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Film / Heckler

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A 2007 Documentary produced and directed by Michael Addis that follows Jamie Kennedy that shows the dark side of being in the spotlight as well as comedians dealing with hecklers during their shows.

The movie features Louie Anderson, Criss Angel, Dave Attell, Vince August, Mamie Bamford, Roseanne Barr, Doug Benson, among others.

It was released on November 4, 2007.

Tropes for the film:

  • As Himself: Many comedians appear as themselves as Kennedy interviews them about hecklers at shows.
  • Caustic Critic: The movie takes aim at caustic critics, equating them with annoying hecklers at a comedy show. He confronts a few internet critics who wrote particularly vitriolic critiques of his films and demands to know why they needed to be so mean.
  • Halfway Plot Switch: It starts out as Jamie Kennedy's examination of hecklers, in which he interviews comedians about their thoughts of heckling and confronts actual hecklers who interrupt his stand-up comedy shows. About halfway through, the film twists and starts going after movie critics in the same fashion, suddenly revealing the central thesis that critics are really just hecklers.
  • One-Word Title: Heckler.
  • Tagline: "Everyone's a critic".
  • Take That, Critics!: The documentary is based around tearing down critics. First, it analyzes and criticizes hecklers at stand-up comedy shows, then moves to its larger point of comparing negative critics to hecklers. A good portion of the running time is Kennedy confronting hecklers from his shows and critics who have panned his films.
