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Music / Pig with the Face of a Boy

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Pig with the Face of a Boy is the "world's best neo-post-post-music hall anti-folk band". They compose music with off-the-wall, and occasionally off-color lyrics.

Their blog, started in 2008, can be found here.

In 2010, they formed a YouTube page, on which they posted their first music video: "Complete History Of The Soviet Union, Arranged To The Melody Of Tetris." Entertaining AND educational!

Oh, and this page doesn't contain a pig with a boy's face.

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  • Adolf Hitlarious: In "Hitler’s Favourite Song (Please Don’t Tread on My Cheeseburger)" he sings about how his only friends are a cheeseburger and a Venus Fly Trap while begging someone to not "tread" on them before rambling about his other ridiculous antics.
  • Bait-and-Switch: Subverted by The Complete History of The Soviet Union, Arranged To The Melody Of Tetris. The intro sets it up as a Russian history lesson... and then the first verse is a remark about Tetris gameplay. From the second verse onward, however, it returns to the Russian history lesson and remains there, with "the man who arranges the blocks" being the only actual reference to Tetris in the lyrics of the song itself. The video strikes a middle ground, continuing to use tetrominos in the imagery as it portrays the periods of the history lesson for each verse.
  • Companion Cube: Hitler's Favorite Song (Please Don't Tread On My Cheeseburger). Adolf Hitler sings about how a cheeseburger and a venus flytrap are his only friends in the world.
  • Lyrical Dissonance: The beginnings of a lot of their songs from La La Ha Ha. Especially My Darling, which is about the persona taking his love to a cock fight, The Midwife, which is about a psychopath who eats human placentas,and the beginning of The Lonely Shepherd, which is about a shepherd wanting to have sex with a sheep, and even Hitler's Favourite Song (Please Don't Tread On My Cheeseburger) at some point.
    • "Please don't tread on my cheeseburger or I'd have to cut your head off with a blunt chainsaw."
  • Pun: "I am the man who arranges the blocks/blocs."
  • Pun With Pi: This band has a 2-part song called "Pi and Mash" in which the numbers of Pi are recited, and then a song is sung about mash (described as "the perfect thing to go with Pi").
  • Riding the Bomb: In The Complete History of The Soviet Union, Arranged To The Melody Of Tetris music video, there is a scene when the singer rides a Tetris long block shaped atomic bomb which is just dropped by a Soviet bomber.
  • Stepford Smiler: Our humble worker and his comrades in the Complete History wear troublingly forced grins as they march in lockstep praising Josef Stalin, the reasons for their doing so are obvious.
    Long live Stalin, he loves you/Sing these words, or you know what he'll do!
  • Take That!:
    • "The Complete History of the Soviet Union, Arranged to the Melody of Tetris" is an Author Tract against Russian politics through a long and elaborate Tetris-themed metaphor, stating that the country is a bleak and absurd place from the end of the czarist era through the post-communist era in which none of the revolutions or political change actually brought any real ameliorations to the Russian inhabitants' conditions of life and work. There are brief snipes at foreign influence on the country after the fall of communism ("when in Red Square, well don’t despair / there’s Levi’s and McDonald’s there", and "the US gave us crystal meth"). Even Vladimir Putin doesn't seem to have really changed anything with the "happy" Russia portrayed in the ending as the man resigns himself to arranging the blocks forever. One line can even be interpreted as a snipe against both life in the Soviet Union and the Tetris game itself:
      What’s the point of it all, when you’re building a wall.
      And in front of your eyes it disappears?
      Pointless work for pointless pay.
      This is one game I shall not play.
    • "One Night on Westminster Bridge" has the narrator trying to talk down a suicidal David Cameron, all while noting his failures as Prime Minister, saying there's plenty of other people he can blame.
  • Talking Down the Suicidal: "One Night on Westminster Bridge" has the narrator meet a suicidal David Cameron and tries to talk him down.
  • Word Salad Lyrics: ”Hitler’s Favourite Song (Please Don’t Tread on My Cheeseburger)” Hitler talks about his other random, yet zany antics in between his story about his friend cheeseburger and Venus Fly Trap.
