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Funny / Star Wars: The Clone Wars

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    Season One 
  • A battle droid manning a starship cannon admits he's a terrible shot because of his cheap programming.
  • Yoda just generally trolling his own clone troopers.
    Yoda: Smaller in number are we, but larger in mind. [chuckles and walks off]
    Jek: Do you have any idea what the general is talking about?
    Rys: How should I know? There's no figuring a Jedi Master.
  • Ventress orders the battle droids to find Yoda. They don't know what he looks like.
    Ventress: He'll be the small, shriveled green one... WITH A LIGHTSABER!
  • The OOM-series battle droid has trouble getting the B1 battle droids to stop and tells them the tanks won't fit. One of the battle droids ignores him, only to immediately crash and catapult from his cockpit. The OOM-series battle droid facepalms.
  • King Katuunko has a laugh at Ventress' expense as he watches Yoda shred her armies in the distance.
    Katuunko: That's a lot of smoke for a "surrender"!
  • During Yoda's curb-stomping of the whole Separatist droid army, he goes inside a tank. All the battle droids try to run away with this dialogue:
    B1-Battle Droid: Run for it! [two battle droids get pulled back into the tank and shredded offscreen]
    OOM-series Battle Droid 224: But I just... got... promoted!

"Rising Malevolence"

  • Even being stuck in a powerless escape pod won't stop some people from snarking, as becomes evident when it's suggested that it smells bad inside the pod that Master Plo, Commander Wolffe, Sinker and Boost are in:
    Sinker: Don't look at me. It's Boost, sir. He only takes a bath when he's on leave.
    • And later:
    Sergeant: This is another fine mess we've gotten ourselves into.
    Plo Koon: Your sense of humor is improving.
  • As the pod-hunter approaches Master Plo's pod, the leading battle droid is jauntily humming the Imperial March for some reason... and then has a memorable Oh, Crap! when it sees Plo outside of the pod.

"Shadow of Malevolence"

  • When a battle droid complains that he can't seem to be able to hit anything, Grievous responds by smacking the battle droid's head clean off. Dooku witnesses the whole thing (via hologram) and chides him for it, claiming those droids are expensive, and that the Jedi are not that harsh to their own troops.
  • Throughout the entire episode, Ahsoka is vocally cautious of all the risky actions they're taking. And while Anakin cheerfully acknowledges her, he doesn't listen (at least until the end).
    Ahsoka: Does anyone care what the Padawan thinks?
    Anakin: Sure, we do! But we're still going [into the Nebula] anyway.
    • While in the nebula, Ahsoka remarks that one of the creatures there looks 'hungry'. And then Anakin's response:
      Anakin: Nah, it's just smilin' at ya.

"Destroy Malevolence"

  • The battle droid who tries to tell two other battle droids to not shoot Anakin and Obi-Wan... and ends up commenting that he'd warned them after they shoot and the obvious happens.
  • Later, Obi-Wan is using the Force to recover 3PO on the internal trains of the Malevolence, when a different train hits the protocol droid and takes him away. It's Ben's reaction that sells it.
  • Still on the front of the train, 3PO shouts "Stop this contraption!" By sheer coincidence, R2 does just that at very moment, sending him flying into some crates, to his bemusement.
    3PO: I suppose I did ask for that...
  • After Obi-Wan has effortlessly demolished most of the Separatist droids sent to ambush him in the hyperspace control room — mainly by bowling with droidekas — a battle droid says "That was impressive." An angered Grievous responds by swatting its head off.
  • Obi-Wan and Grievous leap onto the trains. Two battle droids attempt the same and fail miserably.
    • Not only that, a third battle droid attempts the leap with them. It misses the train but lands on the tracks...where another train immediately pulverizes it.
  • Even when outnumbered and completely surrounded, Obi-Wan can't help but snark off at Grievous:
    General Grievous: Did you really think I would be so foolish as to leave the hyperdrive unguarded?
    Obi-Wan Kenobi: Anything's possible. You haven't exactly impressed me today.


  • This lovely bit of snark from Hevy:
    Hevy: Ooh, meteor shower.
  • One commando droid's ...attempt... at impersonating a clone trooper over a communications channel to get Cody and Rex to leave. Complete with a slightly-off voice, over-the-top arm gestures, and signing off with "Roger, roger". Was it successful? NO.
  • Rex's plan to take back the Rishi outpost from a squad of commando droids? Just walking up to the door dressed in his own armor and saying "Roger, roger." What does he do when the droids ask him to take off his helmet? Hold the severed head of a commando right in front of the camera. And Cody's reaction to this plan (even more hilarious considering that commando droids' eyes glow when they're active).
    Commander Cody: This is never going to work.
  • On the Resolute, Anakin, Obi-Wan and Yularen are concerned because Cody and Rex didn't check in when they were supposed to, which leads to this exchange:
    Obi-Wan: It seems your captain follows orders as well as you do.
    Anakin: Perhaps Cody is boring Rex with standard procedures and protocol.
  • When the commando droids don't check in with Grievous, he responds by sending down a battalion of B1-series battle droids. One goes up to the outpost's door, and demanding to be let in. The door opens, revealing Hevy armed with a Z-6 rotary cannon.

"Downfall of a Droid"

  • R2-D2 cheerfully spaces an assassin droid.
  • R3-S6 accidentally turns on Anakin's tracking beacon.
    Anakin: Let's hope Grievous didn't hear that. [several Separatist capital ships jump out of hyperspace right in front of him] Yeah. He heard it.
  • General Grievous is forced to watch as one fighter and one rickety old freighter demolish his entire squadron of droid fighters and cause his cruisers to collide trying to cut them off before getting away scot free. A battle droid next to him awkwardly reports "Uhh, they got away, sir," and Grievous responds by whacking its head off.
  • Anakin and Ahsoka briefly posing as a couple, complete with awkwardly calling Ahsoka "pookums." Ahsoka is not amused.
    Ahsoka: Pookums? Oh brother...

"Duel of the Droids"

  • Rex's reaction when Ahsoka tells him that he gets to carry R3-S6 for the jump down to the Separatist listening post.
    "Well, that's just great."
  • As they're getting ready to jump, Ahsoka doesn't wait for the go ahead from her master and dashes forward to jump off first with a cutesy 'Follow me, boys!'. Everyone else is utterly stunned speechless until Anakin decides to follow his padawan's lead. A freeze frame bonus on Anakin's very shocked face as he watches his fourteen year old do this.
  • Then, when everyone lands, Rex staggers back a few steps because he's carrying an astromech droid, to which the other clone troopers snicker.
    Rex: Next time, one of you is hauling this astromech around!
  • While the infiltrators are skydiving down to the listening post, inside we see one battle droid give another a box, with instructions not to drop it while taking it somewhere. The droid promptly trips and drops the box. While the first droid shakes its head and says that the 631s are rather slow on the uptake, we see the strike team falling past the windows in the background.
  • One battle droid tells another its neck joint is causing it problems. The second droid tells it to get its head adjusted on Level 36, because it feels great. As the first battle droid is agreeing, a clone trooper comes up behind it and rips its head off.
  • Ahsoka, Rex, and the clone troopers arrive at the door to the station's main reactor. When R3-S6 has the expected trouble opening the door, Denal offers to hotwire the astromech droid. Shortly thereafter, during a firefight in the hallway, Rex uses R3 as cover.
  • The 'fight scene' between R2 and R3-S6 is equal parts hilarious and awesome.

"Bombad Jedi"

  • The local swamp life makes its... opinions about the visitors known while Jar Jar and C-3PO wait for Padmé.
    • And when Jar Jar attempts to communicate, the creatures respond by throwing jogan fruits at the two. Jar Jar ducks, and one of the fruits hits C-3PO in the face.
      C-3PO: I don't think that requires translation.
  • C-3PO accidentally gets stuck to a large electromagnet, which Jar Jar then uses to destroy a squad of battle droids.
    • And afterwards, Jar Jar accidentally causes the same electromagnet to destroy their ship. His shocked expression sells it.
  • After successfully escaping from her prison, Padmé rescues C-3PO and tells him to go back to the ship and send out a distress signal. 3PO then informs her that the ship's been destroyed:
    Padmé: Battle droids?
    C-3PO: No.
    Padmé: [switching to an unfazed tone] Jar Jar?
    C-3PO: Jar Jar.

"Lair of Grievous"

  • Much of the episode's humor comes from General Grievous' personal housekeeper and medical droid, EV-A4-D. Not only is his speech pattern based on Paul Lynde, he manages to get away with saying things to Grievous that would get other droids dismantled if not for his importance to Grievous's personal care.
    A4-D: Don't be upset with me, Master. If you were a better fighter, we would not be having this conversation.
  • Grievous himself gets one when he discovers Count Dooku, frustrated with the General's subpar performance against the Jedi, allowed them to infiltrate his home for the purpose of testing him. Grievous, who'd just lost his legs to them, as well as his pet, is understandably pissed and hangs up on Dooku, capping it off with an insincere, "Oops".

"Dooku Captured"

  • The banter when Obi-Wan rescues Anakin after he's been captured (on purpose).
    Obi-Wan: Did you manage to locate Dooku before landing in jail?
    Anakin: Well, I know he's on board. Might have been able to do something about it if I'd had my weapon.
    Obi-Wan: It was important for you to arrive without it, so your capture would be convincing.
    Anakin: Oh, they were convinced, all right. But how come I'm the one getting caught all the time? It doesn't look good.
    Obi-Wan: When you're a Jedi Master, you can make the plan.
    Anakin: That's just it. How can I become a Jedi Master if I'm always getting caught?
    Obi-Wan: At least you're a master at getting caught.
    Anakin: Very funny.
  • When Dooku meets Hondo for the first time, Hondo offers to take him to Florrum:
    Dooku: Is it civilized?
    Hondo: Eh, that depends upon your definition of "civilized".
  • After Anakin gets out from under the debris Dooku collapsed on top of him, he realizes that he has lost his lightsaber. Obi-Wan chides him for letting a rock knock it out of his hand. Anakin cuts in, asking him to give some light with his own lightsaber instead. Obi-Wan tries to activate it, but after a few flickers it goes out.
    Obi-Wan: Silly thing. It was working a moment ago.
    Anakin: You don't suppose it was [tosses a small rock at Obi-Wan's lightsaber, which bounces off] hit by a rock?
  • While Anakin is being chased by a gundark Obi-Wan is just standing to the side, snarking about it while he tries to fix his lightsaber.
  • After Ahsoka and Rex save them, Obi-Wan and Anakin deny that they had had any trouble at all. Then Anakin tells them they have to capture Dooku. Ahsoka exasperatedly asks how they let him get away, a fact which Anakin tries to deny rather badly.
    Anakin: No, we didn't exactly let him... [aside to Obi-Wan] Chime in any time.
    Obi-Wan: [very smugly] Oh no, I'm enjoying this far too much.
  • This exchange from a bit later:
    Dooku: [about Hondo's gang] They are devious and deceitful, and most importantly... stupid.
    Obi-Wan: It's a wonder you don't get along with them. You have so much in common.
  • When Anakin and Obi-Wan walk through a small market in the base, this Funny Background Event: a Jawa bumps into a pirate, who punches the Jawa and sends him flying into another guy. Said other guy then jumps on the pirate and starts punching him in the face and the Jawa leaps through the air to hit the pirate as well.
  • After the business is concluded, the pirates invite Obi-Wan and Anakin to join them for a party. They have the drinks drugged, but while toasting the Jedi wordlessly and seamlessly use the Force to switch their drinks with their neighbors'. The two enjoy themselves while two of the pirates are collapsed over the table.

"The Gungan General"

  • Obi-Wan, Anakin, and Dooku are chained together by the same pirates. Hilarity Ensues.
    • Dooku levitates a plate of food in order to get the knife on it. Anakin doesn't realize what he's doing:
      Anakin: Shouldn't the plan be escape first, eat later?
      Dooku: [dropping everything but a knife on the plate] Kenobi, tell your protégé to control his insolence so I can concentrate.
      Obi-Wan: Anakin.
      Anakin: What?
      Obi-Wan: [smirking] Control your insolence. The Count is concentrating.
    • Anakin questions if Dooku knows where they're going only to be hushed by Obi-Wan, who repeats the exact same question to Dooku.
    • Dooku assures the two that their path is safe, only to encounter several pirates on the other side of the door. Obi-Wan's bemused reaction sells the whole thing.
    • Probably the best, after too many old man cracks aimed against Dooku.
      Dooku: I would kill you both right now if I did not have to drag your bodies.
    • Really, the fact that Anakin and Obi-Wan's attempt at avoiding to be drugged was for nothing.
  • Due to the death of senator Kharrus and military protocol Jar Jar winds up in charge of the mission. You can just hear the clones bemoaning how much This Is Gonna Suck.
  • Anakin and Hondo's conversation after Hondo says the Republic brought an army.
    Anakin: That can't be right.
    Hondo: Are you calling me a liar?
    Anakin: Uh, isn't that kind of what you do for a living?
    Hondo: You reject my hospitality, refuse to wait in your cell, and now, you're going to insult me?!
    Anakin: I'm just saying–
    Obi-Wan: Anakin!
    Anakin: What? He is a pirate!
    Hondo: [Pulls out pad to activate the torture electricity]
    Obi-Wan: Yes, but this may not be the best time for you to speak–
    Anakin: But you–
    Obi-Wan: At all, Anakin!
  • Jar Jar taking out the pirate tanks by himself is one half hilarious and one half awesome.
    "He's not a senator, he's a plague!"
    • Made funnier when one of the tanks shuts down the electricity Hondo was using to torture the Jedi.
      Hondo: What happened to the power? I was having fun!

"Jedi Crash"

  • Anakin, Ahsoka, Aayla, and a bunch of clone troopers come across a lone B1 battle droid, who holds up its gun and nervously tells them to halt. At that moment, the doors behind the battle droid open with a dozen super battle droids walking in, leading to the battle droid's renewed confidence.
    Battle Droid: Ha-Ha!
  • Anakin waking up to the sight of a bunch of Lurmen staring down at him:
    Anakin: Um, Snips??

"Defenders of Peace"

  • In the Separatist base, there are three battle droids in a command station. The one in the middle says that they can't have any surprises for the General when he comes back. As the droid is saying this, Commander Bly pops up behind the droid on the right and takes it down. The battle droid in the middle then turns to its right, and gets just enough time to react to the sight of Rex in the middle of ripping the left droid's head off before Anakin cuts it down.
  • Lok Durd seeing an armed defoliator shell rolling towards him. The fact that it's George Takei only makes it funnier.
    Lok Durd: Help! I'll be defoliated!
  • Lok Durd tries to run away when Anakin has managed to tear through the rest of his forces, only to wind up running in place while being Force Lifted. He laments how this will definitely cost him a promotion.

"Blue Shadow Virus"

  • Jar Jar's panic when Peppi Bow rips the helmet of his Hazmat Suit off.
  • When the last bomb is defused in the nick of time, Jar Jar faints in relief, causing Padmé, Ahsoka and Rex to turn and stare.

"Mystery of a Thousand Moons"

  • When the battle droids first try to break out of the facility, the last one is too close to the hatch to be shot, Ahsoka begs him to not open it, the battle droid refuses and shoots it... and the blaster bolt ricochets on the magnetically sealed hatch multiple times before hitting the droid.
  • Anakin and Obi-Wan land on Iego, only to be greeted by dozens of battle droids. Anakin rushes forward and cuts a swathe through them before realizing they're not attacking.
    Obi-Wan: Very impressive. You just destroyed seventeen defenseless battle droids without suffering a scratch!
    Anakin: [as one more droid falls in two] Eighteen, actually.
    • Everything about Jaybo Hood's reprogrammed battle droids.
  • At the end, Captain Rex's deadpan reaction — while lying on a stretcher and recovering from a lethal virus — to the idea of training Jar Jar Binks to use a blaster.
    Rex: I am not training him.

"Storm Over Ryloth"

  • Everything that happens once calculating tactician Mar Tuuk realizes Anakin's trap and flees the bridge (saying he'll be right back in a Blatant Lies manner), with his clueless command battle droid having a You Are in Command Now experience. Then their superior calls.
    Wat Tambor: Where's the Captain? What is going on?
    Command droid: He's in an escape pod.
    Wat Tambor: Idiots! The blockade has been broken!
    The Separatist ships take hits and start shaking.
    B1 battle droid: Uuh, where are those escape pods?

"Innocents of Ryloth"

  • Waxer and Boil meet a young Twi'lek girl while on patrol, who promptly bites Boil when they try to take her along. When she starts to warm up to them, Boil is still unenthusiastic.
    Boil: Ah, you made a friend, mission accomplished. Can we go now?
  • Later, after chasing after the girl and catching up to her. Waxer greets her happily, Boil, not so much.
    Boil: Good, you caught her. You know I got binders if we need 'em.
    Waxer: [jerks head to look at Boil in silent shock and disapproval]
    Boil: What?
  • Boil's hilariously awkward facial expression and body language when he gets hugged by Numa.
  • An unlucky battle droid has been tasked with scrubbing the cells the Separatist forces were using to hold starved gutkurrs (a Rylothian predator), and this happens:
    Battle Droid: [scrubbing the floor] Yup, this is about the worst job in the droid army.
    [the battle droids in the hallway are gunned down, and the battle droid looks up to see Obi-Wan in the hallway, holding Numa, and he smiles]
    Battle Droid: And it just went into overtime. [Obi-Wan uses the Force to push a button on a control panel on the wall, closing the cell door]
    Battle Droid: Whaaa..? Ohhh. (Slumps in resignation) Ohhhhhh....
  • When the Twi'leks swarm the tactical droid and start tearing him apart Obi-Wan tries to cover Numa's eyes only for her to duck to get a look anyways.

"Liberty on Ryloth"

  • A battle droid patrol:
    Battle Droid: Hey look! It's RB-551! No wonder he got blasted, he was one of those older models, controlled by a central computer. Not us, we're independent thinkers!
    All the other B1s in the patrol: Roger Roger.

"Hostage Crisis"

  • When Ziro begins his departure from the prison, he starts whining as usual, complaining about the sun. But the real funny bit is that the clone guard on his right lets out an exasperated and disbelieving "Oh my god!" as if he's thinking "How the hell did I get assigned to this?!"

    Season Two 
"Holocron Heist"
  • Obi-Wan orders Ahsoka to evacuate, but she refuses.
    Anakin: Where's Ahsoka?
    Obi-Wan: Following your teachings.
    Anakin: ...Is she winning?
  • Todo 360 realising that he doesn't have any memories of memory crashes.

"Cargo of Doom"

"Children of the Force"

  • Darth Sidious asks Cad Bane to kidnap some Force-sensitive children for him. Bane initially reacts in mild surprise, suggesting he may be pulling an Even Evil Has Standards, but instead he feels that kidnapping children is a small time crime for the likes of Sidious. The Sith Lord goes into a little rant about how no Jedi are innocent, and Bane rolls his eyes.
  • On Mustafar, Sidious' hologram examines a Rodian baby, who begins crying, no doubt from the discomfort of the presence of the Sith Lord. Sidious responds by mockingly trying to comfort the poor baby.

"Senate Spy"

  • The sheer childish pettiness of Anakin, posing as a nondescript pilot, sabotaging the safety bars of the seat next to Padmé's so that Clovis can't sit next to her.
    • Once he notices Clovis trying to plank a kiss on a very reluctant Padmé, Anakin moves the plane to the other side. Next we see Clovis flatten against the wall, next we see Anakin’s very proud smirk.

"Landing at Point Rain"

  • A clone trooper on a Republic gunship snarks at how the Geonosians still haven't hit them: "Good thing those bugs can't aim." Three guesses as to what happens next, and the first two don't count. The Black Comedy is concluded when the trooper who doomed the passenger compartment tries to hold on for dear life but can't and subsequently dies.
  • Ahsoka's sassing Anakin for getting their group getting pinned down by a barricade, while Rex just stares at them throughout this entire conversation. Made even funnier by the fact that there is a literal all-out war in the background, gunfire, dead troopers and all and Ahsoka doesn't so much as flinch at the explosions behind her. She is nicknamed 'Snips' for a reason.
    Ahsoka: Well, this is another fine mess you've gotten us into.
    Anakin: What? Hey, it's not my fault! You were the one that was supposed to study the holomaps!
    Ahsoka: I did. Remember? When I reminded you about the giant wall? And you said, (grenade explodes in the background, causing Rex and Anakin to flinch while Ahsoka ignores it and continues, in a sassy pose) "Don't worry, Snips! We won't go anywhere near that!"
    Anakin: (Aggressively points up at the wall) Just get ready to climb!
    Ahsoka: (Rolls her eyes)
    • It's even better to realize that other than throwing in the 'Snips', Ahsoka had quoted Anakin verbatim.
  • Rex finds himself involuntarily tossed and dropped off a high wall by Anakin and Ahsoka, just moments before it's blown up. Afterwards:
    Rex: Next time, just tell me to jump.
    Anakin: Now where's the fun in that?
  • Before the Second Battle of Geonosis, it's revealed that Anakin and Ahsoka have a competition going on between them, counting their kills. Obi-Wan, of course, views this with distaste. At the very end, following a very difficult battle, Ahsoka keeps pushing Anakin to reveal his total, which he finally does: 55. Ahsoka is jubilant, as she totalled 60. Anakin then throws back that he called in an airstrike, so it's a tie, to which Ahsoka tells him he's impossible. As Obi-Wan once again voices his disbelief at their turning war into a game, Ki-Adi-Mundi, the calm, noble Jedi Master, announces his own total: 65. The look on Anakin's face is priceless.
    Ki-Adi-Mundi: So what do I win?
    Anakin: My everlasting respect, Master Mundi.
    Ki-Adi-Mundi: [disappointed] Oh.
    Obi-Wan: That is a gift Anakin rarely bestows.
"Weapons Factory"
  • Ahsoka and Barriss Offee are tasked with destroying the power generator of a droid factory on Geonosis but are interrupted by tactical droid TX-21 with a group of Geonosians and a super tank. Ahsoka throws one of the bombs she brought at the tank to try and destroy it. TX-21 mocks her because the tanks are basically indestructible, and then the bomb goes off. The tank is fine. TX-21, who was standing right next to the tank and the bomb... not so much.
    [Bits of TX-21 go skittering across the ground from the blast. Ahsoka and Barriss both grin slightly at the sight.]

"Legacy of Terror"

  • When Obi-Wan and Anakin go to rescue Luminara:
    Anakin: How did you know they wouldn't attack us?
    Obi-Wan: Because I make observations while you think with your lightsaber.
  • Anakin automatically assumes negotiation won't work and is ready for when things go south. Obi-Wan's snark in response is golden.
  • This:
    Luminara: I thought I told you not to follow me, Master Kenobi?
    Obi-Wan: Yes, well, I took a lesson from Anakin and decided not to follow orders.
    Anakin: Hey...
  • Obi-Wan's somewhat morbid interest in the Geonosian brain worms, even as Queen Karina has one ready to be implanted in Luminara.
    Obi-Wan: No, wait, I want to see how it works!
    Anakin: I don't think Luminara wants to see how it works.
    Luminara: No, I don't.
    Obi-Wan: I'm curious. The more we know, the better!
    Luminara: [recoiling as the worm is brought to her, starting to panic] I disagree!
    Anakin: So do I.
    Obi-Wan: Come now, the ear or the nose? Which do you think it will enter?
    Anakin: [in slight disgust] I think the nose.
  • Then, when Anakin kills the worm while Obi-Wan was holding onto it for further study:
    Obi-Wan: What are you doing? I was going to study that!
    Anakin: Study the bottom of my boot!
  • The fact that the Queen of Geonosis, who spent pretty much her entire life living in the bowels of Geonosis and probably not ever once seen a non-Geonosian before, is somehow perfectly fluent in English is pretty chuckle-worthy.

"Brain Invaders"

  • When Anakin gets concerned that Ahsoka and Barriss haven't checked in, Obi-Wan snarks "Like you always do?" And what makes it is Captain Rex's amused smile in the background in response to this quip, and even Anakin acknowledges it as a good point.

"Grievous Intrigue"

  • Adi Gallia, on how close to Grievous' flagship Anakin comes out of hyperspace in their shuttle:
    Gallia: Any closer and we'd be flying down hallways!
    Anakin: Eh, maybe next time.
  • Tactical droid TV-94 is holding Master Eeth Koth hostage, threatening to electrocute him to death, and has Anakin and Adi Gallia surrounded, very sure he's holding all the cards. Then, Anakin Force-pulls him over and cuts off the arm with the shock remote on it. While the Jedi deal with the commando droids, TV-94 hob bles along the command bridge floor trying to get his severed arm, but it keeps getting knocked around in the skirmish. Once he does retrieve the arm and he tries to press the remote only to remember he doesn't have a free arm to press it with, looks down at the severed stump for a moment with a worried "Uh..." and then gets cut down.
  • And just before that, TV-94 gives off an Evil Laugh... in Robo Speak.

"The Deserter"

  • Grievous and a group of battle droids are stranded on Saleucami, with Obi-Wan and his troops in hot pursuit. At one point Grievous and the droids find a herd of horse-like animals. Naturally, they use them for transport... except Grievous doesn't let any of the battle droids ride the animals. He then expresses confusion as to why the droids are running out of power.
    Battle Droid: You wouldn't let us ride on one of those creatures with you, sir. If you would allow us to close down for a mom–-[Grievous ignites one of his lightsabers] OH MY GOD!
    Grievous: RRAAARRRHHH!!! [slices the droid's head off] Any more complaints?!
    • Also, the fact that the battledroids—who, we learn several seasons later, have trouble grasping the concept of children—apparently understand religion enough to use the phrase "oh my God" in context.
  • Rex has been injured, and some of his men leave him at a farm for the night. He's sleeping on a table in the barn when one of the animals comes over and starts licking him in the face, waking him up and forcing him to shoo it off, complete with Rapid-Fire "No!".
  • Grievous doesn't hesitate to threaten Battle Droids for being idiotic and useless.
    Grievous: Is your transmitter working?
    Battle Droid: I don't know, I haven't used it yet. gets knocked aside by an angry Grievous All right! I'll check on it!
    Grievous: Stupid Battle Droids!

"Lightsaber Lost"

  • Master Sinube's awful pun to Ahsoka. He even laughs at his own joke.
    Ahsoka: I can tell he definitely came from one of those aquatic worlds. You know, one of the watery worlds.
    Tera Sinube: So you say there was something fishy about him? [starts laughing while Ahsoka looks unimpressed]
  • When Master Sinube is trying to find the lightsaber thief on the computer system, Ahsoka is seen behind him pacing, rolling her eyes, and muttering in disbelief and frustration.

"Voyage of Temptation"

  • Obi-Wan and Satine going at each other. What sells the moment is Anakin's Pass the Popcorn face.
    Obi-Wan: A Republic military presence is the only sure defense against the Separatists.
    Satine: Even extremists can be reasoned with!
    Obi-Wan: Perhaps, If one can be heard over the clanking of their battle droids!
    Satine: The sarcasm of a soldier!
    Obi-Wan: The delusion of a dreamer!
  • Anakin's tone of voice when addressing his Clone troopers about the robot problems:
    Anakin: Alright, men. What's the problem? I'm missing dinner.
  • As Merrik is about to kidnap the Duchess Satine, she makes an Anguished Declaration of Love to Obi-Wan, afraid she'll never see him again. When Merrik complains about the moment after Obi-Wan's response, Satine gets so angry at him she stomps on his foot and rescues herself.
  • Obi-Wan's reaction to Anakin calling Duchess Satine his girlfriend.
    Anakin: I'll take care of this, Obi-Wan. You? Go find your girlfriend!
    Obi-Wan: Right...uh no, Anakin, she's not my...!
  • The death of Tal Merrik is pretty funny in a dark way, especially considering that, in a fraught standoff between him, Obi-Wan and Satine, it's Anakin that kills him. In particular, the satisfied, downright innocent look on Anakin's face as he recovers the detonator while the background music plays a bar from the Imperial March. And Obi-Wan's disapproving "Anakin..."
    "What? He was gonna blow up the ship."

"Duchess of Mandalore"

  • After Satine is framed for murder, two clones are shown searching for her, asking an Ithorian if he saw her. In a rare subversion of the often used Bilingual Dialogue trope, the Ithorian answers in his native tongue that the clones don't understand, and they think he doesn't understand them either. According to the script, he did, and his answer was "Yes, I saw her. She's right around that corner."

"Senate Murders"

  • Lieutenant Tan Divo explains to a room full of politicians that Senator Onaconda Farr was murdered, and he believes that he must have been hiding something, because all politicians do. Then he looks around expecting confirmation, before realizing that he's talking to a room full of politicians. Just to add to it, they really do have things to hide: Palpatine is a Sith Lord, Mas Amedda is in on it, Padmé Amidala is secretly married to a Jedi, Orn Free Taa is a Corrupt Politician, and Lolo Purs is the killer. The only exceptions are Bail Organa and Mon Mothma, and he'll be hiding Padmé's daughter in just a few years, and both of them will be secretly building the Rebellion.
    • Divo's dickishness is pretty hilarious in general.
    Divo: Well, I'll need to find out who wanted to hurt Senator Farr. Well, actually, kill him would be more accurate. What with him being dead and all.
    Lolo: Nobody wanted him dead. Everybody loved him.
    Divo: Well, that's obviously not true, or else I wouldn't be here. And he would.
  • The brief cut to Palpatine smiling as Lolo Purs takes Padmé Amidala hostage and tries to make her escape, showing he is clearly getting a kick out of the whole spectacle, dark as the implications of it are.

"Cat and Mouse"

  • Obi-Wan arrives with his cruiser at Christophsis and finds Anakin has already attacked the Separatist blockade.
    Obi-Wan: That's nothing out of the ordinary, especially since I gave him a direct order not to.

"Bounty Hunters"

  • Anakin and Obi-Wan start arguing about which direction they should go in to find civilization... while Ahsoka, amused, notices a plume of smoke that both of them overlooked. And then she points it out to them, very smugly.
  • Behind the Scenes example. Dave Filoni revealed that Embo's Kyuzo language was created from intentionally mispronounced French words out of a book about The Smurfs. When his lines are translated directly from French to English, the results are hilarious. An example:
    Embo: Let's (something) what? (blah) that's Smurfy!
  • Hondo's Large Ham declaration that "This effort! Is no longer! Profitable!"

"The Zillo Beast"

  • The music playing as Anakin lunges at the Zillo Beast's foot immediately stops the moment his lightsaber bounces off its hide. The score itself had the same reaction as Anakin did.
    Anakin: What!?
  • In a bit of Black Comedy. After the Zillo Beast climbs out of the pit, it starts attacking the tanks trying to stun it and destroys several of them. As the beast starts to weaken from the stun lasers, it picks up one more tank, about to fling that one too. Instead of screaming or otherwise reacting in terror, one of the clone troopers inside angrily shouts out, "Whose bright idea was this anyway?!"

"The Zillo Beast Strikes Back"

  • In another bit of Black Comedy, this exchange between two clone troopers just before the Zillo Beast breaks out of the research facility and they get crushed by the doors.
    Kosmos: If that creature is as powerful as they say, what good are these rifles gonna be?
    Unnamed clone trooper: Ah, shut up, Kosmos.
  • Seeing the usually unfazed and self-assured Palpatine genuinely terrified and running for his life from the Zillo Beast is hilarious.
  • Also, Palpatine almost being squashed by the beast, but getting rescued by R2-D2 in the nick of time. There is something incredibly amusing about R2 giving the future Emperor a piggyback ride.
  • The Zillo Beast catches Palpatine's escape ship. Anakin decides to cut the hulk in half with his lightsaber. Rex notices and this exchange occurs:
    Obi-Wan: Seems like one of Anakin's improvised plans.
    Windu: How can it be a plan if it's improvised?
    Obi-Wan: Don't worry, just catch them when they fall.
    Rex: A lot of the General's plans involve falling.
  • The fact that it's Palpatine of all people who utters the line, "I've got a bad feeling about this..."

"Death Trap"

  • Anakin and Mace's back-and-forth banter near the beginning of the episode. It's also oddly heartwarming, since it's one of the few times in the canon as a whole when they're relatively relaxed towards each other.
    Mace: You seem more disappointed than our cadets.
    Anakin: It's our job to instruct and inspire.
    Mace: You just wanted to show off.
    Anakin: Hey, when I show off it is instructive. And inspiring.
    Mace: For you, maybe.
  • When the cadets are shown the Endurance's turbolasers, Jax asks the sergeant manning the gun what they use for target practice...
    Sergeant Stew: Malfunctioning droids.
    [R2-D2 beeps in alarm]

"R2 Come Home"

  • Artoo races to the Jedi Temple to inform the Jedi that Mace Windu and Anakin Skywalker are trapped in a crumbling ship. He needs to use the holoprojector and pushes another astromech out of the way, but the droid doesn't take well to that and fights back. They go at each other like a pair of 4-year-olds, and Ahsoka has to break them up.
  • Listen to R2's beeping and movements as he holds off Aurra's crew: when he's about to push the boxes down the elevator, it sounds like he's casually whistling as he does it, like he's dealing with an annoyance in his way of getting help, instead of, you know, bounty hunters. And when he finds the grenade to toss down, his beeps and movement communicate something like a cheerful "Oh, that'll do. Yoink!". It's the implied utter and complete "Why can't you just leave me alone?" nonchalance that sells it.

    Season Three 
"ARC Troopers"
  • If viewed in in chronological order, this marks Ventress' first appearance since "Rookies" 39 episodes ago, where she appeared via hologram awaiting Grievous and his invasion fleet on Kamino. This means that while major battles such as the Battle of Ryloth and the Second Battle of Geonosis were going on, Ventress was stuck in a submarine on Kamino with nothing to do but wait.
  • Grievous and Ventress finally meet during the siege of Tipoca City. They decide that Ventress will take care of the DNA store and steal Jango Fett's sample, while Grievous and his troops destroy the barracks. Before splitting up, Grievous grabs Ventress by the wrist, and asks her if she'd like him to provide her droid escort. Ventress' reply? She holds Grievous' plate-chin and tells him in a very suggestive tone that he has nothing she could want. Grievous is a cyborg whose only known remaining organic components are his eyes, brain and vital organs, so...
  • At the end of the assault on Kamino, there's a minor blink-and-you'll-miss-it Funny Background Event. At the end of their battle, Ventress tries to Force-pull the DNA capsule from Anakin, but a random trooper catches it in midair. That's the awesome. Then when it's zoomed out to show all the clones surrounding Ventress, you can see that trooper suddenly look back to make sure his squad is there to back him up. Only then does he dare point his gun at Ventress.

"Supply Lines"

  • Jar Jar distracts the Trade Federation delegates with... art with tableware. And when Lott Dod finds out about the supply ships to Ryloth? He just looks at Jar Jar, who waves back at him.
    • Two of the ships pass by on Dod's side of the room before he starts getting suspicious. When he turns around, Jar Jar desperately tries to get him to turn back, only to trail off as the final ship passes on his side.
    • Making it funnier, Dod was the only one at the dining table not amused by Jar Jar's art, and gives his own aide an angry face for appreciating it, before the aide frowns with disappointment.

"Sphere of Influence"

  • The general premise of the episode can be one in context. It's essentially George Lucas (or rather, a Pantoran George Lucas lookalike) vs. Greedo, especially when George himself has been seen wearing a "Han Shot First" t-shirt. And guess what, Greedo doesn't get to shoot at all when confronted by Papanoida.

"Evil Plans"

  • The fruit vendor telling a spectacularly bad joke to C-3PO and R2... and then laughing obnoxiously at his own joke.
  • R2-D2's whole scene in the droid spa is both funny and cute! Not to mention it cuts back and forth with 3PO's torture scene. What an example of Mood Whiplash.
  • After C-3P0 finally delivers the fruit he was sent to retrieve, there is a short shot of a rabbit droid placing the fruit on top of a large dessert, numbering them off with each one. A butler droid comes over and takes the dessert away, leaving a number of rabbit droids standing around. They cheer. End scene.

"Hunt for Ziro"

  • Vos breaking into Mama's hut.
    Obi-Wan: [after Vos has just slashed down Mama's door] Vos! Somebody lives here.
    Quinlan Vos: Ugh! Smells like somebody died here.
    Obi-Wan: [apologizing to Mama] Thousand pardons, Madame. He hasn't mastered the concept of knocking.
  • A rather extensive scene takes place where a group of Twi'lek dancers in elaborate masks and not much else are entertaining the assembled Hutts in a dance number referring to the opening of Temple of Doom. Finally, we see who the lead singer in the performance is, and it's... Sy Snootles.
  • During the awesome two on one fight between Cad Bane, Obi-Wan and Quinlan Vos, Bane gets ahold of one of their lightsabers... and Obi-Wan knocks it out of his hand in a few blows.

"Heroes on Both Sides"

  • When Lux Bonteri proves that All Men Are Perverts.
    Ahsoka: Look at me. I'm not so bad, am I?
    Lux: [long pause for a Male Gaze] No, not bad at all.
    Ahsoka: [sighs in frustration and rolls her eyes] Well, it seems boys are the same whether they're Republic or Separatist.
  • General Grievous' Rousing Speech to a squad of infiltrator droids designed specifically for suicide bombing.
    Grievous: You have been designed for this mission. To be the ultimate infiltration units! Some of you may not return. Actually, none of you will return! But don't let that get in your way.

"Pursuit of Peace"

  • Padmé, Bail, and Onaconda Farr meet after learning of Mina Bonteri's death. With everyone high-strung about the Republic ordering more troops and sliding further into debt, Onaconda Farr attempts to break the tension with jokes. He... doesn't succeed.
    Bail: [about arguing against the clone order] I'll start lining up support, but I'll need ammunition.
    Onaconda: We can't afford ammunition, remember? [looks around eagerly]
    [Beat, Bail gives him a disgusted look]
    Onaconda: [deflating] I... joke...
    Padmé: [smiles]
    • Then Padmé takes her revenge when she declares that Onaconda will escort her to talk with the Banking Clan, partly because he knows them well, and partly because:
      Padmé: You owe me for telling such a bad joke.
  • A pair of bounty hunters pursue Padmé in a high-speed speeder bike chase through Coruscant. Eventually, the chase zooms past a pair of parked cops, one of whom drops the coffee he was drinking in a classic "surprised cop" scene... and then it hits when you realize that not only are the cops droids, but they don't even have mouths to drink with.
    • The sheer abuse Padmé puts the bounty hunter on her bike through. That, and the discovery of what she meant when, before the chase, she told Onaconda Farr she could take care of herself: she actually meant "I have a blaster and if those thugs who have been attacking senators target me I'll shoot them".
  • This gem when Obi-Wan and Anakin run into Ventress:
    Obi-Wan: Ventress, you're not looking well.
    Anakin: She never does...
  • Anakin's growing frustration with the aloofness of the Daughter.
    Obi-Wan: Anakin, are you alright?
    Anakin: [speaking to Obi-Wan] Yeah, but our friend here has [shouts after the Daughter as she continues forward, ignoring him] run off!
  • When Anakin uses the Force to lift the Son and the Daughter into the air, they look down at the floor and shake their heads, as if they were surprised he can actually do it.

"Altar of Mortis"

  • When the Son admits to attacking his father. The flippant way he describes the situation and twiddles his fingers is very darkly humorous in an otherwise super-serious story arc. See it here.

"The Citadel"

  • C-3PO is incredulous when he learns that R2-D2 has been given a squad of reprogrammed battle droids to command. He may also be somewhat jealous.
  • Fives' nervousness about being carbon-frozen, doubling as a Call-Forward:
    Fives: Are we sure this thing is safe? I don't wanna end up a wall decoration.
  • Anakin, still groggy from coming out of the carbonite, casually greets Ahsoka. A few seconds later, he realizes the problem with that.

"Wookiee Hunt"

  • "Fine, we'll do it the Wookiee way."
  • Oh, Jinx has a couple gems. "That's great, but it might as well be Coruscant as far as I'm concerned. We have no ship."
  • Jinx attempts to use a Jedi Mind Trick on a Trandoshan and fails. When Chewbacca punches the Trandoshan in the head, Jinx tries the mind trick again and it succeeds.

    Season Four 
"Gungan Attack"


  • Tamson damages Padmé's helmet and it starts to fill with water, threatening to drown her. Then Jar Jar seals the hole with his spit.

"Shadow Warrior"

  • The over-the-top look of utter horror on Jar Jar's face when he realizes that his meeting with the Separatist forces on Naboo will be with none other than General Grievous himself. It isn't until General Tarpals very collectedly pushes down one of his upraised arms that his expression changes.
    • Jar Jar's escape when things go south, big time. While Grievous begins monologuing about how deep the shit Jar Jar is in is, the clumsy Gungan just books it for the elevator and doesn't look back. Grievous doesn't even notice until he hears Jar Jar furiously mashing the button.
  • The mere fact that General Grievous, dreaded general of the droid army and creepy as hell cyborg, was defeated by a bunch of Gungans is hilarious.

"Mercy Mission"

  • Clone pilot Warthog's reaction to the Aleena: "Great, this is gonna be another one of those planets." He actually does a Double Take just before he says that.
  • Commander Wolffe's general grumpy demeanour throughout the episode. You know he's wondering how in the hell he got assigned this mission.
  • 3PO translates King Manchucho's apparently nonsensical statement that they need to make peace with the ground before anything else (the inhabitants of the Aleen underworld), and gets this response:
    Wolffe: We're good but not that good.
    • His greeting qualifies too: "Welcome to our disaster, glad you could come."
  • When Boost clears the entrance to the Aleena's mainframe room by shooting at the debris, Sinker is very disappointed that he didn't get the opportunity to do it.
  • 3PO freaks out when a bunch of bugs start flying around him, leading him to ask R2 for help. R2's "help" is spraying 3PO quite a bit after the bugs are gone. 3PO's response is as golden as he is.
    3PO: Sometimes R2 you go too far.
  • When an underground species begins speaking with them 3PO comments that the tree is talking to them. His tone voice is somewhere between Oh, Crap! and "I don't know if I should be worried but better to be on the safe side."
  • At the very end when 3PO starts going about how he and R2 solved the problem Wolffe comments that they're getting the two droids out of their hair as soon as they can. One of the Troopers fully agrees with the idea.

"Nomad Droids"

  • A horde of angry aliens is charging at R2 and 3PO... then the camera angle shifts to show they barely come up to 3PO's ankle.
  • The Black Comedy of 3PO accidentally killing miniature dictator Hay-Zu by knocking R2 onto him.
  • When R2 and 3PO catch up with Republic forces again, Threepio announces that they've been on an adventure, and Master Plo proves that he's a troll.
    C-3PO: Yes, Commander Wolffe. How have you been, sir? We have been on quite an adventure.
    Plo Koon: Well, I'm certain Wolffe would love to hear about it.
    Wolffe: Uh, a-actually, sir...
  • After the Pattitites elect their new leader, the losing candidates deny the result of the election and turn to violence. This becomes Hilarious in Hindsight (or Harsher in Hindsight, depending on your point of view) now that this is a feature of American politics.

"Darkness on Umbara"

"The General"

  • Right in the middle of an awesome moment, Fives and Hardcase laughing like crazy while commandeering two Umbaran starfighters.

"Plan of Dissent"

  • Fives' attempt to persuade General Krell over the intercom that there is nothing unusual going on in the hangar while Hardcase is failing to pilot an Umbaran starfighter. Especially as the scene is an Internal Homage to Han Solo attempting to do the same thing in A New Hope.
    Fives: [with the loud clanging of Hardcase crashing into other fighters in the background] Uh, yes sir, everything's... fine in the hangar, sir. Nothing's out of control down here.
    Krell: Then why have the alarms been triggered?
    Fives: Eeeeeeehhh... Uuuuuuh... Uh, i-it's just a drill. A safety drill, sir.
    Krell: Safety check occurs at 0600. Who authorized this drill?!
    Fives: Aaaaaauum... weee... are... decrypting the alien hardware, sir. Standard operating procedure.
    Krell: Who is this?! What's your CT number?!
    • And when Krell and Rex come down after Hardcase fires a missile into the hangar door, Krell seems to buy the "Booby Trap" explanation Fives gives, but Rex's facial expressions make it clear he doesn't believe a word of it.
  • Jesse's Sarcastic Clapping after Krell orders the fighters locked down.
    Jesse: I thought the plan was to blow up the supply ship, not destroy our own hangar.


"Slaves of the Republic"

  • Ahsoka's Bad "Bad Acting" when being presented as a slave to Queen Miraj. Even Anakin disapproves.
    Ahsoka: Unhand me, brigand!
  • A Funny Background Event moments later: as the Queen walks around Ahsoka "appraising" her, the Kiros-bird on her shoulder blatantly stares straight at Ahsoka's chest and bottom.
  • Anakin flirting with Miraj. Especially considering how much he has improved since Attack of the Clones.

"Friends and Enemies"

  • Ashley Eckstein, voicing a random patron at a Bad Guy Bar, ad-libbed this zinger as bounty hunter Rako Hardeen returns from "assassinating" Obi-Wan:
    "Wowww... I wanna check his midichlorian count."
  • Rako Hardeen, Cad Bane and Moralo Eval arrive in a bazaar on Nal Hutta. They decide to switch out of their prison fatigues and switch to something less conspicuous. What's one of the first things Bane gets? Another hat to replace his old one. Later in the same episode, Ahsoka recognizes him because of said hat.

"The Box"

"Crisis on Naboo"

  • At the end of the episode, Anakin swears that as long as he lives, no harm will come to Palpatine. We all know how well that turns out.
  • There's something darkly hilarious about Cad Bane dragging Palpatine around by his ankles, chucking him about like a sack of potatoes, and otherwise treating the most ungodly powerful Sith Lord in galactic history with such outrageous amounts of disrespect. Talk about Mugging the Monster...


  • When the warlord Otua Blank expects his bride, he instead finds that Ventress has switched her with Boba Fett.


  • Savage being disgusted by what Maul has been turned into and asking him "you live here?" sounds like he's visiting his depressed brother who's shut himself in in a messy apartment.
  • There's something strangely funny (and equally depressing) in how Savage, who is normally portrayed as a brute with only low cunning, plays the Only Sane Man to Maul, who ends up showing himself to be a deeply intelligent mastermind whose greatest fault was in daring to face Palpatine, even if it doesn't last long.
  • Morley comes down thinking that Savage is dead and when he sees that isn't the case he just offers a disappointed "Oh you're still alive". It takes him a moment to process that before he goes Oh, Crap! and tries to take off.
  • When Obi-Wan and Ventress are forced to team up against Savage and Maul, they find themselves outmatched and have to flee. Obi-Wan uses this opportunity to lampshade Ventress' tendencies to flee when outmatched:
    Obi-Wan: We're outmatched.
    Ventress: You want to run?
    Obi-Wan: I learned from watching you!
    Ventress: Funny...
    • Heck, all of their dialogue together was quite entertaining.
      [Ventress tosses one of her lightsabers to Obi-Wan after he's disarmed]
      Ventress: I want that back.
      Obi-Wan: That's fine. Red's not my color.

    Season Five 
  • Hondo's reaction to his men betraying him; you have to hear the delivery to really appreciate it.
  • Don't forget his later interaction with Obi-Wan.
    Hondo: And leave you alone with the two crazies!? [Beat] ...Well, okay.
  • And when he gets called out for his insolence.
    Hondo: Insolence?! [laughs] We are pirates! We don't even know what that means!
  • At the end when Hondo assumes No One Should Survive That!, Obi-Wan is skeptical, noting that he cut Maul in half and the Sith still wouldn't die. Hondo just offers a "Well isn't that interesting?" as though a Jedi he's well acquainted with didn't just admit he tried to brutally kill someone and he just heard a story that pretty much makes him respond with a "Neat story, look treasure!"
  • Really, anything Hondo says usually subverts normal cliché Hammy-ness. And it's glorious.

"A War on Two Fronts"

  • Ahsoka and Lux reminisce about their adventure on Carlac, which makes Steela suspicious, or curious at the least. When she asks them what happened there, Lux gives her a very misunderstandable reply. Ahsoka's expression when she realized what Lux's answer implied was quite funny:
    Steela: What happened on Carlac?
    Lux: Ahsoka's the reason I'm here and not with the Death Watch.
    • Anakin smirking in the background whenever Ahsoka and Lux interact with each other is both hilarious and heartwarming.
  • Anakin telling Ahsoka to push her feelings aside and focus on the main objective is rather hilarious once you realize that he should take that advice himself.
  • The battledroids' lack of self-preservation skills shines through again.
    "What is that?"

"Tipping Points"

  • Hondo delivers some weapons to the Onderon rebels. This draws the attention of a small group of commando droids, who attack.
    Hondo: Oh, my, look at the time. [casually walks away as commando droids are shooting]
  • One droid gets blinded and end up shooting one of its comrades.

"Bound for Rescue"

  • Yet more Hondo, now drunk for your amusement.
    • [after being launched into the air] "I'M FLYING!" Then he crashes into a bunch of crates. As some of the other pirates go to help him, the circus ringleader has a terrified reactions that amounts to "Oh, God, not again!"
    • "I may not be as young as I once was, but... I'm older!"
    • Ahsoka trying to threaten him:
      Ahsoka: If you don't let me go, you're gonna wish you were born a protocol droid!
      Hondo: Haha, sometimes I do anyway!
  • Ahsoka's reaction when she recognizes right away that the "Animal Instincts" are actually the younglings in disguise who came to rescue her is also priceless.
    Ahsoka: Oh no...

"A Necessary Bond"

  • Hondo's just the gift that keeps on giving, really.
    Katooni: [leaps onto Hondo's speeder bike with him] I've got your back.
    Hondo: Great... I feel... so safe.
    • The guy gives backtalk to Grievous!
      Grievous: This planet is now under Separatist control! [grabs Hondo by the neck]
      Hondo: Uh huh... and... what do you suppose that means? [gets thrown to the floor]
    • Hondo's explanation for helping Ahsoka and the younglings when he was willing to kill them the previous episode? "Today is a new day! And lucky for you, today I like children!"
    • When Count Dooku accuses Hondo of trying to auction him off to the highest bidder back when he was Hondo's prisoner, Hondo simply asks if Dooku can blame him since a Sith Lord would fetch a great price. It's especially funny because he says it as if he meant to compliment Dooku for being such a valuable hostage. Dooku's reaction is priceless.
    • Immediately before, when Dooku is talking about the incident the focus is on him, but you can hear Hondo groaning in exasperation in the background the moment it's brought up.
  • Another good droid moment is when one calls Grievous to tell him they're under attack, and is so busy giving the message that both Zatt and Petro just run up and slice him to bits in the middle of it.
    • The message itself, too. He's trying to explain that there are several "miniature Jedi" attacking them, apparently being confused by the concept of children, and Grievous tells him he's not making any sense.
    • "My knees!"

"Secret Weapons"

  • WAC-47 attempts to prove his "superiority" to the astromech droids by getting in the front of the line as they leave the briefing room... only to walk straight into the wall next to the door as R2 and company roll right by him.

"A Sunny Day in the Void"

  • R2 doesn't take sass from a wannabe officer. What seals the deal is how he takes the Separatist code module and waves it at Gascon, practically mocking him. In fact, much of the humor in that episode comes from R2 totally ignoring Gascon and WAC's fighting over leadership and constantly proving himself the most competent person in the squad — all while neither of the main characters notice.
  • The other three astromechs of the squad immediately defer to R2's command, instead of WAC or Gascon, showing how little respect they have for the commanding officer too, despite that one of them was brought along for the sole purpose of carting Gascon around.
  • WAC-47 asserting authority in the end of the episode. Ben Diskin must've had a blast recording it.

"Missing In Action"

  • A woman blows a kiss to a passing Dug in a seedy Outer Rim town. Her outfit, her body language, the context of the setting...yup, they just snuck a hooker into a kids' show.


"The Lawless"


  • Anakin trying to deal with buzz droids while acting like it's just a minor inconvenience to Ahsoka. When a console explosion knocks Anakin out, Ahsoka tells R2-D2 to tilt his starfighter so she can see how bad the damage is, only to see the underside almost completely covered with the buzz droids.
    Ahsoka: [staring wide-eyed] Oh, that's not good.
  • Ahsoka bringing Anakin up to speed after he finds himself lacking a starfighter:
    Ahsoka: Fighter crashed. I saved the day. You're welcome.

"To Catch a Jedi"

  • While on the falling turbolift, Ahsoka tries to open a hole on the roof to escape with the Twi'lek child who was trying to tell her something in her language... Then the child pushes a button, and the turbolift stops. That's when she realizes the child was telling her to just use the emergency stop.
  • Ventress' non-lethal beatdown of Commander Wolffe and the Coruscant Guard is both this and a Moment of Awesome, especially with the clones' groggy reactions after the beatdown.

    Season Six 
"The Unknown"
  • While rescuing Tup, Fives compares the size of his macrobinoculars with Anakin's and asks if the latter's are "Jedi-issue". For context, Fives' macrobinoculars are bigger than his hand, while Anakin's is tiny. In other words, the show managed to sneak in a dick joke between the two:
    Fives: Are your scopes... Jedi-issue, sir?
    Anakin: ... Stay focused, Fives.
    Fives: *chuckles*


  • In an otherwise dark and super-serious story arc, AZI-3 and Fives' earlier interactions are pretty funny.
  • AZI-3's survival mode when he and Fives are out on Kamino's sea: a miniature speeder bike.


  • Even if they're being jerks to a cabbie, it's inherently amusing to see drunk clone troopers.
  • One piece of graffiti on a bathroom door in 79's translates as "Grievous is a nerfherder"

"An Old Friend"

"The Rise of Clovis"

"The Disappeared, Part 1"

  • The mere idea that Jar Jar Binks has a girlfriend and that there is an entire planet that reveres him.
    • The in-universe reactions as the signs slowly show up. Even Palpatine is bewildered at the idea Queen Julia would specifically ask for Jar Jar Binks over Bail Organa and Padmé... And says he has no idea why when Obi-Wan asks the obvious question.
  • Mace and Jar Jar's interactions, with Mace playing the straight man to Jar Jar's wackiness.
  • Jar Jar's claimed justification to the Bahk-Tov council for bringing Mace to Bardotta in the first place is so wrong but so hilarious at the same time. He claims Mace is his servant — which would normally reek Unfortunate Implications since Mace is black — and this claim is coming from a character who has already been accused of being a similar stereotype long before he was made more tolerable. Mace's annoyed reaction to the claim makes it even funnier.
  • A Frangawl cult member is about to attack, but Mace just looks at him and the guy runs away screaming.
  • Also, the idea of Mace Windu being a Butt-Monkey during the first half. This can also feel cathartic for those who were still mad at him for throwing Ahsoka under the bus in "The Wrong Jedi".
  • The Queen kisses Jar Jar. Cut to Mace:
    Mace: There's a disturbance in the Force.

"The Disappeared, Part 2"

  • When Jar Jar gets snarky with Mace.
    Mace: [using the Force] I see... people, streets, market.
    Jar Jar: [looking out the window] Yep, meesa see that too.


  • There is something about Yoda being caught flatfooted when he isn't listening during a meeting of the Jedi Council that is quite humorous. A being so old, so powerful, so revered... acting like a Padawan would in the same situation.
    Mace: Master Yoda, your thoughts on these revelations?
    Yoda: ...H-Hm? Oh yes, yes. Forgive me. Deep in thought I was. (As the council exchange looks) Y-you were saying?
  • Yoda asks Anakin to help him escape, but Anakin protests that the council won't like it. Yoda's response?
    Yoda: Disobeying the council, your expertise is.
  • And when making the request, Yoda has a mischievous look on his face. He looks like a kid sneaking out of his bedroom at night without waking Mommy and Daddy.
  • When Yoda escapes, and Mace demands an explanation from Anakin, he responds with, "Hey, for once, none of this was my idea."
  • Jedi starfighters in general look like a crossbreed of a normal Space Plane and a TIE fighter, meant to bridge the gap between the prequel trilogy and the original trilogy in terms of design. Then the production team decided to take it up to eleven by basically shoving an astromech droid into a TIE Interceptor. The result is so adorable that only Yoda could pull this off without looking ridiculous.

    Season Seven 
"The Bad Batch"
  • The entrance of the Bad Batch's shuttle, where other clone troopers have to run out of the way because of their reckless landing. What's even funnier is that the officer on the intercom gives plenty of warning that they're approaching and to clear the airfield. When no one listens, the officer resorts to screaming at those same clone troopers to get out of the way.
    Officer on intercom: ...Repeat, coming in hot on platform TT-397.
    [no one listens and everyone resumes what they are doing]
    Officer on intercom: [as personnel begin ducking and running for their lives as the shuttle lands] CLEAR THE AIRFIELD! I SAID "CLEAR THE AIRFIELD"!
  • Hunter informs Commander Cody that they're late because they were dealing with an insurrection on Yalbec Prime, and Wrecker cut off the queen's stinger, so a bunch of males tried to eat them. Tech immediately interjects that the males were actually attempting to mate with them, prompting Hunter to briefly look amused and exasperated, with an Aside Glance.
  • Jesse's remark on how the Bad Batch managed to successfully take on a massive group of droids on their own. Doubles as a Moment of Awesome. (This line is only in the unfinished story reel version.)
    Jesse: Are these guys even real?
  • After said battle, Wrecker is shown "playing" with a wrecked battle droid.
    Wrecker: Hey Crosshair! This little clanker likes you!
    Crosshair: Ah, grow up Wrecker!
  • This exchange between Kix and Jesse:
    Jesse: I get what makes the other Batchers unique, but what's so special about Hunter?
    Kix: He can put up with the other three.
  • When the clones are attacking the security outpost near the cyber center, Wrecker is left holding the rear as Rex, Jesse, Hunter, Crosshair and Tech take the elevator up to the top level and swiftly destroy all of the droids there. When Wrecker finally gets up there, he is extremely disappointed that the fun is now over and there are no more droids left to kill.
  • During the attack on the cyber center, Rex has Hunter, Wrecker, and Tech go in the back while he, Jesse, and Crosshair distract the droids at the front. When Hunter and Wrecker finally get to the front, Rex sarcastically asks Wrecker what took him so long, and Wrecker snipes back that it was supposed to be a stealthy mission (Wrecker hates stealth).
    Rex: What took you so long, Wrecker?
    Wrecker: This is supposed to be a "delicate operation"!

"A Distant Echo"

  • From the reels: Anakin and Rex accompany the Bad Batch on a covert mission, and they're using the squad's gunship, the Havoc Marauder. As they prepare to board, Anakin notices the Nose Art depicting Padmé in a slitskirt, showing her entire leg. As a Bilingual Bonus, the Aurebesh text on the nose art says "Good to be bad". Anakin — secretly being her husband — is understandably not amused, especially when Wrecker's comment adds the insult to the injury:
    Wrecker: She can "negotiate" with me any time!
    Anakin: [to Rex, under his breath] That is not staying there!
    Rex: Let's... just go.
  • Anakin has apparently been making Rex help cover for his holo-calls to Padmé for some time. Between excusing the two of them from Hunter with a claim that they have to do "that thing", Rex's visible impatience while waiting outside the barracks for Anakin to finish up, and Rex's Blatant Lies to Obi-Wan that Anakin is spot-checking his gear without him, it's awkwardly hilarious. With Obi-Wan then saying he hopes Anakin at least told Padmé he said "hello", it all but confirms that Anakin and Padmé's marriage is one of the worst-kept secrets in the galaxy.
    Obi-Wan: What's going on here?
    Rex: Uh... nothing, sir. Just waiting for the general... General.
    Obi-Wan: You'll have to do better than that, Captain.
  • There's something a bit funny about the fact that Anakin doesn't notice his own wife is pregnant, even when she's touching her expanded womb! Even the online episode guide pointed out how oblivious Anakin is.
    • The implication that no, Jedi training does not come with a sex ed class.
  • When Rex asks Hunter who the Bad Batch report to, the latter replies that he doesn't have an answer, indicating that not even they know who their superior officer is.
  • Anakin's Oh, Crap! facial expression when he gets kidnapped by a Poletec warrior riding a keeradak is priceless.
  • Tech opens the door to a tower in Purkoll, and Hunter orders Crosshair to scout out the room inside.
    Crosshair: Yeah. It's a lift.
    Tech: [as everyone enters] Well, we already knew that.
    Wrecker: [waiting outside] Wait wait wait. A lift? How far up are we going?
    Hunter: Don't worry, Wrecker. I'll hold your hand.
  • After all of the droids in the room they exit into at the top of the tower are destroyed, Wrecker starts cheering and pumping his fists in the air. At everyone else's blank stares, he stops and sheepishly says he got "excited".

"On the Wings of Keeradaks"

  • Hunter's reaction when Wrecker abruptly grabs him and throws him into the vent they're going to use to escape, complete with yelling after him that he would have liked a warning.
    Hunter: [as Wrecker pushes him forward] Wait– Wrecker– what are you doing?! [Wrecker throws him up into the vent] A heads-up would've been nice!
  • Rex's startled yell when tossed up by Wrecker.
  • Wat Tambor is told his droids can't detect any organic targets in the room. He shoves the droid who told him this out of the way:
    Tambor: Oh. No.
    (Room explodes)
  • When Echo says that there is a way out, but "you're not gonna like it", every other member of the group turns to stare at him with apprehension. And he's not wrong, either: the way out in question is across a long, narrow pipe with nothing below it.
  • Tech displays a lack of sympathy towards Wrecker's acrophobia:
    Wrecker: Oooh, I can't look down! Just keep walkin', Tech.
    Tech: That's fine, but if you fall, don't take me with you.
  • Rex has an Oh, No... Not Again! reaction when Wrecker grabs him during the battle at the village to throw him onto an Octuptarra droid.

"Unfinished Business"

  • Mace Windu's attempt at negotiation to the Separatist droid army and offer to surrender so they can be reprogrammed for a better purpose, only for them to completely ignore surrendering and decide to open fire. As Obi-Wan snarks afterwards...
    Obi-Wan: Well, I guess it was worth a try.
    • Obi-Wan, the negotiator himself, even shoots Mace a look in disbelief when he starts talking to them.
  • Windu informs Obi-Wan that according to Anakin there's a lot more droids heading towards them, and that it's part of his plan. Obi-Wan's response:
    • In the reel:
      "Yes, that sounds like Anakin."
    • In the episode:
      "I see Anakin is being as insightful as ever."
  • After Echo proves his loyalties really are to the Republic, he asks if there was any doubt:
    Tech: Some.
    Echo: Well, thanks.
  • When Crosshair shoots a battle droid, if you listen closely, it sounds like the droid is saying "Fuck!"
  • Anakin goes full on Black Comedy as he leaves telling the dying Trench (who he'd just impaled) that "It was a pleasure." Trench collapsing on his back as he twitches and curls up like a dead spider is just the cherry on top.
  • While Wrecker is pummeling battle droids with his bare hands, Hunter only has this to say:
    Hunter: I honestly feel bad for those droids.
  • Meanwhile, more droids are coming, and Crosshair decides to handle them. Wrecker thinks he's going to try to top his stunt.
    • And sure enough, he does, with Wrecker having the most comically horrified expression on his face in response. Hunter has to reassure a teary Wrecker that he'll top him next time. Crosshair, on the other hand, thinks otherwise.
      Hunter: [nudging Wrecker] Relax, Wrecker. You'll top him next time.
      Crosshair: No he won't.
  • Wrecker getting all teary and sobbing at the prospect of him getting to blow up a Separatist dreadnought, declaring it to be the happiest day of his life.

"Gone with a Trace"

  • While beating up Pintu's thugs, Ahsoka kicks one of them squarely in the groin. The music accompanying the beatdown only brings it home.

"Deal No Deal"

  • Admiral Yularen telling off Trace when she flies her ship into military airspace by accident. He sounds like a man who's been prank-called:
  • And then, Trace forgets to take off the Silver Angel's airbrakes while in hyperspace.
    Rafa: I said it flies like a dream!
    Ahsoka: Yeah... a bad one.
  • Ahsoka's not completely sold on the Silver Angel name:
    Ahsoka: Hey, it's your ship, you call it what you want. Why don't you name my bike while you're at it?

"Dangerous Debt"

  • Trace and Rafa bumping into each other and falling down when they're both on their way to rescue the other.
  • Rafa and Trace start arguing over which direction they should go while Pyke guards are approaching. Ahsoka grabs their arms and says "Tiebreaker!" as she pulls them down one hallway.
  • As Rafa is dragged away by guards, this exchange occurs:
    Rafa: If I die, you get the family business!
    Trace: But I don't want the family business!
  • Some of Ahsoka's Blatant Lies to cover up the use of her Force powers:
    • When Rafa wonders how she got the cell door open, Ahsoka claims that there was a freak power outage.
    • Then, after leaping over a gap and the sisters' heads, they both think Ahsoka fell to her doom. Rafa's faux sympathy is funny enough, but when Ahsoka startles both of them by coming up behind them, and then "explains" how she got there with "I'm more athletic than I look"... hilarious, especially when Rafa retorts "But that's not–" and doesn't get to complete her thought because of pursuing guards.

"Together Again"

  • Rafa is touched that Ahsoka sacrificed herself to give Rafa and Trace a way to escape. She immediately decides to rescue Ahsoka so that she won't owe her a favor.
  • The entirety of the B-plot, which is Rafa bullying a bunch of scared Toongs (Ben Quadinaros's species) working for the Pykes into giving her an unscheduled spice shipment. Not to mention her plan to pay off the Pykes using spice stolen from the Pykes.
    • Relatedly, the Toong spice workers make squeak toy sounds when they get hit.
  • Rafa, in an attempt to intimidate her way out of the situation, starts laying into the lead Toong for supposedly being lazy and lying about his manager's involvement, only for the him to point out that said manager is right behind her. She whirls around, expecting yet another Toong, only to come face-to-chest with a Trandoshan!
  • When the truth about Ahsoka comes out, she explains that she quit the Order. Both sisters ask shocked if you can actually do that.

"Old Friends Not Forgotten"

  • In the middle of a pitched battle, Obi-Wan and Cody still find time to argue.
    Obi-Wan (With his side clearly on the losing end of the battle): Well, I can see things are going splendidly on this front!
  • Immediately after, Obi-Wan demands to know where Anakin is...only for the man to show up and casually wonder what Obi-Wan and company are doing taking cover. The way that he just nonchalantly dodges all incoming fire while talking like they're all having breakfast together makes it even more hilarious.
  • The entire 501st is clinging onto the underside of the bridge in a manner that would make Spider-Man proud, with R2 acting as a robotic submarine to determine whether they can leap into battle just yet. When Rex reports that no, it's not time yet, he tells his men they need to "hang in there for a little longer." They all groan.
    • Making it better is Jesse's clearly annoyed "Sir, yes, Sir" in response; another victim of military "hurry up and wait" doctrine.
  • As the 501st start tearing into the now-leaderless droids, the 212th start getting antsy. Obi-Wan sends them into action not like a general ordering his troops into battle, but a bemused teacher letting his children out to recess. In the background, one clone doesn't even wait. He's up and firing before Cody can even ask.
    Cody: General?
    Obi-Wan: Yes, Cody, you may join the fun as well.

"The Phantom Apprentice"

  • Yes, the confrontation with Maul in the throne room is very tense and dramatic, but Maul treats the whole thing as an unscheduled business meeting rather than the culmination of a war.
    Maul: [to Bo-Katan and Ahsoka as a series of explosions rock Sundari City] One of you might want to deal with that.
    Ahsoka: [to Bo-Katan] You should go. Your people need you.
    Maul: Don't stay on my account, we'll be fine.
  • Before that, Maul casually redirects Bo-Katan's blaster bolts with flicks of his wrist, then grabs her with the Force and, his voice dripping with condescension, asks:
    Maul: My Lady, is that any way to treat your rightful ruler?
  • If synced to the confrontation in Palpatine's office, Ahsoka remarks to Maul that "[he's] lucky Anakin didn't show up." just as Anakin arrives at the Senate building.


  • A small moment of fringe levity in the horror of Order 66 is that Ahsoka was only able to find out about the control chips and know how to free Rex from its control because Anakin didn't update his security pass-code since Ahsoka left the order.
  • When Ahsoka busts Maul out, he thinks she's accepting his earlier offer of a team-up. Nope. She's setting him loose on the clones to create a diversion.
    Ahsoka: Now go cause some chaos. It's what you're good at.
  • Then:
    Maul: Erm, care to give me a fighting chance?
    Ahsoka: I'm not rooting for you! Now get going!
    Maul: (gives her an annoyed look before marching off)

"Victory and Death"

  • Though it's a tension-fueled moment, there is a brief second of levity after Jesse accuses Rex of treason for aiding Ahsoka and relieves him of his rank, and Rex actually takes it in stride.
    Rex: Yeah, I didn't much like being a commander, anyway.
  • A blink and you miss it moment, when Ahsoka charges at Maul to get him to stop taking the shuttle, she doesn't hold back one bit and aims for his neck. The surprised look on Maul's face as he realizes that he literally almost got beheaded by her, grabbing his neck in shock and all, is priceless.
    • It's also a bit of a callback to Obi-Wan telling Maul earlier in the series that he should have aimed for his neck instead of cutting him in half. After being mentored by the no-nonsense Anakin, she almost fulfilled her grandmaster's wish.
    • There's also some bit of funny Dramatic Irony considering what chronologically happens later in Star Wars Rebels: had Maul died here, Ahsoka's fight with the Inquisitors in Malachor (together with Kanan and Ezra) probably would have gone way harder than it should have.
  • While it's a very grim situation, CH-33P and G-G make some light of Ahsoka and Rex's (apparent) final stand against the 332nd in the hangar by way of hijacking the lifts and knocking the clones around like pinballs, incapacitating entire squadrons by throwing them from one floor to the next at high speeds.

    Subsequent Stories 
Darth Maul: Son of Dathomir
  • Near the end of the second issue, as the Shadow Collective forces on Ord Mantell are about to be executed by General Grievous' droid army, Gar Saxon (a Mandalorian) gives the rest of his forces an It Has Been an Honor speech. Ziton Moj gives him a less than enthusiastic look. Thankfully, Maul forces Grievous to shut down the army before they could gun his men down.
  • In Issue 4, Darth Sidious' response to Mother Talzin restoring her body.
    Mother Talzin: I am whole! I am returned!
    Darth Sidious: You are about to die.

"Crystal Crisis on Utapau" Story Reels

  • The banter between Obi-Wan and Anakin has always been easily the best source of comedy in the series as a whole. Now imagine four episodes, with basically just the two of them having a weird adventure. The voice work James Arnold Taylor and Matt Lanter did must be heard to fully appreciate it!
    • Anakin and Obi-Wan pursue two MagnaGuards they suspect of the murder of a Jedi. When they finally catch up, Obi-Wan warns Anakin that they need them intact to get information. Anakin initially tries to disable the droid without harming it, but after it manages to hit him with its electrostaff one too many times, he gets fed up and Force-pushes it into a Deadly Rotary Fan.
      Anakin: Oops, I broke it!
    • Anakin volunteers to take the first shift standing guard at night. He falls asleep, and they're woken by a bunch of Sugi pointing blasters at them.
      Obi-Wan: You were supposed to wake me.
      Anakin: Yeah, but... well, at least you look rested.
      Obi-Wan: Wonderful! I'll make a very pleasant prisoner!
  • In "In Search of the Crystal", a Sugi warrior is inspecting Anakin's lightsaber, even pointing the emitter towards his face. After Anakin warns him to be careful, he uses the Force to activate it and make his point, with the expected results.
    Anakin: Well, I did warn him.
    • Obi-Wan complaining about Anakin's choice of escape route being an Air-Vent Passageway:
      Obi-Wan: Brilliant idea! This is a much narrower space! No room to maneuver, we'll be shot for sure!
      Anakin: Sorry! I thought it would be a good place to hide!
      Obi-Wan: It's never a good place to hide! We're always in the ventilation duct, every ship we go in!
    • When the two of them come across a weapons room, we get some of these gems—particularly from Obi-Wan:
      • For one, him criticizing Anakin for choosing a flamethrower as a weapon:
        Obi-Wan: A bit much, isn't it?
        Anakin: ... Yeah, you're right. This one is overkill. *Tosses flamethrower aside*
      • Later, him being unimpressed by Anakin going Guns Akimbo on a group of Sugi....
        Obi-Wan: Are you quite finished showing off, Anakin? No one's impressed.
      • .... and immediately taking his remark back once Anakin kills another Sugi via Force-activating their lightsabers in the latter's possession:
        Obi-Wan: Alright, now that was impressive.
  • For some more Black Comedy in "The Big Bang", we are given a shot of a bisected battle droid crawling after his own still-active severed legs which are walking away from him, even begging them to come back.
  • While the Jedi are fighting the battle droids after the Pau'an governor ordered them to stand down, one of the battle droids asks another what they are supposed to do:
    Battle Droid 1: What should we do?
    Battle Droid 2: I don't know! Ask him!
    [camera pans to show the battle droid in question missing its head]
  • Normally, the moral that appears before an episode begins is meant to deliver a wise and valuable lesson. Not so with the arc's finale, "The Big Bang":
    Moral: If at first you don't succeed, destroy it.

Dark Disciple

  • Quinlan instructs a protocol droid named Blue to list every synonym for his name in every language he knows. Just for the heck of it.
  • After being told he cannot see all futures, Quinlan retorts he knows the ending of the Council session. That he bows, gets a shower and a meal, then is briefed by Obi-Wan. Yoda finds this Actually Pretty Funny.
  • Quinlan and Ventress' first meeting. Ventress has just successfully cornered her target, Moregi, when Vos tackles him out of nowhere. Then when Ventress exasperatedly asks him what's he doing, he tells her that "It's called a tackle!" The crowning moment comes moments later when Vos attempts to flirt with Ventress while trying to restrain their quarry:
    Vos: Relax, I got this, honey!
    Ventress: Honey?! [knocks Vos flat on his ass]
  • When Vos and Ventress confront Dooku for the first time, he offers Ventress some wine, actually sips some of it even when Vos shows up, and is specifically noted to put down his glass as he draws his lightsaber.

  • This AI-voiced parody of the intro that pretty much describes the show to a T:
    "A random philosophical quote Dave Filoni pulled out of his ass..."

    Shit is happening in the galaxy!
    A Sith Lord that's totally not the Chancellor is back on his messy bullshit again
    and spilled some tea to start more drama.
    Meanwhile unstable Jedi knight Anakin Skywalker, a sassy bitch, and this child solder
    proceed to commit several war crimes and blow shit up for the next twenty minutes.
    And Jar Jar fucks!
    Meanwhile, Count Dooku rages at his Excel sheets
    as he watches all his money and plans go to shit the moment these three motherfuckers show up.
    Also, the hottest thing to happen to children's television slays the competition,
    This bitch hacks up the driest loogie you've ever seen,
    and the quintilliontuplet army experiences the greatest development ever written
    before fucking dying dramatically,
    all while the galaxy watches and wonders if the Jedi will finally defeat the evil Separatists
    or if Dooku and his spreadsheets will finally prevail!
  • Writer Matt Michnovetz was so obsessed with the Bad Batch that he would always try to find excuses to put them in episodes during story meetings even when it would make no sense, much to Dave Filoni's amusement. It actually got to the point where Filoni thought he was the writer of this arc when it was actually Brent Friedman, though Michnovetz wrote a follow up arc with the Batch on Kashyyyk and the two writers would work together to flesh out the characters.
    • It's even funnier now that the Bad Batch have their own show and Michnovetz is one of the writers for it.
  • Ashley Eckstein revealing to the Star Wars Celebration Chicago 2019 audience the true story of when she first heard about the series' revival via texts from Dee Bradley Baker, but also revealing it to Dave Filoni, who was unaware his cast members were passing confidential information behind his back and proceeded to Facepalm and shake his head while they read the texts aloud.
    Dee: Rex had to tell Ahsoka, there's just no way.
    Ashley: Exactly! I mean, if we're not in Dave's trust tree, then, Ahsoka and Rex, we have our own trust tree.
    Dave: [slowly shaking his head at the camera in disapproval]
  • With the release of the Final Season trailer, Anna Graves roleplayed on Twitter as Satine to protest Maul's rule of Mandalore, despite the fact that her character has been dead since Season 5. Sam Witwer (as Darth Maul) joins in on the fun too.
    Anna Graves: Dear Internet, That’s MY throne room. Maul is still a problem... for EVERYONE. MTFBWY all - Satine
    Sam Witwer: I feel like you abdicated.
    • This cued a series of responses from both the cast and character fan accounts.
    • Even better, the official Star Wars Twitter joined in too. Granted, their post was just two frowny face emojis but the fact that they responded at all is worth a chuckle.
  • During this video with D23 that talked about what Star Wars characters were real or not, the ones who got it wrong were Ashley Eckstein (Ahsoka) and Matt Lanter (Anakin) . This then causes James Arnold Taylor to slip into his Obi-Wan Kenobi voice and jokingly say "You need to spend more time studying in the Jedi Temple, you two.". What seals it are the comments saying how this would perfectly be in character for the characters.
  • This Star Wars skit from Robot Chicken of two clones (with Dee Bradley Baker reprising his role(s)) as them) discussing in the middle of a shootout whether or not masturbation is gay and if having sex with your clone is gay. What probably tops it is that this conversation otherwise feels like something that could be exchanged in The Clone Wars.

Alternative Title(s): Dark Disciple, Darth Maul Son Of Dathomir
