idealists, every one. You can’t buy yourself off this by saying you meant well.
Charles Xavier: I’m not trying to.
Scott: The core you built the rest of us around was a lie. You took us apart and reassembled us, the way a soldier does with a rifle. But at the end of the day, Professor - a soldier goes into battle himself.
X-Men: Legacy #125

"We have been, and always shall be, sworn to protect a world that hates and despises us. Only now...we shall all be free."
Cyclops, Dark Avengers/Uncanny X-Men: Exodus #1

"To me, my X-Men. Let's finish this."
Cyclops, Astonishing X-Men #23

    Cyclops Meta Quotes 


"Cyclops is the best superhero in the world. He is, as far as I'm concerned, the Batman. He's been in intensive training since his early teenage years to lead the first-ever mutant rescue and security team. This is a guy who gets up every morning asking himself how he can be better."

"For so long, his entire life was about unattainable ideals: idealized love, idealized comradeship, selfless altruism in trying to serve the world. Betraying Jean with Emma was surrender to the human. Personally I view that as a survival tactic. He was headed for self-immolation, for martyrdom of some kind, and he brought himself down into the world. He admitted that he was just a fallible guy in the one arena where he was allowed to fail."
Mark Carey here

"Well, I’m fascinated with leaders in general. And people that stand up and say, "I will lead, I can do this," always fascinate me. You have to have a little bit of ego and narcissism and quite a fantastic view of yourself to decide that you are leadership potential, or that you know better, or that you can take responsibility for others. It’s fascinating to me, but the best leaders are also humble and world wise, and all of that is something that Cyclops has. In their best moments, that’s something that Cyclops has, but in their worst moments, their ego gets in their way, or their self-loathing gets in their way, and all that is worth analyzing."
Brian Michael Bendis here

"There's a dichotomy there that everyone who knows him hates him, but everyone who doesn't know him loves him. Here's a man whose powers are actually broken because of all the stuff that's gone on with him, but he has to stand up and be this perfect mutant person — he's the most fascinating person in the Marvel Universe right now to me."
Brian Michael Bendis here

"The one thing we agreed on at the start, though, is that [Cyclops] is No Fun. For good or ill, he is all business, all the time — he's never done anything but be an X-Man, so it's really all he knows how to do. But that actually makes him really fun to write. You've got people flying around, cutting up robots with claws, blowing things up with explosive playing cards and shooting fireworks out of their hands, and then there's this guy off to the side with his arms crossed insisting that none of this is cool or fun, it's just The Job They Have To Do."
Chris Sims, here


Finally, he was one of the first Marvel superheroes to get a serious, ongoing romantic storyline, which ended up hijacking the character to an extent that over the years, armageddons have been brought forth because of who Cyclops has been fucking, and his massively super-powered children and their psychotic clones litter the time stream. The only reason the Avengers haven't tackled him and slapped an adamantium chastity belt on him years ago is because Tony Stark refuses to make anything with the word "chastity" in it.

"...But he only knows point A and Z, without any of the steps in between. He is unaware that through strength of will, and character, he bound the world’s mutants to his banner during their darkest days. He does not understand the price paid so the mutants would have a new genesis. He does not know the son he will one day have, and what Nathan was able to accomplish because of his father. He is not aware of the year his life was bound to Apocalypse after sacrificing himself for everybody else. He is not aware of how much worse it would have been if not for his presence in these times. His view is limited, and missing crucial details.
He does not have the perspective yet to understand how his life gets to where it is now."
— The blogger Jason, about Young Cyclops

Though Scott understands why everyone is angry with him, he doesn’t relent on his goal: the survival of the mutant race. It’s what drives Scott to do what he does because all he sees around him are people who want mutants to be wiped from existence. By this point in his life, after all he’s been through, after all the hatred and suffering, Xavier’s vision is nothing more than a pipedream. All that matters is survival and he’s the one who has to make sure it happens.
Samantha Cross, The Fall of Scott Summers

Once there was an X-Man
Scott Summers was his name
The stoic fearless leader
Some say that he was lame...

When you see that blue and yellow or that red and black
When you hear them say my name now better watch your back
When I open up my eyes have you flying back
Straight through the wall and as a matter of fact
— The filk "That Was Cyclops", by Adam WarRock

MVP: Cyclops. Talkin' down a suicidal type is one thing. Talkin' down one with a collapsing solar head in a language you don't even speak is quite another.
Dan Liebke, "To Me, My X-Men Comics"

    Magneto In-Universe Quotes 

"You cannot wish us away. you cannot ignore us. We — Homo Sapiens Superior — are your children. We are the next generation of humanity. What kind of parent fears his progeny? Tries to murder them? Is this the legacy you wish to leave?"
Uncanny X-Men #200 Vol. 1, "The Trial of Magneto"

Magneto: What troubles you? Is it my awesome power? Are you jealous? Afraid? Or is it merely because I am a mutant that you are not 'at ease'?
Captain America: Now that you mention it, the fact that you tried to kill all of us here several times as part of various evil schemes for world conquests is pretty hard to forget entirely! But Professor Xavier vouched for you, so I'm allowing you to be among us! I have no qualms about him or the rest of the mutants -- the X-Men!
Wolverine: Maybe you ought to, bub!
Magneto: Stay out of this Wolverine!
Wolverine: Not a chance! What you don't understand, cap'n, is that we mutants are at war! Always have been, always will be!...Some of the god-fearin' Americans that you protect hate mutants — and when they come after us, it's a lot like how the Nazis went after the Jews! Xavier wants us to hide... try to help humanity... earn acceptance... fit in!! But when they're threatenin' you and yours, it's easy to play it like Magneto did—! Fight back—! Take the offensive—! Drive 'em into the sea if you have to—! Now, though, Professor X has convinced Maggie to lay' still you won't lay off! Sort of makes me wonder if Magneto was right.
Captain America: Nothing justifies terrorism...or murder.
Wolverine: Terrorists—! That's what the big army calls the little army!
Secret Wars (1984), written by Jim Shooter, where the X-Man reminds the Avengers that for all his flaws, Magneto does more for mutantkind than any human authority.

"What none of you will ever understand is that there are no sides. No heroes or villains. There is just what I want, and how I'll get it."
Magneto: Not a Hero

"Anger. Hatred. Fear. These forces...more than any other...have fuelled me...defined who I am...and carved out the legacy I will leave will I be remembered? Not as a hero...not as a protector of my people. My legend will be that of a mutant boogeyman bent on punishing the sins of the past...a creature driven by cold-blooded vengeance...with the fury and power of a wrathful god at his fingertips. Unstoppable...unrelenting...unforgiving."
Magneto #21, written by Cullen Bunn.

"There is a chasm between you and I, Charles. A gap that cannot be crossed. With each passing day, I fear it never will be."
Magneto, Powers of X #2, written by Jonathan Hickman

"Up. Up from the earth they come; dead women who only wanted to raise their children in safety...these are the flowers of guilt. This is the harvest that I have raised. Oh, God. Oh, God, there are so many of them. Perhaps...perhaps they will understand. Perhaps they will understand my vision, my guiding star, so bright and high that it took a mountain of butchered children to reach it... All glory. All glory to Magneto. My soldiers are gone. I am alone with the dead. They touch me, and I know what I am. I know what I have taken from them. The hands of the dead are upon me and I do not even have the right to scream."
Heroes for Hope, during a nightmare of Magneto as he confronts the victims of his many crimes.

"As a boy, my people's homes were burned to ash because we dared to call God by another name. Then, my people hunted me with those who had once hunted them. I was a freak, born a mutant — an abomination to their misnamed gods... In history's sad song, there is a refrain: Believe differently, love differently, be of different sex or skin, and be punished. We sing this song to one another. The oppressed become oppressors. Xavier knew this, and dreamed we could change, find harmony...a future where human and mutant could relinquish the past and finally... (sigh) ...You claim justice is overdue. Indeed...but so is healing."
X-Men '97, "Mutant Liberation Begins"

"Y'know, in Genosha, I felt a lot of things: pain, grief, admiration for those who fought despite the odds...but you know what the oddest thing was? No one seemed shocked or surprised...not even me! Yes, I was scared, but really, I had the most profound sense of déjà if past, present, and future didn't matter and never had, because we always end up in the same ugly place. Thing is, Magneto knows us better than Charles ever did, knows we know better — that most of us experience tragedy like Genosha as a bit of déjà vu before getting on with our day. But the scariest thing about Genosha wasn't the death, or the was a thought, the only sane thought you can have when you're chased by giant robots that were built to crush you: Magneto was right!"
Val Cooper to Bastion, X-Men '97, "Tolerance is Extinction - Pt. 1"

    Magneto Meta Quotes 

Dave A. Woodrum: Can Magneto magnetic powers affect the "mystic Uru metal" of Thor's hammer?
Stan Lee: 'Fraid not, Davey. Thor's hammer isn't made of mystic Uru metal because Uru isn't metal; it's an element that doesn't conform to any Earthly classification. I can't tell you what kind of element it is, because that would mean breaking my promise to Odin.
Stan's Soapbox, published in Fantastic Four, vol 3, Issue 26, February 2000.note 

"Marvel saw value in Magneto not being a mass-murderer of New Yorkers."

"No matter how he justifies his stupid, brutal behavior, or how anyone else tries to justify it, in the end he's just an old bastard with daft, old ideas based on violence and coercion..."
Grant Morrison's opinion on Magneto when writing New X-Men.

    Magneto Other Media 

Army Colonel: What are you doing!?
Magneto: Swatting a gnat.

"You dare rise against me? The human era is over. The mutant era has come!"

"You want us at war with the humans, and now you have it. I take no joy in that. I take no pleasure in it. But we either chose to win this war and live free, or lie down and let you enslave us. Torture us. Kill us. Humans and mutants cannot live together in peace. Your God has selected the Mutant as the dominant species on the planet. I am Magneto. I am mutant. And you will not take this world from me."

"I call NO ONE master! Especially not one who would destroy the innocent along with the guilty!"

"When I was a boy, I saw men executed. Women and children. Each night, I swore to myself, never again. ...But, we must prevail. Goodbye, Senator. Mutant liberation begins."

"A man with metal bones should have more sense than to break into my house."


"Allow me to share my dream for this world."

Callisto: If you're so proud of being a mutant, where's your mark?
Magneto: I have been marked once, my dear, and let me assure you, [pulls back his sleeve to reveal the Nazi concentration camp serial number tattooed on his arm] no needle shall ever touch my skin again.

"Peace was never an option."

    Storm In-Universe Quotes 
"Not while my mutant abilities allow me to control the elements themselves. The skies heed me! At my command, the wind blows itself into a gale! The rain becomes a torrent!"

"I am the weather. I am pressure and temperature. I am wind... and I am whirlwind. I am many things, War. You are one thing. You are fire. What are you when the fire leaves?"
Storm, X-Men Red (2022) issue #16

"You are what brings us together! You are the weather, the play of the breeze, the fall of the rain! You are the Storm!"

"Weather is my friend. Lightning, my ally. I hear the sighs of a thousand types of wind. I interpret its whispers. I can ruffle a feather of a breeze into a windstorm. I see a hint of a cloud? I tease out a thunderstorm, a tornado, I can create a blizzard!"
Storm, Storm 2023 #2

"Who am I? I am the witch of the weather, named for the storm... and you are standing on a cloud."
Storm to Tarn the Uncaring in the afterlife, Resurrection of Magneto #1

    Psylocke In-Universe Quotes 
"My language would make a Royal Marine blush. My thoughts are worse. All they see in me— all they acknowledge— is my shell! The sweet, innocent, genteel, Princess Di façade. How do I show them... the tiger within?!"

"Am I so fearful? I suppose the warrior always is. [...] I thought my past had made me hard. As deadly in my own way as Wolverine. But this is how I was born. My life merely served to temper and hone the steel that already existed."
Psylocke, Uncanny X-Men Annual #11

"All my life, I've been a fighter. Hardly a surprise that I visualize my mind as a fortress. From its topmost tower, I always believed I could see forever. I love the feel of silk. But I'm more comfortable in armor. That's been true my entire life."
Psylocke, Uncanny X-Men #456

Thrust. Parry. Swipe. Contact. Fist to flesh. Cartilage tears. Bone cracks. Blood rushes. Since she was a child, Betsy Braddock has wanted to run like the hounds on the chase. Fly like a hawk on the hunt. Fight like a force of nature. All her life, she has wanted the perfect, sychronous union of body and mind. And now that she has it, Betsy Braddock revels in it- - exalts in it- - lives and breathes in it- -
Narrator, X-Men (1991) #20

Alternative Title(s): Magneto
