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NEEDY STREAMER OVERLOAD is a "multi-ending ADV" where you play P-Chan, the producer and significant other of a neurotic Metube streamer Ame, aka OMGkawaiiAngel. Your quest to help her achieve Internet fame can lead to any of 27 different endings (24 before the console update), including the various ways you can get a Game Over. Such mainly depends on whether she reaches her viewer milestones and depending on her "Stress" (anxiety), "Affection" (fondness of P-Chan), and "Mental Darkness" (strength of her mental illness) levels.

Beware of spoilers; smaller ones are not tagged in any way.

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    Standard Game Overs 
This is a full list of game-overs that can be triggered at any point in the story, to encourage balancing of Ame's stats and circumstances. Note that the ones triggered by imbalanced stats only occur at nightfall.
  • "Flatline": Ignore Ame's messages five times in a playthrough. Ame tweets on her private account announcing that she broke up with P-Chan.
  • "Nymphomania": Have sex with Ame seven times in a playthrough. Ame succumbs to her urge to do the deed with P-chan constantly, for the rest of her life.
  • "Normie Life": Reduce Ame's Mental Darkness to zero. Ame decides to quit streaming and study for her certification exams, leading a more mundane life.
  • "Ground Control to Psychoelectric Angel": Max out Ame's Affection. Ame will say "I love you" to P-Chan so many times and so overwhelmingly that her mind doesn't waver to any second thought.
  • "Cucked": Reduce Ame's Affection to zero. Ame leaves P-Chan for a streamer in a horse mask, proclaiming the new relationship on Tweeter.
  • "Bomber Girl": Max out Ame's Stress at 120, having triggered the 80-Stress- and 100-Stress-scripted breakdowns in the process. Ame becomes so sick of the pressure P-Chan puts on her that she quits streaming and deletes her KAngel Tweeter account.

    Non-Standard Game Overs 
  • "So Close Yet So Far": Start Day 11 with less than 10,000 followers. Because the monetization of the KAngel stream isn't enough to pay the rent, P-Chan and Ame are evicted from their apartment, and the latter moves to her parents' house.
  • "Fallen Angel": Do all five "sexy" streams. Upon starting the fifth, Ame posts to KAngel's Tweeter, inviting viewers to check out an upcoming, sexually explicit stream before she gets banned.
  • "Painful Future": Do all five "breakdown" streams. Upon starting the fifth, Ame confides her insecurity to P-Chan, and then quits her streaming career on the grounds that her fans only love her KAngel persona. She then streams herself out of her persona smoking weed, is banned mid-stream, and is praised on /st/ for how genuine she is.
  • "Welcome to My Religion": Do all five "conspiracy theory" streams, and then have Ame take "Magic Paper". KAngel starts the fifth stream in angelic robes, telling her audience that the world is ending because Internet flame wars are getting as bad as actual armed conflict. She then says that her idea of stopping the fighting is to reduce humankind's population by 90%, urging her viewers to join her cult.
  • "Blazing Hell": Get Ame's Mental Darkness to at least 60, then accept her request to buy charcoal. Ame proclaims that she and P-Chan will be together in her next life, before she reveals that all she's actually doing is skipping a day of streaming. The game proceeds normally from the next day.
  • "Internet Overdose": Break the 100-Stress cap to 120 before Day 25, then begin said day with at least 80 Stress. Ame's mental condition and social status quickly deteriorate over the next five days as one particular on-stream meltdown is immortalized on the Internet, eventually leading to her discarding her original self and permanently becoming KAngel.
  • "Rainbow Girl": Have Ame take "Magic Paper" on five different days. KAngel moves toward the screen and addresses the player (not P-Chan, but the player) as "God", thanking them for guiding her.
NOTE: The following three endings were added in the console update.
  • "Galactic Express": Do all five "netlore" streams, have Ame overdose on a drug during noon, "Go Out" on a date with her at night, and choose the new "Galactic Rail" option. Ame takes a unique train, and streams her apparent departure to outer space.
  • "DARK ANGEL": Either break the 100-Stress cap to 120 before getting a million followers and then doing the fifth "internet angel" stream at night, or break the 100-Stress cap after getting a million followers. Ame dons a red-and-black version of her KAngel costume, and she spends the next two days ranting about the Internet's shortcomings and berating her fans for it, showing the cuts on her arm at one point. At the end of the second day, she slits her throat on-stream to spite her audience.
  • "Internet Runaway Angel: Be Invoked": Max out Ame's follower count at 9,999,999. KAngel thanks her supporters on Tweeter, and announces her celebration of becoming "the god of the streaming world". Commotion spreads about the upcoming stream, and once it starts, over a hundred million people are watching! KAngel thanks everyone, but fears the internet may end because of her sheer popularity. She then says her goodbyes before the background planet Earth explodes.

    Day 30 Endings (All spoilers unmarked) 
If you reach Ame's 30th day of streaming, several conditions branch into multiple possible occurrences on that final day:
  • Less than 500,000 followers:
    • "There Are No Angels": Have under 60 Affection and at least 60 Mental Darkness. Ame tells P-Chan that her streaming experience was tiring and hurtful, and that she wants to do something no one will see coming. On her final stream, she kills herself by jumping off a rooftop.
    • "Catastrophe": Have under 60 Affection and under 60 Mental Darkness. Ame expresses disappointment in herself, and she then quits streaming and blames P-chan for her perceived failure. Ame then tweets on both accounts that everything is lost to her, her KAngel persona blaming the Internet and blocking P-Chan.
    • "Needy Girl Overdose": Have at least 60 Affection and at least 60 Mental Darkness. Ame texts P-Chan that she'll enjoy their memories together despite not becoming a star. She then angrily interrogates P-Chan about whether they really love her.
      • If you answer any question wrongnote , Ame will repeatedly say "you dont [love me] do you", decide she should just dispose of P-Chan, and stab her computer screen.
      • If you answer all questions correctlynote , Ame has sex with P-Chan, and then tweets on her KAngel account that she made up after a fight with a friend.
    • "Labor Is Evil": Have at least 60 Affection and under 60 Mental Darkness. At the end of the day, Ame decides that she and P-Chan should quit streaming and get normal jobs. Seventy days later, Ame announces that she'll be coming home late, but P-Chan never hears from her that night, leaving her fate unknown.
  • At least 500,000 followers:
    • "Nerdy Girl Overload": Have under 80 Affection. A streaming agency successfully recruits KAngel, and Ame breaks up with P-Chan because only one person can live in her new apartment. Ame dates a famous streamer (presumably the horse-masked one in "Cucked"), but her new boyfriend cheats on her, causing Ame to fall into despair, regret breaking up with P-Chan, and vow to get all men killed so women can live in peace.
    • "Utopian Parody": Have at least 80 Affection, and reach day 30 without getting to a million followers. Ame vents on her KAngel Tweeter that her fans don't understand what she's really like, and then thanks P-Chan for at least caring. If P-Chan was vented to about Ame's trauma and correctly remembers, she asks them not to throw her away, before tweeting that she still feels empty in some way. Regardless of whether Ame vented to P-Chan, she proceeds to block them, ending their relationship.
  • 1 million followers and above:
    • "Do You Love Me?" Have over a million followers, at least 80 Affection, at least 80 Mental Darkness, and the final celebration stream finished, and the 100-Stress cap not getting broken. KAngel tweets her visit to an amusement park, and her pictures clue in her fans that she is in a romantic relationship. Later, KAngel streams that she feels lucky about her popularity and donations, but she wants even more.
    • "(Un)happy End World": Have over a million followers, at least 80 Affection, and under 80 Mental Darkness. After P-Chan is thanked for their help, KAngel displays all the luxuries she frivolously bought with the money she got from streaming. However, Ame tweets on a secret alternate account that she finds her journey and circumstances boring and bland. P-Chan requests to follow this account, but they are blocked from it.

  • "Happy End World": Reach day 30 with over a million followers, at least 80 Affection, less than 80 Mental Darkness, and your real-world computer disconnected from the Internet. KAngel tweets that she will descend from the Internet and become an actual, physically manifested angel. Most other Tweeter users also quit the platform, to live more in the physical world like she does. KAngel then declares her return, "cuter than ever!", but she receives no response and deletes the tweet, ending Ame's streaming career on a high note.
  • "SMT": Keep Ame's Mental Darkness maxed out; there's a rare chance for this to trigger once a new day starts in this stage. The screen suddenly moves, Ame covers her face with her hands, her webcam fullscreens, the screen glitches into complete darkness, and the words "DELETE IMMEDIATELY" start flashing. Ame's screen reappears, with her screaming in panic. The game reboots and proceeds normally from that day.
  • "Comment te dire adieu"note : Obtain all other endings (not counting the two right above), and open the new save file. Ame tells P-Chan to watch as she plays the game herself. Upon reaching day 30, she thanks P-Chan and resolves that she no longer needs anyone to live her best life; outgrowing her psychosis, anxiety, and depression for good. Opening the Secret.txt file reveals that "P-Chan" was an Imaginary Friend she made up to cope with her loneliness.
