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Better Than It Sounds / Video Games S To V

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  • Saboten Bombers: Potted plants throw bombs in a Big Fancy House.
  • The Saboteur: A living embodiment of nearly every Irish stereotype has a vendetta against a cheating racer that grows from stealing his sports car to running over Nazis and blowing their foothold in Paris into smithereens.
  • Sabrina The Animated Series: Zapped!: The Animated version of the sassy witch ruins the lives of her fellow classmates on the Game Boy. The classmates try to kill her.
  • Sabrina The Animated Series: Spooked!: The Animated version of the sassy witch goes on an adventure to stop a sleepwalking genie on the Game Boy.
  • Sabrina The Teenage Witch: Brat Attack: Live-Action Sassy witch collects useless trinkets with her talking cat to stop her tyrannical cousin armed with a propeller beanie.
  • Sabrina The Teenage Witch: Potion Commotion: Live-Action sassy witch mixes potions while everything gets worse.
  • Sacrifice: Gods have a petty argument. Some guy appears and leads one of them to dominate using an army of monsters.
  • SaGa Frontier: Why play one RPG when you can play seven incomplete ones instead?
    • SaGa Frontier Remastered: Now, it's eight more complete RPGs instead.
    • Blue's Story: Jerkass amasses incredible power in order to murder his sibling.
    • Asellus's Story: Girl wakes up after a traumatic incident to discover she's both a vampire and a lesbian, and has trouble figuring out which aspect confuses her more.
    • Red's Story: Superhero punches people in the face until he finds the person he actually wants to punch in the face.
    • Emelia's Story: Woman is arrested for crime she didn't commit, joins terrorists once she gets out of prison.
    • Riki's Story: Small furry creature shops for jewelry.
    • T260-G's Story: Robot made of scrap attempts to redeem its warranty.
    • Lute's Story: Basement-Dweller is kicked out of his mom's house and starts Walking the Earth.
    • Fuse's Story: A Space Cop with a short temper assist the other heroes while having to deal with drug dealers.
  • Sakura Wars: Japanese performers with mecha fight demons.
  • Saints Row: Damn, It Feels Good to Be a Gangster!: The game.
  • Sam And Max Hit the Road: Two sociopathic Funny Animal private eyes rescue a sasquatch and his girlfriend from a midget country singer, then help a bunch of eco-terrorists re-forest the Pacific Northwest.
    • Sam and Max- Culture Shock: Two sociopathic Funny Animal private eyes beat up a bunch of former child stars.
    • Sam and Max- Situation: Comedy: Two sociopathic Funny Animal private eyes trick a chicken into eating cow poop, cheat at game shows, and electrocute a talk-show hostess.
    • Sam and Max- The Mole, The Mob, and the Meatball: Two sociopathic Funny Animal private eyes insult a professional gambler's mother and fake a murder in order to join a team of adorable, thinly-disguised mobsters.
    • Sam and Max- Abe Lincoln Must Die!: Two sociopathic Funny Animal private eyes decapitate the President of the United States, start a civil war, and blow up the Lincoln Memorial. One of them becomes the new president.
    • Sam and Max- Reality 2.0: Two sociopathic Funny Animal private eyes destroy the Internet.
    • Sam and Max- Bright Side of the Moon: Two sociopathic Funny Animal private eyes kill a cult leader who wants to make everyone in the world happy.
    • Sam and Max- Ice Station Santa: Two sociopathic Funny Animal private eyes alternately save and ruin Christmas.
    • Sam and Max- Moai Better Blues: Two sociopathic Funny Animal private eyes defraud an underwater civilization in order to save Easter Island from a dead goldfish.
    • Sam and Max- Night of the Raving Dead: Two sociopathic Funny Animal private eyes pick on a club kid vampire.
    • Sam and Max- Chariots of the Dogs: Two sociopathic Funny Animal private eyes thwart the machinations of time-traveling Mexican stereotypes.
    • Sam and Max- What's New, Beelzebub?: Two sociopathic Funny Animal private eyes nearly cause the apocalypse after saving their friends and neighbors from eternal damnation.
    • Sam and Max- The Penal Zone: Two sociopathic Funny Animal private eyes use toys to help them trap a gorilla in a pocket dimension.
    • Sam and Max- The Tomb of Sammun-Mak: Two sociopathic Funny Animal private eyes watch their great-grandfathers' home movies.
    • Sam and Max- They Stole Max's Brain!: A sociopathic Funny Animal private eye threatens a rat, a gorilla, a tourist, and an outdated fax machine because his partner lost a vital organ. Said partner then has to thwart a spoiled pre-teen's plans for world domination.
    • Sam and Max- Beyond the Alley of the Dolls: A sociopathic Funny Animal private eye tries to find clones of himself, but finds a dispenser instead.
    • Sam and Max- The City That Dares Not Sleep: The other sociopathic Funny Animal private eye spontaneously gains psychic powers. And becomes a giant beast.
  • Samba de Amigo: Mexican and sister compete in dance contests.
  • Samorost: A gnome tries to save his home planet. This usually involves him standing motionlessly and waiting for his problems to solve themselves.
    • Samorost 2: A gnome tries to rescue his dog from fruit poachers. Again, this usually involves him standing around waiting for his problems to solve themselves.
  • Samurai Champloo: Sidetracked: A prototype for No More Heroes, based on an anime, doesn't affect the anime's canon in any way.
  • Samurai Shodown: An alcoholic guy with an outrageous hair style and an Ainu maiden thwart a Jesuit's evil plan. They encounter 10 other weirdos along the way.
    • Samurai Shodown II: The guy and the girl from the previous game fix an evil god's evil doings.
    • Samurai Shodown III: The guy and the girl from the first game beat the crap out of an huge evil guy. We see an emo kid with a parasol instead.
    • Samurai Shodown IV: The boss of the first game is back doing evil stuff. Ninja siblings are involved.
    • Samurai Shodown V: A piece of armor wants everyone dead. Expies and/or alternate personalities of everyone are involved.
    • Samurai Shodown V Special: Almost identical to the previous game except with fatalities. Nevada-tan screws it all up.
    • Samurai Shodown Tenka: Everyone is back, the (future) 7th president of the United States wants to fight you for some reason.
    • Samurai Shodown 64: Some very evil dude wants everything dead. The guy and the (newly ascended) girl from the first game wants him down.
    • Samurai Shodown 64-2: The evil dude from the previous game is still alive, the guy and the girl from the first game + a (less) evil demon and some woman with heterochromia wants him down.
    • Samurai Shodown Warriors Rage: 20 years later, A tiny old man, a possessed half-demon girl with a large blade thing and some other dude screw around. The guy (Now an old man) from the first game go save the younger sister of the girl of you-know-what (Now a fairy) from these three guys. We see the other dude's brother instead.
    • Samurai Shodown: Edge of Destiny: A fictional kingdom is pissed up. A girl with a huge sword and a guy with a wooden sword tries to fix this. Weirdos of implausible origins are involved.
  • Sands of Destruction: Public enemy #1 wants to use an innocent Farm Boy to turn her planet into Tatooine.
  • Saturday Night Slam Masters: Wrestling game not from a wrestling company with a roster that includes a mayor, a guy managed by a monkey, and a man who shares a name with a pancake.
  • Saya no Uta: A young man with a crippling disorder meets a lovely girl who makes him feel better. The End of the World as We Know It ensues.
  • Scaler: Young male animal activist is turned into a lizard by other exothermic creatures. In doing so, the boy reunites with his father (also a lizard).
  • Scarab of Ra: An archaeology geek, who moonlights as a sideshow geek, gets himself sealed inside a pyramid and must find nonviolent ways of dealing with kleptomaniac monkeys.
  • Scarface: The World Is Yours: A mobster turned around and killed his would-be assassin. Leads into a rehash of the source material.
  • SCP ā€“ Containment Breach: Your goal is to exit a building. The main enemy is a statue.
  • Scratches: A pedantic writer defiles an ancestral family home in order to insult a deformed orphan. His biggest allies are a con man and an alcoholic ex-police chief.
  • Scribblenauts: A boy in a nice hat conjures a staggering number of items in order to gather stars. There is no plot.
    • Super Scribblenauts: Same boy learns what adjectives are. More stars are gathered.
    • Scribblenauts Unlimited: Same boy's sister is turning to stone thanks to the boy acting like a jerk prior, so he gets stars to reverse the condition. He also learns how to create and alter objects entirely, and in one version Mario and Zelda characters and items appear only to not have any impact on the plot or gameplay at all.
    • Scribblenauts Unmasked: Same boy and sister invoke Superman vs. Batman, causes mayhem in the DC Universe.
  • SD Gundam Capsule Fighter: Buy capsules to play as famous mecha.
  • SD Gundam G Generation: Crisis Crossover game series starring giant robots usually with the same name.
  • Seaman: Feed and talk to a weird Virtual Pet. It makes fun of you if you admit that you enjoy pornography.
  • Second Life: Massively multiplayer online CAD (or so the joke goes).
  • The Secret Island of Doctor Quandary: You win a doll and a free trip to an island at a carnival shooting gallery. Unfortunately, if you want to go home you'll have to solve Stock Puzzles and make some really nasty soup.
  • Secret of Evermore: A boy and his dog try out virtual reality dating from the 1960s.
  • World of Mana:
  • Seek and Destroy (2002): We have tanks, with human traits. They have emotions, and cough, and watch TV shows.
  • Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice: A ninja bodyguard tries to find his lord from a samurai clan who wants to use his powers for their nefarious plans. Everytime he dies, a plague starts to hinder his actions.
  • Senran Kagura: Naruto meets Ikkitousen meets Sengoku Basara.
    • Or: a bunch of sexy schoolgirls play ninja when nobody's looking. Expect clothes ripping and lesbians.
  • Sega Superstars: Blue mammal and his friends (and foes) alongside other characters from different series play tennis and go kart for fun.
  • Seiklus: It is your average Metroidvania platformer with a sole exception that you can't die.
  • Sengoku Basara series: Historical samurai do almost nothing they did in real history and fight obvious evil and each other with the power of Engrish, large hams and the Rule of Cool.
  • Serious Sam: Guy romps through ancient Egypt in search of spaceship, leaves no survivors.
    • Serious Sam: The Second Encounter: Guy crashes his spaceship into another one within about five minutes, and must search South America, Babylon and Europe for a replacement.
    • Serious Sam II: Guy goes planet-hopping in search of a faceless antagonist.
    • Serious Sam 3: BFE: Guy romps through future-modern Egypt. Everyone he meets dies quickly and horribly.
  • Shadow Hearts: A guy saves a girl in a short skirt from a man in a suit, then gets his friends to gang up on him. The bad ending is canon.
  • Shadow of Destiny: The main character dies during the first cutscene and is resurrected by an androgynous time traveller who may or may not be Satan. He tries to prevent his own death while avoiding accidentally causing it. This is repeated several times.
  • Shadow of the Colossus: An oddly named boy and his horse set upon destroying sixteen statues in order to revive his dead girlfriend.
    • Alternatively: Boss Rush: The Game.
    • Also, in order to beat the final boss you have to get in his pants.
  • Shadowrun Returns: An old (and dead) colleague of yours promises to give you a lot of money if you find out who killed him. Except not really. Also you save Seattle from a nasty bug infestation along the way.
    • Shadowrun: Dragonfall: An old colleague of yours accidentally gets her brain fried by something that doesn't want you to find a very large lizard.
    • Shadowrun: Hong Kong: A troubled young adult fresh out of prison tries reconnecting with their dad and brother, but can't because of the resident Eldritch Abomination trying to claw her way out of a local slum.
  • Shadow Warrior: An old ninja who is named after a penis says dirty jokes in Engrish.
  • Shall We Date?: A whole ton of reverse harems.
  • Shameless Clone: Murder cats, aliens and old video game characters in space. If you get rich, you can kill them faster for a moment.
    • Shameless Clone 2: Now you can also murder old memes and anime characters. Also, the previous game's final boss which took forever to kill is now the second boss and probably takes even longer to kill, and the final boss, recycled from the first game, is most likely dead in only a few seconds.
  • Shantae: A Cute half-genie girl protects her home town from dangers with magical hair and belly dancing. She's really bad at her job.
    • Shantae (2002): Cute genie girl saves the world from a Pirate Girl by collecting rocks and then blowing them up.
    • Shantae: Risky's Revenge: Cute genie girl gets fired from her job and learns what a magic lamp is the hard way from the Pirate Girl.
    • Shantae and the Pirate's Curse: Cute formerly-genie girl turns to crime before becoming a genie girl again. The final boss is the bra of the Pirate Girl.
    • Shantae: Half-Genie Hero: The Half-Genie girl gets her powers back and saves the world from the Pirate Girl over and over again with different cosplays.
      • Pirate Queen's Quest: You get to play as the Pirate Girl and fail.
      • Friends To The End: You get to play as the Half-Genie Girl's friends and play through her memories while bickering constantly to fight a Palette Swap of the Half-Genie Girl.
      • Jammies Mode: The Half-Genie girl wants to throw a slumber party. The would-be party guests try to kill her.
      • Ninja Mode: The Half-Genie girl pretends she is a ninja and embarrasses herself.
      • Beach Mode: The Half-Genie girl hurries to find a perfect vacation spot before she spontaneously combusts.
      • Officer Mode: The Half-Genie Girl becomes an incompetent police officer.
    • Shantae and the Seven Sirens: The Half-Genie girl's vacation is ruined. She collects cards instead and gets a box.
    • Shantae Advance: Risky Revolution: The Half-Genie girl remembers she has a missing sequel from two decades prior and decides to go back and play it.
  • Shardlight: A woman does random jobs in an attempt to win the lottery.
  • Shatter: A dysfunctional power plant part goes on a rampage to destroy the evil orwellian space robot empire led by an equally evil robot pong paddle.
  • Shenmue: A guy's father is killed. He collects toys, plays arcade games, and adopts a kitten. He never avenges his father, until he gets a long-anticipated sequel...where he never avenges his father.
  • Shin Megami Tensei I: A young male teen gains the ability to summon demons and uses it to fight demons. And possibly the forces of heaven. No wonder it got stuck in Japan.
    • Shin Megami Tensei II: X Years Later, the world of balance that the hero of the previous game created has gotten worse. The powers that be create a Test Tube Messiah, who may or may not kill God, that is, if he decides not to run away from the planet first.
    • Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne: A different young male teen-turned-demon survives the world being turned into a giant space womb and gets to decide which one of his friends impregnates the baby universe. Or he can kill the fetus and join Lucifer (who's apparently a good guy) in fighting to kill God and stop the cycle. The Updated Re-release features a certain White Haired Pretty Badass Longcoat. A later one adds a 20th century summoner Kid Detective.
      • Alternatively, a cultist makes the world go round.
      • True Demon route: Team up with Lucifer to take down a giant divine disco ball. This breaks all of reality. This is the route that most people take.
    • Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey: Soldier runs around the South Pole picking up random stuff to give to a hick. Meanwhile, demons try their hand at ecoterrorism.
      • Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey Redux: Soldier neglects his duty to save humankind in order to harvest fruit from a prison. Future Trunks takes offense to his efforts and tries to kill him.
    • Shin Megami Tensei IV: The reincarnation of the previous heroes goes dumpster diving in hell with his friends, only to learn that it's actually Tokyo. Unable to peacefully reconcile a zoning disagreement with the inhabitants, millions die in the process.
      • Shin Megami Tensei IV: Apocalypse: Some other dumbass inadvertently screws up the above reincarnation's attempt to reconcile said zoning disagreement. Millions more die in the process of trying to fix it.
      • Alternatively: A zombie starts the apocalypse. Not about the zombie apocalypse.
    • Shin Megami Tensei V: High school student is told he can do anything he puts his mind to. He decides to become God.
    • Devil Survivor: Pokemon-like creatures appear in real life, most likely leading to one of several versions of the Apocalypse over the course of a week while you are stuck inside a part of Tokyo. Your main source of information as to what the hell is going on is an increasingly glitchy mail daemon.
    • Devil Survivor 2: A group of friends attempt to recreate Evangelion with demons instead of mecha. Alternatively, Jesus and Alien Lucifer join forces to delay a scheduled hard drive format.
    • Shin Megami Tensei: if...: A down-on-his-luck teenager angrily sends his high school literally into Hell, spawning an entire Alternate Continuity.
    • Persona: A group of kids get struck by lightning and then go off on a Journey to the Center of the Mind.
      • Alternatively: A video game in which you can be killed by an evil, hula-dancing toilet.
    • Persona 2: Innocent Sin: The most... colorful interpretation of Adolf Hitler ever imagined...anywhere.
    • Persona 2: Eternal Punishment: A female journalist, her jealous best friend, a cop, a wire tapper, and a shell-shocked senior fight a serial killer. What happens next, well, your guess is as good as any.
      • Alternatively: The Rumor Mill is very, very brutal.
      • Alternatively: The greatest test of a person's Willing Suspension of Disbelief towards any given form of media.
    • Persona 3: Eight high school students (including one robot), a kid, and a dog try to prevent the end of the world by shooting themselves in the head over and over inside a school at midnight.
      • Or as summarized in the sequel: Blue-haired boy gets stuck in wall.
      • Alternatively: The greatest stair-climbing simulator in history.
      • Persona 3: FES: The same bunch (minus two students) are trapped in their dorm and try to break out by shooting themselves in the head in the basement. They are assisted by another robot who tries to actually kill them.
      • Persona 3 Portable: The above, now 25% girlier and with no extra epilogue story.
    • Persona 4: Seven different high school students (and a bear) solve local murders by watching TV all night long.
      • Alternative: A boy moves to a small town where he and his friends become obsessed with late-night TV. They fight crime.
      • Alternatively: A boy who shows next to no emotion somehow becomes a Marty Stu.
      • Alternatively: The happiest game about murder ever made.
      • Alternatively for the above: Help people solve their personal problems while you only get spiritual satisfaction out of it as a reward.
      • Alternatively: manage your time carefully so you can summon something that looks suspiciously like male genitalia.
      • Alternatively: Forge close, unbreakable bonds with various people and then never talk to them again.
      • Alternatively: a Visual Novel about The Power of Friendship and a bunch of Public Domain Characters from various mythologies combined with a Nintendo Hard Dungeon Crawler published years after both those tropes fell out of favor.
      • Alternatively: Basic psychoanalysis gives you literal superpowers because your species is suicidal.
      • Alternatively: Scooby Doo's Bizarre Adventure.
    • Persona 5: Not content with simply being kid detectives, several teenagers and their talking cat fight crime... inside criminal's minds! The cat may also be a bus.
    • Persona 5 Tactica: Repaint Your Heart: Nasty crime boy, detective cum assassin, and dissociative gymnast fall into a mural and strangle a parrot.
    • Persona Q: Shadow of the Labyrinth: The head-shooters visit the kid detectives' school.
    • Persona Q2: New Cinema Labyrinth: The head-shooters, the kid detectives, and the phantom thieves go to the movies.
    • Digital Devil Saga: A Cannibal Clan discovers the true meaning of friendship.
      • Digital Devil Saga 2: A seven year old girl tries to stop the world's biggest download by killing and eating people.
  • Shoot Many Robots: Those robot bastards are gonna pay for shooting up your ride!
  • A Short Hike: A teenage bird girl tries to get cellphone reception.
  • Shovel Knight: Jump through stages as various characters in a game that's made to look like it's much older than it actually is.
    • Shovel of Hope: Use a farming implement to beat up a witch and her eight henchmen of questionable villainy.
    • Plague of Shadows: As the Mad Bomber of the aforementioned witch, use bombs to beat up the witch, the other seven henchmen, and the protagonist of the above story.
      • Alternatively: Use the power of explosives to help a bird discover love.
    • Specter of Torment: The Grim Reaper comes for everyone. But since it's a prequel, Everybody Lives.
    • King of Cards: Become royalty by shoulder-checking everyone and playing card games.
    • Shovel Knight Showdown: The friends of The Grim Reaper try to help him. Their plan works a little too well.
  • Shufflepuck CafĆ©: In the farthest reaches of the galaxy, surrounded by exotic alien beings, you play air hockey.
  • Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri: A sleeping alien god gets a skin disease. It takes decades for it to start scratching and centuries to actually wake up. Meanwhile, tree-hugging hippies discover that the local fungus is the path to apotheosis, man; Chairman Mao's reincarnation is worse than ever; ancient Greeks are apparently led by a hot Latina; a scientist goes mad; Gordon Gekko is alive and well in the late 21st century; and American Bible-thumpers annoy everybody (just like today, har har har).
  • Sid Meier's Pirates!: Do what you want 'cause a pirate lives free, you are a pirate!
  • Signs of the Sojourner: Talking to people is as hard as playing a card-matching game with them.
  • Silent Hill: Your daughter gets lost in a foggy resort town, and an antiques dealer tries to convince you that she's actually her daughter. The cop and the doctor don't clarify things.
    • Alternatively: A man keeps finding ways into parallel versions of buildings in which floors are a luxury, everything's rusty, and important things are marked by blood.
    • Alternatively: You get to witness an abuse victim act out a revenge fantasy.
    • Silent Hill 2: You receive a letter from your dead wife. It all goes downhill from there.
    • Silent Hill 3: A creepy blond woman wants to talk to you about birth. You end up killing God.
      • Alternatively: A young teenage girl avenges her father's murder by aborting her child.
    • Silent Hill 4: You're trapped in the Big Bad's mother.
      • Alternatively: A man looks for a way to unlock the front door of his apartment. To accomplish this, he peeks on his female neighbor, and crawls through holes to watch people get killed by an immortal serial killer.
      • Alternatively: A man cannot find a way to get out of his room because his front door is locked from the inside. To get out, he must crawl through a plot hole.
    • Silent Hill: Homecoming: You come home from a war to find your town overrun with more crazy cultists and, also, vaginal imagery. You shoot your mother to get the good ending.
    • Silent Hill: Shattered Memories: You go on a hunt for your daughter in freak weather conditions. The town locals make every effort to Mind Screw you into submission.
      • Alternatively: You play through a metaphor for a therapy session.
    • P.T.: A man walks down a corridor for 20 minutes to escape from a ghost who wants to eat his genitals.
  • The Silver Case: Almost everyone dies trying to figure out why there are killers in town.
    • Flower, Sun and Rain: A man never gets his breakfast, therefore airplanes explode.
    • The Silver Case: Ward 25: Correctness, Match Maker, Placebo, Transmitter. These words have something in common, but darned if I know what they are.
  • SimCity: Put yourself in power; receive many complaints about traffic.
    • Alternatively, thousands of helpless citizens are subject to the whims of a fickle god. Said god may help to create a shining civilization, but is far more likely to summon disasters out of boredom instead.
    • SimCity 2000: Put yourself in power; cut back on funding. YOU WILL REGRET THIS!
    • SimCity 3000: Put yourself in power; rule over the big-headed mutants of the Unintentional Uncanny Valley.
    • SimCity 4: Put yourself in power; receive many complaints about traffic, sanitation, and striking employees. But nicer graphics. In the expansion pack you get stuck in rush hour traffic.
      • Or: You're the immortal mayor of a town who has immortal advisors who you will wish weren't immortal.
    • SimCity (2013): Red tape and server problems keep you from being put in power.
      • Or: The joys of urban zoning.
  • Sim Copter: This is an alert from central dispatch: Give helicopter rides to people who forgot where they put their car keys. Transport heavily-injured people to the hospital and drop water over fires when ambulances and firetrucks are unable or just too lazy to do it themselves. End traffic jams by calling the drivers involved stupid idiots.
  • SimEarth: You have to maintain nearly every aspect of a planet's geology, weather, and ecosystem, in the hopes that some creatures will evolve to sentience and leave.
  • SimTower: Design and build a structure so large and so tall that God allows you to build a church on top of it.
  • The Sims: A group of people are at the complete, utter mercy of a whimsical and cruel god who alternates between deleting their toilets and trapping them inside the very walls of their own homes.
    • Or: You are god and are given complete control over people who are unable to exit a pool if the ladder should mysteriously vanish.
    • Or: Humanoids who speak gibberish and can't feed themselves without your help or exit the pool without a ladder constantly die, complain, neglect their children, catch things on fire and stick potato chip bags in the microwave.
    • The Sims 2: The same group of people's descendants are placed into the hands of the same god, who now can bring fates worse than the plagues of Egypt upon them. Death itself occasionally ignores their corpses and watches their telly.
    • The Sims 3: An indescribable force of darkness has forced itself onto the world, making the little people capable of exiting the pool without a ladder. This same force makes killing them slightly less desirable for the god. However, the god can now poison them with the power of Green Rocks.
    • The Sims 4: The little people move to a pair of smaller (and presumably safer) neighborhoods, and can now go through mood swings.
  • The Simpsons: The Yes-Man of the richest man in the city unintentionally kidnaps a baby during a botched robbery. Her family comes to her rescue.
    • The Simpsons Game: Ordinary family finds out they are part of a video game, and eventually convince God to kill aliens.
    • The Simpsons Hit & Run: After a father and son spend the first two out of seven segments of the game screwing around, said son gets kidnapped by aliens who are terrorizing the town with cola.
  • SiN (1998): An angry police officer battles a beautician with a lot of money, a lot of chest, and no ethics with a god complex.
    • Wages of Sin: The same angry police officer battles a mafia boss with a lot of money, a lot of goons, and no ethics who wants to obliterate a city for the sake of it.
    • SiN Episodes: Emergence: The same angry police officer has a sidekick and battles against the same beautician from the original game and his mafiya crime boss partner.
  • Sin and Punishment: Genetically-enhanced humans kill an onslaught of monsters, followed by killing the army responsible for defending against them. Then they betray the one who helped them do so, turn into a giant monster and destroy the Earth by reflecting its attacks. Delivered entirely in Surprisingly Good English.
  • Sinistar: A guy in a spaceship gathers shiny rocks to keep a giant roaring head from eating him.
  • SINoALICE: Fairy tale characters kill monsters in a library, hoping to meet their authors so they can rewrite their stories. They are all unhealthily obsessed with one desire unique to them.
  • Siren 1: Ritual goes wrong and nearly everyone turns into zombies, complete with hair-ripping difficulty.
  • Sissy's Magical Ponycorn Adventure: Steal food from a feline, subject a dinosaur to Forced Transformation, persecute and assault a living being for its race and shrink and imprison colorful equines. The graphics look like they were drawn by a five-year-old, who also wrote the script.
  • Skate: Break all the bones in your body multiple times. Occasionally skateboard, on the side.
  • Skate or Die: Race, joust, and do high jumps against a local skate punk who is much better than you.
    • Skate or Die 2: Do odd jobs for the skate punk's dad, who looks a lot like Rodney Dangerfield.
  • Skater Cat: A cat with a Punny Name skateboards around, goes faster when cats follow him, and voraciously collects cat treats.
  • Skies of Arcadia: A ragtag band of heroes races to stop the bad guys from collecting rocks. Everyone is thrown into despair when it rains.
  • Skullgirls: Eight ladies fight each other to gain an artifact who will grant them a wish but also turn them into an Eldritch Abomination.
    • Characters include a schoolgirl whose most notable feature is her unruly hair, a circus performer, a cartoon geek, a woman whose weapon of choice is her umbrella, a catgirl (so all you furries have a great time, now), another schoolgirl who never stops screaming during gameplay, a opera starlet, a retired pro wrestler, and a man who depends on an iron lung in a fighting game. The main villain is a French Maid, the Co-Dragons are a nurse and a nun, and other villains include a man who is never shot in focus and a lounge singer.
    • Mysterious organizations have a habit of stealing random people from the street, mostly teenage girls, and augmenting them with biomechanical weaponry. Said organization members never seem to consider asking first!
  • Skyblazer: A grumpy old man yells at a gay cousin of Mega Man to go beat up an Indian deity. He concedes.
  • Skylanders: A game with tons of characters aimed at kids, initially starring a platform game hero from before the kids' time. Unsurprisingly, the kids have no interest in this hero and latch onto all of the other ones, making it Spotlight-Stealing Squad: The Game.
  • Slay the Spire: Four weirdos try to climb and kill a tower full of horrible things that hate them.
  • Sleeping Dogs (2012): A Cowboy Cop goes undercover to investigate the Triads while dicking around in Hong Kong praying on shrines, finding jade animals and cheating on his girlfriends.
  • Slender: You must go on an epic quest to find a bunch of poorly drawn pictures. There's a guy who keeps staring at you whom you must ignore. Only one enemy appears in the whole game, and there is no combat. It's considered by some to be one of the scariest games of all time.
    • Slender: The Arrival: A girl goes to visit her best friend and ends up on another epic quest to find useless pieces of paper. There's a guy who's taken an interest in her, but she so abhors him that simply looking at him will kill her. Only two enemies appear in the whole game, and there is no combat. To win the game, you must find a recording of people screaming.
  • Sly Cooper: A franchise that teaches its players how to be a thief and how it makes them look cool to be one, that the police are unreliable (if not corrupt), that killing scores of people is okay and that therapy is a scam.
    • Sly Cooper and the Thievius Raccoonus: A career criminal beats up other career criminals to recover a family heirloom.
    • Sly 2: Band of Thieves: The career criminal steals the parts to a corpse of another career criminal from other career criminals with the intent of desecrating it.
    • Sly 3: Honor Among Thieves: While about to be eaten by a monster, the career criminal remembers how he talked other career criminals into helping him break into his own vault.
    • Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time: Career criminal's heirloom turns out to be incomplete. The career criminal and his friends go on a roadtrip to find out why. Also, it turns out that the evil force behind all of this did it because he didn't like the criminal's family.
  • Smash TV: Two musclebound shirtless guys commit mass murder to win millions of dollars in cash and prizes — provided they don't die in front of the cameras first.
  • Smashing Pumpkins into Small Piles of Putrid Debris: You hate seasonal fruits and hold way too many sledgehammers.
  • Snake Rattle 'n' Roll: Two snakes work together to climb a mountain and lick bare feet.
  • Snowboard Kids: Conduct impulse shopping as you careen down a mountain. You can earn money by tumbling in stylish ways. The second game introduces the son of Satan, who happily joins the others in this bizarre activity.
  • Snow Bros: Nick and Tom Save The Princesses by covering the bad guys with snow.
  • Solatorobo: Red the Hunter: Himbo mutt on a robot does odd jobs while trying to Save the World from an Eva-looking thing and a trio of furry haters.
  • Solitaire: Winning just means you beat the odds against being screwed over from the beginning.
    • Alternatively, a card game for bored and stubborn loners.
  • SOMA: A Canadian wakes up a hundred years into the future, where a freaking comet has killed the planet.
  • Sonic Blast Man: A superhero saves the day by punching people and things really, really hard. Which is apparently his only super-power.
  • Sonic Dreams Collection: Cancelled games starring a blue mammal, made to see the light of day again. There's a good reason they were cancelled.
    • Make My Sonic: Create deformed mammals with all kinds of hair colors and overly long names.
    • Sonic Movie Maker: Film mammals (blue and otherwise) in increasingly disturbing situations.
    • Eggman Origin: An MMORPG with a convoluted log-in method. What happens after you log in is your best guess.
    • My Roommate Sonic: Seduce a blue mammal whilst being guided by text messages sent from a fat man hiding in the curtains.
  • Sonic the Hedgehog: A small blue mammal steals batteries from a fat man.
    • Alternatively: The world's fastest pincushion gathers rings to gain a second hit point.
    • Sonic the Hedgehog 2: That blue mammal is now stalked by a two-tailed canid.
    • Sonic the Hedgehog CD: That blue mammal must save an obsessive fan girl of his.
      • Alternatively: Blue mammal travels to another planet and discovers a robot clone of himself that's been there long before he was born. This robot clone likes to step on squirrels and swing baseball bats at fish—he would become a fan-favorite character. The fat man has traveled to this planet too, and beating him up causes flowers to grow.
    • Sonic 3 & Knuckles: Red mammal punches blue mammal. Then changes his mind.
    • Sonic the Fighters: Various mammals (and one bird and one reptile) fight over who gets to go into space and beat up a robot.
    • Sonic Adventure: Water elemental tries to Kill All Humans to avenge the actions of red mammals. The blue mammal's friends learn that they don't need him. A cat goes fishing for frogs. A soldier heroically kills himself and his entire family (though not in that order).
    • Alternatively: Mayan Middle-American anteaters summon water god. Chaos ensues.
    • Sonic Shuffle: Blue mammal and friends play a really tedious game of cards.
    • Sonic Adventure 2: Black mammal is unleashed and decides to destroy the world. Then changes his mind, after the fat man's dead grandfather gets close to achieving this.
    • Alternatively: Colorblind humans can't distinguish blue and black mammals.
    • Sonic Heroes: The entire cast succumbs to The Power of Friendship. Characters from the company's least successful consoles drive the plot.
    • Sonic Battle: Mammals befriend a robot. After a while, one of them beats it to death.
    • Shadow the Hedgehog: Darker and Edgier black mammal saves the world by courageously shooting everyone. He swears every 30 seconds, and sometimes other characters do it too.
      • Or: A black mammal uses a gun to fight The Man. But The Man is an alien. Sometimes.
    • Sonic the Hedgehog (2006): Four suspiciously similar mammals repeatedly change history. The game erases itself from the timeline as a result.
      • Or, a hammy demon executes a complicated gambit that defies common sense to make a girl cry.
    • Sonic Rivals and Sonic Rivals 2: A mad scientist is threatening to destroy the world! So the heroes do the only logical thing: race each other and try to beat the crap out of each other in the process.
      • Alternatively, various animals and a robot beat each other up when they really should be working together. The same thing happens in its sequel, only this time there are more animals.
    • Sonic Riders: The fat man amasses a large amount of power to get a new rug that he doesn't actually want. Meanwhile, a bunch of birds find out they're space genies without any magic or wish-granting.
    • Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity: The birds return, and they, alongside most of the major characters, gain the power to toss large objects into the air and make them explode. They use it for racing each other and nothing else.
    • Sonic and the Secret Rings: Blue mammal IN THE ARABIAN NIGHTS! Also, he has a really bad case of heartburn.
    • Sonic Chronicles: Blue mammal and pals fight antagonistic space wizards by amassing an army of hideous monsters.
    • Sonic Unleashed: Blue mammal cursed to become a Blue Mammal That's Different.
    • Sonic and the Black Knight: Blue mammal IN CAMELOT!
    • Sonic Rush Adventure: Blue mammal and his canid pal are transported to a dimension where they play at sailors with a purple feline princess and a Wrong Genre Savvy orange raccoon from the Land Down Under.
    • Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Blue mammal stops the fat man again, this time all by himself.
    • Sonic Colors: Blue mammal and two-tailed canid team up with one-eyed aliens to stop the fat man from making an amusement park in space.
      • Or, blue mammal decides to destroy exotic resort before opening day.
    • Sonic Generations: Blue mammal is thrown back in time and meets his younger self. Both mammals must fix the timeline and save their mammal buddies (plus two reptiles, and an insect).
    • Sonic Lost World: Blue mammal releases six whatsits that wrack havoc on the world. Every mammal but the blue one dies but then doesn't. The story ends when the fat man falls for thousands of feet.
    • Sonic Boom: Blue mammal and his cohort stop evil green reptile from destroying the world 1,000 years ago. Back in the present day, blue mammal and his cohort completely forget about what they did in the past, releasing evil green reptile from jail and taking it upon themselves to stop him once again. This all happens separate from the above. Also, the fat man and two blue mammal-knockoffs are here for some reason.
      • Alternatively, blue mammal and different cohort go on a quest to find rocks, which they later glue together into one larger rock.
    • Sonic Mania: Blue mammal, red mammal and yellow canid are going on a nostalgia trip to stop the fat man from using his new toy. The fat man is accompanied by a stunt motorcyclist, a Dirty Cop, a Stage Magician, and a ninja, who are led by a king, and all of whom look like the fat man. The fat man and the king don't get along with each other.
    • Sonic Forces: Blue mammal meets younger self again. They work together with a [insert color here] [insert species here]. The fat man finally achieves a small victory with his new toy. Also, two blue mammal-knockoffs, a water elemental, and one of the six whatsits join the fat man.
    • Sonic Frontiers: Blue mammal explores the world, collects items and talks to his friends, then goes online to relive more linear adventures. The villain of a previous game is reduced to pottery. The fat man now has a loli to keep him company, whom he does not belittle.
    • The Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog: Different red mammal abandons pushing the buttons of a small machine to help other mammals uncover a plot to enlist an assassin to kill a blue mammal that pushed the buttons of a large machine.
    • Sonic Superstars: In their younger years, the blue mammal and friends encounter an old foe, that keeps changing his alias and a Cute Clumsy Girl. Meanwhile, the fat man kidnaps larger than usual animals.
  • SoulBlazer: God sends you to save the world so he can take all the credit.
    • Illusion of Gaia/Time: Due to the presence of an evil force, modern day Earth turned out much more interesting. The powers that be order you to correct this.
    • Terranigma: The powers that be are total jackasses. That seems to be the theme in this series.
  • Soul Hackers 2: A fruity woman decides to set out and save the world with her annoying friend. But she's going to need some help and she'll settle for nothing less than the first three corpses she stumbles upon.
  • Soul Nomad & the World Eaters: A red-haired mute with voices in their head must save the world. they are joined by their brain-damaged childhood friend.
    • Alternate storyline: A red-haired mute with voices in their head must save the world. They say screw the world, kills and/or drives insane everyone they meet, and becomes an Evil Overlord. The voices in their head names The Empire the BFF Empire without their permission. Everyone thinks it's lame, but he doesn't care.
  • Soul Series: A big (and powerful) sword enslaves and maddens its users (naturally). Fight against an opponent over Bottomless Pits to obtain, destroy, or help it. Maybe you'll get its good twin to help. It's hard to tell if anyone dies.
  • South Park: The Stick of Truth: In this quiet and peaceful town in the mountain, Larp has become Serious Business.
  • Space Channel 5: A newscaster enlists the aid of Michael Jackson in out-dancing rubber aliens.
    • Space Channel 5 Part 2: The President has been kidnapped by robots. Are you a good enough dancer to rescue the President?
      • Or: Robots and an albino mad scientist with a purple disco suit. Who loves to airhump.
  • SpaceChem: Young engineer fight Eldritch Abominations using programming and chemistry. After seemingly eliminating terrifying threat to humanity they get fired.
  • Space Invaders: Aliens attack Earth with poor but well-regimented strategy.
  • Space Quest: A janitor tries to fight bad guys... IN SPACE!
  • A Space Shooter for Two Bucks!: School bully grows up to become a galactic conqueror. He's the hero.
  • Space Station Silicon Valley: Man and his robot crash land on a long lost zoo/space station the man had created. He soon learns that the animals onboard have become cyborgs.
  • Spec Ops: The Line: Three idiot government employees travel abroad to recover assets after some lousy weather, but screw things up even worse after clashing with some colleagues.
    • Alternately: A military man enters a post-apocalyptic city with the sole purpose of evacuating the survivors and meeting up with an old hero of his. By the time he's done, everyone's dead and it's all his fault.
  • Spectrobes: A policeman resurrects long-dead children and feeds them rocks so they can fight amoebas.
  • Spellforce The Order of Dawn: Famous and great warrior wakes up after a really long nap, has forgotten almost everything and spends half of the game trying to bring a box to their friend.
    • Breath Of Winter: Another warrior wakes up after a long nap to help a girl reunite with her old friend.
    • Shadow Of The Phoenix: The two aforementioned warriors try to meet each other to break a stone.
  • Spelunker: Little man with poor constitution has to find treasures in a cave.
    • Spelunker HD: Little man with poor constitution now can team up with more little men with the same poor constitution to find more treasure.
  • Spelunky: A tiny man dressed like Indiana Jones travels through a ridiculously dangerous cavern in search of treasure, populated by Goddamned Bats, spiders, snakes, yetis, and lots of spikes. The game is different every time, but 99% of your sessions will end in the tiny man's untimely death.
    • Spelunky 2: The tiny man's daughter travels through a ridiculously dangerous cavern in search of treasure... In space! Along the way she kills Dracula, a giant turtle, the god of the underworld, a mermaid and an egg.
  • Spheres of Chaos: An Asteroids clone where there's a high chance of getting epilepsy when playing it.
  • Spider-Man (Insomniac):
    • Spider-Man (PS4): A millennial must deal with an ever expanding list of problems including but not limited to: sorting out his love life, getting evicted from his apartment, losing his job, and organizing his aunt's birthday party without her finding out. He also fights crime sometimes.
      • Alternatively: By playing this game, you enable a perpetually impoverished young man with a Guilt Complex the size of Queens and an Atlas personality that would make the Ghatama Buddha look selfish to continue his self-destructive behavior, inadvertently killing and/or driving his friends and loved-ones to evil in an almost absurdly comical level, all the while having to put up with a society that half-the-time reveres him, the other half tries blaming him for all of the world's problems.
    • Spider-Man: Miles Morales: A derivative version of its previous installment with a copy of its predecessor's sandbox version of New York, a xeroxed Big Bad Ensemble, shorter length, and an inexperienced hero that causes over half of the plot's biggest dilemmas.
  • Spider Solitaire: Either the easiest or the hardest variant game in the history of ever.
  • Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron (GBA): An American hunts down natives of his country to relocate them in a harsh wilderness empty of humans.
  • Spiritfarer:
    • Palliative care - the video game.
    • Alternatively: A young girl helps send dead animals, who turn out to be her friends and family members, to the afterlife.
  • Spiritual Warfare: A thinly-disguised copycat of a beloved adventure game classic where you teach your fellow townsfolk of the majesty of Jesus Christ... by blasting them in the face with bananas and pears.
  • Splatoon: A scientist seals his fatass cat in cryogenic stasis for 10,000 years. The cat starts presiding over territorial disputes between squids and octopuses after waking up. You don't play as the cat, by the way. Meanwhile, one of the squids warps through teapots to kill sentient severed appendages and rescue catfish.
    • Or: A bunch of teenagers emit large amounts of bodily fluids onto everything around them, including and especially each other. This is the country's national sport.
    • Or: A game whose modes consist of shooting at the ground, shooting at the ground in specific locations, riding an ice cream truck, and escorting a fish.
    • Splatoon 2: The scientist cloned his fatass cat so he wouldn't be lonely. You still don't play as the cat. Meanwhile, a different squid warps through teapots to kill sentient severed appendages and rescue catfish and a pop star squid. You can also throw clams in a basket and slaughter hordes of salmon for their eggs now, if you want.
    • Splatoon 2: Octo Expansion: An amnesiac octopus collects the physical manifestations of their memories and blender parts for a genocidal telephone.
      • Or: A child soldier must reach freedom by shooting giant 8-balls on floating platforms in an old subway system with the help of an old man, a rapper, and a DJ. Success also grants them cake.
    • Splatoon 3: Some different scientists cloned the sky so they wouldnā€™t be lonely. No, you canā€™t play as the scientists. Meanwhile, a different squid (or octopus) warps through teapots to kill furry sentient severed tentacles and rescue catfish, then suddenly 180Ā° into collecting giant pieces of machinery to reach and kill a bear. Oh, and now you can slap stickers on a locker and play cards, if you feel like it.
  • Splatterhouse: Wear an evil mask to become a muscled hulking beast hellbent on ripping demons apart and saving your girlfriend who may or may not turn into a monster. The remake has said evil mask voice by your childhood.
  • Splinter Cell: A highly skilled former Navy SEAL fights terrorists in unsafe workplaces by hiding from them.
    • Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow: A veteran must pick up some notes, retrieve stolen refrigerators, and find out where five spray cans are so he can interrupt a Che-wannabe's daily phone call.
    • Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory: A veteran must kill his old friends and save the bad guys to save the world.
    • Splinter Cell: Double Agent: A veteran questions his morality as he infiltrates a terrorist organization named after a southerner who was hanged.
      • Or: A man is sent on a secret mission better suited for someone 30 years younger than him.
    • Splinter Cell: Conviction: A retired veteran shoots up his former workplace because he disagrees with the direction the new boss has taken it in.
      • Or: A counter-terrorism unit is disbanded because the first person to take command after the founder dies completely misses the point of counter-terrorism.
    • Splinter Cell: Blacklist: The retired veteran is brought back from retirement to lead a new unit to stop a terrorist organization's evil plan to achieve world peace.
  • Split/Second (2010): Burnout gets remade by Michael Bay enthusiasts.
  • SpongeBob SquarePants: Battle for Bikini Bottom: A sentient sponge, starfish, and squirrel save a town from a robot invasion by collecting golden kitchen utensils.
  • Spooky's Jump Scare Mansion: A Deconstruction Game of the horror genre that is not really a deconstruction starring a Cute Ghost Girl.
  • Spore: Everything. Including, but not limited to: evolving by dancing in public, getting more advanced by burning buildings, capturing cities by playing music, and lots and lots of genocide.
    • Cell Stage: Become the biggest, baddest piece of zooplankton in the tide pool, so that you can leave. Your diet determines your destiny.
    • Creature Stage: Either fight wild animals to the death or give 'em the old song and dance.
    • Tribal Stage: Entertain enemy tribes or demolish their seats of government.
    • Civilization Stage: Easy Evangelism, Corrupt Corporate Executive syndrome, or genocide? Which will it be?
    • Space Stage: Build an empire with one measly ship.
    • Spore Creature Creator: As a preview of a game about everything, you stretch and squish various blobby shapes and add parts to them to make them look vaguely like some sort of animal. Or a penis.
    • Spore Creature Creator Parts: Creepy and Cute: The first of several efforts to make a game about everything about more everything.
  • Spy vs. Spy: Monochromatic Deformed Anthropomorphic Birds set traps for one another while searching a building for a variety of worthless junk.
    • Spy vs. Spy II: Monochromatic Deformed Anthropomorphic Birds set traps for one another using trees and coconuts while searching a tropical island for a buried missile.
      • Spy vs. Spy III: Monochromatic Deformed Anthropomorphic Birds set traps for one another using ice and snow while searching an arctic wasteland for a buried missile.
  • Spyro the Dragon (1998): A greedy young punk who has really bad halitosis frees his elders from being frozen and battles the unfortunately-titled "gnorc" who encased them because they called him simple and ugly. The punk's health bar is a dragonfly.
    • Or, alternatively: An underage male saves the world from an easily offended wizard in heavy armor by repeatedly committing acts of arson and having his pet devour the remains of the dead.
    • Spyro 2: Ripto's Rage!: Said punk is kidnapped while on a vacation due to a faun, a mole, and a two legged cat messing around with a Portal Network. The punk gets extorted by a greedy bear in order to progress.
      • Or: The mole accidentally opens the gates of hell to release... a short angry man and his two dinosaurs.
      • The punk has lots of trouble with the trolley, eh, and has to escort a Too Dumb to Live goat alchemist past some rock people. He also has to collect more crystal popcorn than a cheetah for no reason at all.
    • Spyro: Year of the Dragon: A rhino-like sorcerer and her furry second-in-command steals lots of eggs to draw power from them. The punk's health bar is controllable for part of the game.
    • Space cows and sheep UFOs attack and must be killed by a cheetah with a jet pack.
    • Spyro: Enter the Dragonfly: The rhino-like sorcerer comes back, so the punk has to go find a bunch of health bars.
    • Spyro: A Hero's Tail: The punk's voice goes up an octave, and the health bar starts speaking properly. He's now tasked with fighting the gnorc, an overweight mermaid, and a dragon who plays with robots.
    • The Legend of Spyro: An alternate universe version of said punk (who is more noble and has a few other new health issues) beats up his future love interest, an ape with a laser eye, and the only other of his kind. Big demon destroys the world by walking around in a circle. The dragonfly is now a cowardly Deadpan Snarker.
    • Spyro Reignited Trilogy: The punk relives his first three adventures, and his memories look far prettier than what really happened back then.
  • SSX: Snowboarding.
    • SSX On Tour: You're snowboarding. And you get really good at it.
    • SSX (2012): Same as the first entry, now with legitimate destinations.
  • Stacking: A Russian nesting doll uses mind control to pull pranks and get child labor outlawed.
  • S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl: Man wakes up on table, with a note telling him to kill himself.
    • Clear Sky: Man wakes up, is sent on a quest to stop the place from exploding every hour. Figures out the way to stop it is to kill the previously mentioned man. He fails at the killing part.
  • The Stanley Parable: A non-violent First-Person Perspective game that tells you exactly what to do.
  • Star Control II: A young man solves his caterpillar problem through genocide. Sort of like Centipede... IN SPACE!
    • Alternately: The galaxy has worms. A young man builds a brand-new ancient starship to take care of the problem with the help of a gigantic bomb and a Hypnotoad. Also, Cthulhu is a bunch of blue parrotfish.
  • Stardew Valley: You're an office worker who is fed up with their job at a MegaCorp and becomes a farmer. Said MegaCorp has a Wal-Mart expy in town, and whether or not they'll stay depends on whether you give offerings to sentient apples or engage in capitalism with the company.
  • Star Fox: Woodland animals fighting an evil brain in spaceships.
  • Star Gladiator: An evil cyborg Emperor Scientist seeks galactic domination of the entire universe and the only ones who can stop him and his empire is a badass Bounty Hunter swordsman, a rhythmic gymnast who definitely knows how to use her legs, a green-skinned conehead who serves as Plucky Comic Relief, and a Chewbacca Expy.
  • Star Ocean: Star Trek copycats recreate the creators' previous attempt at a JRPG... IN SPACE.
    • Star Ocean: The Second Story: Teenager gets marooned on a fantasy planet. His girlfriend is whoever he sucks up to the most.
    • Star Ocean: Till the End of Time: Teenager gets marooned on a fantasy planet...AGAIN. He and his friends discover they're NPCs in a MMORPG.
    • Star Ocean: The Last Hope: Teenager gets marooned on a fantasy planet. Only this one happened like a hundred years before all those other ones.
      • Alternatively: Teenager and his friends decide to promote isolationism by breaking crystals. Meanwhile space elf turns evil because someone told him his cape is ugly.
  • Star Soldier R: A five-minute Shoot 'Em Up that costs $8.
  • Starship Titanic: Board a luxury cruise ship with a brainless captain, a bomb that doesn't know how to count, sarcastic crewmen, and a psychotic parrot to find out why your house got destroyed.
  • Star Trek Online: The entire universe is in so much trouble because of aliens who take "thinking with Portals" to new levels.
    • Alternatively, an overpowered Miranda-class starship crewed by cadets teams up with Captain Nog and Admiral Janeway to take down the Borg, all in the first ten minutes.
  • Star Wars: Battlefront: Fight wars of attrition with large numbers of infantry in a setting that clearly makes the concept obsolete.
    • As above, in Hunt mode: Fight off the most advanced armies in the galaxy using obsolete weapons, and sometimes claws.
  • Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order: A young man who is also one of the last member of a group of space wizards travels from planet to planet to restore the order. He's gonna die... a lot.
  • Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire: Play through never-before-seen areas because the game isn't about the original trilogy.
  • Star Wars Episode One Racer: Ride a deck chair that's tied to two jet engines with dental floss to prove you're the best.
  • StarCraft: A giant evil brain turns a bitch into an even bigger bitch, convincing two warring empires to unite and try to kill her. They fail miserably. Korea loves it.
    • Alternatively, Stalin, a cowboy with La RĆ©sistance, some space cultists, and even some of the bugs themselves disagree on the proper methods of bug extermination. Billions die in the process.
    • StarCraft: Brood War: The French and Russians get in on the action. The bitch wins again. Korea? Still loves it.
      • Lenin and Trotsky disagree with everyone else on the methods of bug extermination, and are murdered for their troubles. Billions more die in the process.
    • StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty: The bitch comes back for round three. A dead Warrior Poet foresees destruction of the galaxy and tells his redneck friend about it. The bitch turns back to normal, but is still a bitch. Korea loving it as we speak.
      • The cowboy ponders killing Stalin, but decides to return to his bug extermination hobby instead. Billions die in the process.
    • StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm: The bitch gets her groove back and goes on a Roaring Rampage of Revenge. Imagine that, Korea still loves it.
      • The leader of the bugs insists that the cowboy really ought to get on with killing Stalin, then teams up with Zombie Lenin to do it herself. Billions die in the process.
    • StarCraft II: Legacy of the Void: The Warrior Poet's apprentice rallies his people to finally stop the destruction of the galaxy we mentioned two games ago. The bitch gets a small cameo, then becomes Space Jesus with her redneck boyfriend. Korea waited 17 years to lov--*gunshot*
      • The leader of the space cultists decides it's time to go home. Billions die in the process.
  • Stardew Valley: Move to the country, work on a farm, delve in a dungeon, and save the community center with the help of little fez-shaped guys. Or you can be a jerk and side with the Predatory Business that's recently moved into town.
    • Or: Move to the country to escape the tiring, repetitive work grind by continuing the tiring, repetitive work grind but this time on a farm.
  • Starfleet Command: Space Is an Ocean — lucky for you, you can buy yourself a pretty kickass galleon. Unluckily, it's also Nintendo Hard, with a viewer-friendly, yet user-unfriendly interface. And it's based on a TV show that you've probably never heard of.
  • Startopia: Build a mall in space. Then declare a shooting war against every other mall in the vicinity.
  • StarTropics: A boy goes on a tropical vacation. Halfway through the game he must solve a mysterious riddle.
  • Steins;Gate:
    • A Conspiracy Theorist who fancies himself as a Mad Scientist learns that his theory that the creator of the internet wanted to rule over the world isn't as farfetched as he thought the hard way.
    • Or: Self-proclaimed Mad Scientist and his lab members create time paradoxes using text messages.
    • Or: A delusional college student and his True Companions send text messages and troll CERN.
    • Or: A mad scientist grants his friends' wishes, then takes them all away.
    • Or: A funny show about science nerds becomes notably not funny.
    • Or: A college student accidentally creates a time machine, comes to deeply regret it.
  • Steambot Chronicles: Amnesiac kid walks around during the Industrial Revolution. Sometimes he plays harmonica. Pirates and terrorists show up.
  • Steamworld Dig: A Cattlepunk Wild West robot explores his late uncle's mine, only to end up beating up a giant machine.
  • Stellaris: Become the immortal commander of a newly spacefaring race and eventually become strong enough to fight off a Horde of Alien Locusts, invaders from another dimension, Skynet, or the living embodiment of The Apocalypse. Then modify the laws of the universe and do it again.
  • Stephen's Sausage Roll: You are left on an island with nothing to do but grill meat. Cue Metacritic users whining that the developer must have slept with some game journalists for the game to be as well-received as it is.
  • Stories Untold: An amnesiac watches old episodes of a Stranger Things expy to forget his intoxicated manslaughter charge.
  • Story of the Blanks: A girl wanders off when specifically told not to, and stumbles across a peaceful-looking village that is really full of evil zombies.
    • Alternatively: A juvenile Houyhnhnm gets lost in the woods.
  • Story of Seasons: New name, still the same gameplay about owning a farm, getting married and having a family.
  • Street Fighter: Kickboxing champ hosts secret fighting tournament in order to humiliate players around the world.
    • Street Fighter II: Stereotypes from around the world explore their grudges in a secret worldwide tournament hosted by a dictator.
    • Street Fighter Alpha: Stereotypes from around the world trek the globe to explore their grudges and randomly fight other stereotypes, while the dictator plays with dolls.
    • Street Fighter III: Stereotypes from around the world explore their grudges in a secret worldwide tournament hosted by a messianic corporate executive in a banana hammock.
    • Street Fighter IV: Stereotypes from around the world continue their grudges while dealing with Doctor Manhattan. The losers get assimilated.
    • Street Fighter EX: Stereotypes from around the world explore their grudges in a secret worldwide tournament hosted by a dictator...IN 3D!
  • Street Fighter X Tekken: A bunch of colorful stereotypes, including a psycho, a couple vagrants and a dysfunctional family fight over a box in the middle of a snowstorm. Most of whom are dressed as skimpily as possible.
  • StreetPass Mii Plaza: In a clever attempt to get you outside more, you harness The Power of Friendship to collect hats.
    • Find Mii: Order friends to save you.
    • Mii Force: Use friends as weapons against Space Pirates.
    • Flower Town: Tell friends to water your plants for you.
    • Warrior's Way: Summon friends to help you Take Over the World.
    • Monster Manor: Invite friends to be trapped in a haunted mansion.
    • Ultimate Angler: Take friends on a fishing trip.
    • Battleground Z: Help your friends survive a Zombie Apocalypse with the unorthodox use of everyday household objects.
    • Slot Car Rivals: Race against your friends, then force them to upgrade your car.
    • Market Crashers: Hire your friends as stock analysts.
    • Ninja Launcher: Collect equipment from your friends as they fire you out of a cannon.
    • Feed Mii: Cook food for your friends so they can save the world.
    • Jungle Trek: Search for treasure with your friends and shoot tranquilizer darts at animals.
  • Streets of Rage: Criminal organization takes control of a city. You beat the living crap out of them.
  • Stretch Panic: A girl uses her scarf to beat up women with grotesquely huge breasts and save her sisters from their own vanity.
  • Strider (Arcade): In the future, a ninja fights the Soviet Union with his lavender outfit and technicolor sword. He finds out their ruler is a Galactic Conqueror.
  • Strong Bad's Cool Game for Attractive People: A sarcastic shirtless luchador runs around his hometown, looks under boxes, talks to people, and messes with his neighbors. His favorite victim happens to be a pantsless whitey.
    • Homestar Ruiner: A sarcastic shirtless luchador regrets dressing up as a pantsless whitey and running through an obstacle course in front of people.
    • Strong Badia the Free: A sarcastic shirtless luchador inspires his neighbors (a pantsless whitey included) to start their own countries, then proceeds to conquer them, only to play some Risk against himself later on.
      • Or: After an email tax is retroactively set into law, the kingdom separates into tiny city states, only to form a rebellion.
    • Baddest of the Bands: A sarcastic shirtless luchador enters his own contest (which a pantsless whitey also entered) to fix his game console.
    • Dangeresque 3: The Criminal Projective: A sarcastic shirtless luchador makes a crappy action movie, co-starring with a pantsless whitey.
      • Or: A clichĆ©-spouting cop with 80s sunglasses, a luchador mask, no shirt, and a penchant for jumping off of rooftops searches the world to look for his kidnapped partner. He finds the partner on the Sun.
    • 8-Bit Is Enough: A sarcastic shirtless luchador must defeat his dragon that came out of his arcade machine with the help of a pantsless whitey.
  • Subnautica: What seems like a survival game on the surface quickly becomes a horror game as you start to realize how scary the ocean and everything in it can be.
  • The Suffering: A guy who either did or didn't kill his wife and kids breaks out of a prison being attacked by anthropomorphic personifications of ways to die. Along the way, he frequently hallucinates that he turns into a hideous monster with a sword for an arm.
    • The Suffering: Ties That Bind: The guy from the last game returns to his old neighborhood, and finds the monsters from the last game have followed him home. Also, both his old partner in crime and The Government want a word with him.
  • Suguri: A lone girl defeats girls and an Omnicidal Maniac in a little war on a brand new Earth.
    • sora: A lone girl defeats girls and an Ax-Crazy superweapon in a big war on a dying old Earth.
  • Suikoden: Relatively unremarkable teenage rebel acquires a numerically significant number of allies to help take down a corrupt, centrist government in a protracted and bloody war fought over one or more magically significant MacGuffins. Just like it went down the previous four times.
    • Suikoden II: The most murderous, Ax-Crazy psychopath imaginable gets put in charge of an invasion force, with predictable results.
    • Suikoden III: Longstanding territorial dispute is seen from multiple viewpoints as outside forces take advantage of the conflict to further their own goals.
    • Suikoden IV: Seafaring hero gets Cursed with Awesome/Blessed with Suck powers while a merchant with a rather dead look in his eyes manipulates an empire for expansion gain the aforementioned powers that the hero possesses.
      • Suikoden Tactics: Follow up to the previous entry, elaborates on many plot and character points that were left vague, and if you play your cards right, you can recruit the old main character who has achieved Blessed With Awesome control over his power.
    • Suikoden V: The prince of the Queendom must unite his people against a usurping noble family whose name gives a good indication of the kind of politics they play.
    • Suikoden Tierkreis: Plucky boy tries to prove You CAN Fight Fate by recruiting a diverse bunch of rebels Because Destiny Says So.
  • Summon Night: Swordcraft Story: Interns enslave other races, forge weapons, and battle for supremacy!
  • Supaplex: A Nintendo Hard Boulder Dash clone where you are in a computer and scissors and sparks are out to get you.
  • Super 3D Noah's Ark: A senile old rescue ship captain pelts his charges with fruit while answering Bible trivia.
  • Super Duck Punch: A boxer in an arena beats the crap out of a group of animals (Duck/Horse, Hippo/Hamster, Giraffe/Hydra). The fights between said animals are based on the ā€œWould you rather fight 1 horse-sized duck or 100 duck-sized horses?ā€ question except for the last fight which swaps the heads.
  • Super Columbine Massacre RPG!: Exactly What It Says on the Tin. Built entirely with a cheap RPG design program and scored to MIDI files of songs by Nirvana, KMFDM, Marilyn Manson, and others.
    • Alternatively, kill dozens of kids, then go to hell for it.
  • Super Kiwi 64: A kiwi and a fellow traveler get lost in a remote island during a venturing trip. Cue adventure to come back home.
  • Superliminal: A therapist fills your dreams with puzzles to teach you to be more optimistic.
  • Super Mario Bros.:
    • Super Mario Bros.: An evil turtle king has turned all the denizens of the world into bricks. The Damsel in Distress can only be saved by two blue-collar workers who do a lot of mushrooms.
      • Or: The hero must eat mushrooms in order to kill other mushrooms in order to save other other mushrooms.
    • Super Mario Bros.: The Lost Levels: Blue collar workers get killed often fighting the turtle king, leading them to fight the frog instead.
    • Super Mario Bros. 2: Previously mentioned blue-collar workers fall from the sky into a new land and must defeat an evil frog by feeding him vegetables. Or do they?
    • Super Mario Bros. 3: The duo must save the damsel again, this time by dressing up in outlandish costumes and systematically murdering the turtle king's children.
      • Or: A big guy carelessly invokes the anger of a powerful and influential Italian man. This Italian man (and, in some re-tellings of the story, allied by his equally-powerful younger brother) proceeds to kill off the big guy's entire family. The big guy is too dumb to have noticed much, so the big guy gets killed off too.
    • Super Mario Land: One of the duo fights aliens to save a completely unrelated damsel in a kingdom filled with moai.
      • Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins: It turns out the previous game was just a distraction so that a fat guy could rob his house. Afterward, everyone decides the fat guy is more interesting and helps him rob more people.
    • Super Mario World: The duo must save the damsel from the turtle king and his children again, this time aided by a friendly green dinosaur who eats their enemies alive.
    • Super Mario All-Stars: Four Video Game Remakes starring Everyman crammed in one cartridge.
      • Super Mario All-Stars + Super Mario World: The same, but with a fifth game that's both out of place and is not a remake.
    • Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island: Everyone decides the green dinosaur is more interesting and helps him look after younger versions of everyone else.
      • Yoshi's Island DS: Evil turtle travels back to the past and green dinosaur must save the future by pooping eggs.
    • Super Mario RPG: One of the duo teams up with the damsel, the turtle, a living cloud who was raised by frogs, and a possessed action figure to beat up giant talking weapons and fix a wishing star.
    • Super Mario 64: One of the duo fights evil in paintings in said damsel's castle.
      • Super Mario 64 DS: In this Updated Re-release of the above title, the duo and the fat guy also need rescuing. The hero ends up being the green dinosaur, though one of the duo takes on the villain.
    • Super Princess Peach: Everyone decides the damsel is more interesting and helps her have adventures with her umbrella.
      • Princess Peach: Showtime!: The damsel stars in an unrelated and very distant sequel where she becomes a theater stage actress and tries to avoid being murdered by the props.
    • Super Mario Sunshine:
      • One of the duo is put to work against his will and sprays everyone with water in the process. The turtle king turns out to be taking a family vacation at the same resort the same blue-collar worker is staying at, but not with his original seven children — it's a new son with mommy confusion.
      • Foreign skilled laborer falsely convicted of local crime wave and punished to community service: cleaning graffiti with spray bottle.
    • New Super Mario Bros.:
    • Super Mario Galaxy:
      • The duo from the above examples find themselves in space. They never acquire space suits. Then the universe explodes.
      • Travel through space by spinning until you puke.
      • Everyman comes across an area that's suffered a power outage. The entire game is about restoring power to the place. For an unexplained reason, the turtle king is foiled in the process. This place is run by someone who looks suspiciously similar to Elsa from Frozen but vehemently claims to be someone else.
    • Super Mario Galaxy 2: There is more exploration of space. This time the green dinosaur can be used to travel places. They still never acquire space suits. The turtle king's original seven children once again fail to show up despite the previous adventure.
    • Super Mario 3D Land: Turtle king tries to use Depth Deception to fool his enemies.
    • Super Mario 3D World: Turtle king goes after a bunch of fairies instead. So the blue collar workers, the damsel and a mushroom man go on another adventure together, dressing up like cats and cloning themselves in the process. A cosmic traveler joins them only after they are already done.
      • Or: Turtle King decides to build an amusement park, but spends most of his time in the game throwing soccer balls at people.
      • Super Mario 3D World + Bowser's Fury: Turtle king overgrew and also developed some serious anger issues, forcing everyman to team up with the king's newest son to find a way to tip the scales.
    • Super Mario Maker:
    • Super Mario Maker 2: God still too lazy to create world, outsources once more, now with angled terrain, a chaotic (and sometimes laggy) competition between the blue collar workers and two retainers of varying opinions to labor unions, and a castle to be rebuilt from scratch. Eventually, a boy in green tunic, a swarm of ghostly athletes, the turtle king's original seven children, and a small assortment of mooks from previous adventures join the cast, while the previously-safe damsel is kidnapped once again and has to be rescued in customized worlds.
    • Super Mario Odyssey: One of the duo travels around the world in an attempt to keep the turtle king maritally single. Everywhere he goes, he forces other beings around him to do reckless and suicidal things for his personal gain. It also becomes evident that the duo's homeland is the only one where hats are NOT Serious Business.
    • Super Mario Bros. Wonder: The duo unite again, joining forces with the damsel, another damsel, several mushroom folk and dinosaurs, and the rabbit. The turtle king becomes a floating castle. Sometimes the heroes become elephants. Reality often goes out to lunch.
    • Hotel Mario: Overweight hero appears to call his brother a homosexual while going out on a picnic. They proceed to shut a lot of doors in order to condemn buildings. Enclosed within is an instruction book.
  • Super Mario Bros. Crossover: Everyman, his brother, two robots, a war soldier, a ninja, a vampire slayer, a bounty hunter, and a tank driver team up to rescue their respective friends.
  • Super Monkey Ball: Tiny primates are permanently locked inside plastic globes and careen around collecting bananas.
  • Super Robot Wars: An awful lot of different groups are all working on robots at the same time. The developers make an OP Author Avatar horde join in the fun. Meanwhile, players play the games rather than actually watch the shows they're based on, despite the fact that just watching the 50 episode shows would probably take less time.
  • Super Smash Bros.: Dolls are brought to life in order to fight each other.
    • Imagine a fighting game series where all characters' inputs are the same, most movesets follow a basic single template and you don't have to be any good at things like timing or blocking in order to beat all your friends.
    • A lot of characters, from all kinds of different backgrounds, dispositions, and appearances, share in the time-honored pastime of trying to shove each other off of cliffs.
    • Starring: Two plumbers, a boy in a green tunic, two pink puffballs (which are not from the same series), an electric mouse, an ape, a racecar driver, a kid with Psychic Powers, a woman in a suit, a pilot who is a fox, and a dinosaur.
    • Super Smash Bros. Melee: Trophies are brought to life in order to fight each other.
      • Starring, in addition to the above: Two princesses, a big turtle, a plumber-turned-doctor, the green-tunic-boy from 7 years ago, a ninja, an evil sorcerer, a baby mouse, an angry cat fetus, a pilot who is a bird, two kids in parkas, two princes nobody heard of before, and a flat black man.
    • Super Smash Bros. Brawl: The trophies are brought to life again, only this time there's an actual plot. Much of it involves trophies being brought to life to fight each other.
      • Starring, in addition to the above but without the younger green-tunic-boy, angry cat fetus, baby mouse, one of the princes, or the doctor: A greedy muscleman, a boy in a green tunic with a different art style, a pilot who is also a wolf, a video game peripheral, a blue mammal, a trio of a turtle, a plant dinosaur, and a dragon led by a kid, a mystic jackal, a woman without a suit, a tiny spaceman, a man named after a penis, an armored puffball, a penguin, an angel, a man with a huge sword, a different kid with Psychic Powers, and a monkey.
      • As for the plot: A space traveler discovers the world in which these trophies live and becomes long-distance friends with some of them. When he actually wants to come over and visit, however, all of the living trophies take tremendous offense at that and collectively kill him off, even the ones who used to be his friends.
      • Alternatively for the plot: A country-spanning adventure (and beyond) that brings together dozens of characters and creates a variety of mini-teams for them based on their home-series personalities, leading to a climatic final showdown as one big group. The villain is revealed to be The Man Behind The Man Behind The Man. This is, however, conveyed through no dialogue whatsoever.
    • Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS and Wii U: The trophies are brought to life again, this time in both 3D and HD, respectively.
      • Starring, in addition to the above but without the turtle, plant dinosaur, man named after a penis, pilot-wolf, or two kids and parkas: A big-headed boy/girl, two animals and an off-screen marksman fighting together, a white-haired Magic Knight, a time-travelling princess, a trolling goddess, an not-quite-evil angel, the big turtle's kid (and his used-to-be kids), a magic cosmic traveler and her adoptees, a robot kid, a yellow sphere, a ninja frog, a pipsqueak boxer, a personal trainer, and a zombie engineer. The doctor comes back; and so do the angry cat fetus, kid with psychic powers who debuted in the last game, and one of the princes that has now been heard of... eventually. A martial artist with a headband shows up eventually, as well. After him, a guy with big hair and a bigger sword joins the crew, followed by a girl with a sword who loves dragons, and a sexy witch whose clothes are also her hair.
    • Super Smash Bros. Ultimate: This time, there are no trophies. They get replaced with PNGs. All but one character gets zapped by lasers.
      • It once again stars the two kids in parkas, younger green-tunic boy, baby mouse, man named after a penis, turtle, plant dinosaur, and pilot-wolf. It also stars: A teenage girl/boy that can transform into a squid and back, a princess in an orange dress, a purple space dragon that murdered a girl's parents, two men that kill vampires with maces, a prince, an evil version of a girl in a suit, a crocodile known for stealing bananas from apes, a cheerful secretary, the rival of the aforementioned martial artist and a big red-black cat. Later on, a potted plant, a high school-aged Phantom Thief, another boy with a sword, the duo of a redneck and a snarky girl, a cool American, a stoic mercenary-turned-teacher with a whip-sword, a ramen cook with stretchy arms, a blocky man, a leather-clad silver-haired swordsman, a swordswoman with a split personality, a muscular man with family issues and a tendency to throw people off a cliff, and a kid with a key-shaped blade come aboard.
  • Sushi Cat: You drop a cat and it eats a lot of sushi before it hits the ground.
  • Sushi Striker: The Way of Sushido: Eating fast food, then chucking the empty containers at other people is Serious Business.
  • The Swapper: The only way to get out of this place filled with thinking rocks is to make and kill clones, according to a person with serious multiple personality disorder.
  • Syndicate: Lead four people from on high to gather a large following, or kill everyone, or both.
    • Alternatively: "Persuadatron". Just "Persuadatron".
  • System Shock: Man hacks a computer in exchange for an operation. Six months later, he goes on a rampage, killing every moving thing he sees.
    • System Shock 2: The computer the first man hacked finds another man, knocks him out, and gives him the same operation.
      • Alternatively: Squishy space zombies and insane computer duke it out on FTL ship. Man becomes insane computer's surprise nuke, beats a Russian collectivist, and rebels.
  • SWAT 4: You lead a SWAT team consisting of often bumbling squadmates, who can (and will) blind you with your own flashbangs.
  • Sweet Home (1989): Five uninvited visitors enter a private home and anger the lady of the house at the moment of their arrival. They also take photos of the valuable paintings in the house without permission and kill a notable amount of the inhabitants with kitchen utensils. In the end, they evict the lady using the corpse of her child, who was killed in an incinerator.
  • Sword Art Online: Hollow Fragment: Unlike the book or the anime it's based upon, defeating the programmer doesn't end the game. Instead, you must do the original objective of reaching the final floor. Also, your marriage is glitched out of existence.
    • Sword Art Online: Lost Song: Beat a young girl and her much older bodyguard to as much of the second game's expansion's content as you can.
  • Sword of the Samurai: Learn an important lesson about the Samurai's code of honor - by betraying your masters repeatedly in order to become Shogun. Or, do it the honorable (and significantly longer) way.
  • Syberia: A lawyer from New York forsakes her promising career to pursue a senile man's dream of meeting extinct animals.
  • Taiko no Tatsujin: Talking drum has two notes.
  • Tail Concerto: Dogger cop on a bot chases a Cat Girl trio who have sought to steal pictures and shiny things for the plot. A Bubble Gun is your primary method of shot.
  • Takeshi's Challenge: Engage in public ultra-violence, drinking, misanthropy and self-destructive behaviour in order to win.
  • Tales from the Borderlands: A spin-off from a violent first-person shooter, without the first-person and with a bit less shooting, in which a put-upon corporate drone and a con-woman take turns telling a story.
    • Zer0 Sum: After getting a "promotion", the corporate drone and his nerdy friend try to buy a fake MacGuffin off the con-woman's friends with embezzled funds. Vehicular Combat ensues.
    • Atlas Mugged: The corporate drone wanders the desert for a bit with his nerdy friend while being harassed by a dead guy, then gives a robot a bro-fist. The con-woman scoops out a comatose guy's eyes, then she and her sister get shot at by bounty hunters and a homicidal lesbian. Finally, the two are forced at gunpoint to bring together two halves of a ball.
    • Catch a Ride: After escaping the bad guys (with either a flash-bang or the help of a dead guy), a chipper talking ball guides the con-woman and the corporate drone and their friends to a terrarium in a frozen wasteland, where much chasing ensues in order to get spare parts for the talking ball. A grumpy old woman with a rocket launcher is involved.
    • Escape Plan Bravo: In order to infiltrate a giant letter and get one last component for the talking ball, the corporate drone steals a dead guy's face for his disguise and participates in a finger-gun battle. Meanwhile, the con-woman gets them a ride and vandalizes a museum.
    • The Vault of the Traveller: Everyone escapes from an exploding giant letter, the corporate drone dismembers himself in order to get rid of his boss once and for all, and the con-woman literally shoots the talking ball in the back. With a rocket launcher. Then they get everyone who's not dead back together for a giant robot fight.
  • Tales of Phantasia: A hero chosen by fate receives the blessing of his Gods and sets out on a quest to save his world, the hopes of his people carried on his shoulders. You must stop him at all costs.
    • Tales of Destiny: A boy with a talking sword must save the world from evil businessmen.
      • Tales of Destiny 2: Kid Hero tries to avenge the previous hero. The man who betrayed his father comes back to life to help him. Alternatively: Big Guy with a big axe makes a big mess.
    • Tales of Eternia: The sky is falling. The world's only hope is a guy in a really fruity hat. Failing that, a guy in a really fruity shirt. You are the guy in the shirt.
    • Tales of Symphonia: You fight against angels led by a spandex bodysuit-wearing legendary hero and ruin his plans for world peace.
    • Tales of the World: Narikiri Dungeon: A fanboy and a fangirl alternately break and fix the timeline through cosplay. Extreme cosplay.
    • Tales of the Abyss: A young aristocrat suffers a severe emotional crisis, is betrayed by his most trusted ally, abandoned by his family and country, treated with contempt by his friends, and attempts to kill himself repeatedly.
      • Alternately: A boy and his teacher agree that the best way to solve the world's problems is to Screw Destiny, but end up having an argument about the best method of doing so.
    • Tales of Legendia: An Ex-marine punches things to death while searching for his sister on a ship bigger than some continents.
    • Tales of Rebirth: A white-haired pretty boy fights racism and screams his girlfriend's name in a really dramatic fashion.
    • Tales of Innocence: A general becomes a schoolboy, then has an identity crisis. His lover and sword follow suit. Don't ask what happened to his pet dragon.
    • Tales of Vesperia: A hooligan goes on a quest to fix a fountain, but ends up in everyone else's quests. His friend disapproves.
    • Alternatively: Young vigilante is warned of dangers of vigilantism after killing two monsters the law won't touch.
    • Tales of Hearts: A girl's heart breaks, and her friends take her on a journey to put it back together. Later, they save the world from a giant soul-eating flower from space. All this happens by way of The Power of Friendship.
    • Tales of the Tempest: Fantastic Racism with werewolves!
    • Tales of Graces: A young knight gets in a fight with his best friend. The little girl who follows him around frequently has to save him.
    • Alternatively: jRPG tropes hate you.
    • Tales of Xillia: A God in Human Form learns the limitations and inconveniences of the human body.
    • Tales of Zestiria: An Adventurer Archaeologist becomes The Chosen One and is tasked with cleaning up his predecessor's mess as well as uniting two warring nations.
    • Tales of Berseria: A man is set on ridding the world of all evil. You are the monster that's out to kill him.
    • Tales of Arise: An Amnesiac Hero goes on a journey to free humanity from slavery.
  • The Talos Principle: Satan is a jackass know-it-all, God is playing the long con to keep people from killing him, and the best ending you can get involves flipping off both of them and destroying the world. The hardest ending you can get, however, ends with you in a coffin - while the easiest rewards you with eternal life.
  • Tamagotchi: You are put in charge of raising a cute alien pet. Specific breeds are achieved depending on how well you take care of the creature, among other stats. A staple of fads from The '90s.
    • Tamagotchi Music Star: Your cute alien pet can now become a musician.
    • Tamagotchi m!x: You cute alien pet has apparently just discovered how genetics work and can now have Patchwork Kids.
  • TaskMaker: An all-powerful leader has you run his errands. If at any point you swear, you instantly die and go to hell.
  • Team Fortress 2: Bring a bat to a gunfight, run very slowly with a gun that's too large for you, die trying to set people on fire, heal the ungrateful masses, stand very still and hope nobody notices you, blow yourself up trying to reach new heights, set bombs in a corner and wait for people to step on them, solve the same puzzle ("use rifle on man") over and over again, or build some buildings.
    • Alternatively, A construction company and a demolition company which are administered by the same person fight over each other's briefcases, land rights, and proper waste disposal procedure, all while the teenager complains about the lack of necessary equipment on his side.
    • Alternative the second: sit around doing nothing while hoping that you are rewarded with a purely cosmetic reward as a sign of your hard work. The developers actively troll their fanbase over this.
    • Alternative the third: Gameplay so refined the focus is hat collecting.
    • Alternative the fourth: Play as one of nine different people killing their cosmetically different counterparts by either: running very fast, shooting lots of rockets, being the ultimate Leeroy Jenkins with a flamethrower, throwing bombs around while drunk, ripping people to shreds with a minigun, building automatic guns that only shoot people not wearing your colour, healing people so you can make them invulnerable and get very frustrated when you die whilst doing this, either sniping people to the point where they foam at the mouth, or stabbing them in the back to the point where they foam at the mouth and blowing up buildings by becoming invisible and wearing a literal Paper-Thin Disguise. All the while surrounded by Ludicrous Gibs. Both teams are run by the same person and owned by the same men who have owned them since the 1800's thanks to literal not-dying machines.
    • Alternative the fifth: A sandbox killing game with no story mode and half the weapons are broken. Requires players to kill anyone who's a different color than they are because they are inferior.
    • Alternative the sixth: A war between a piss-throwing Australian, a smartass who drinks radioactive soda, a cyclops with a grenade gun, a fat sandwich addict who obsesses over his "sasha", a mad German doctor withļ»æ technology that hasn't even been invented yet, a gender-ambiguous person who doesn't have the balls to take their mask off, a French pervert, a brainwashed American who thinks a shovel is an effective weapon, a redneck who, again, hasļ»æ technology that hasn't been invented yet, and their hordes of clones.
    • Alternative the seventh: Ethnic stereotypes fight to the death in a cartoonish desert and/or industrial environment. Remember, it's not whether you win or lose, it's how many hats you have.
    • And an Eighth, Two companies that own the world named after colors and are run by twins who hate each other hire identical people whom they tell apart from the enemy by uniform color to fight over briefcases, drop large bombs into nuclear waste, and kill each other with weapons supplied by another company run by the personification of Testosterone Poisoning. They get paid in hats. Then a third twin kills both of them and the mercenaries have to fight grey-colored robot versions of themselves that run on money.
    • But wait, there's ninth: Hats, Ho Yay, and yelling. Guns optional.
    • And now a tenth: The other side is the enemy. You've been hired to shoot their asses off.
    • Meet the Team: Crazed mercenaries discuss their work.
      • Meet the Heavy: Overweight Russian discusses bullet economics. Then shoots people.
      • Meet the Soldier: A Drill Sergeant Nasty retells The Bible and The Art of War. All while blowing people up.
      • Meet the Engineer: A Texan solves his problems through the use of gun.
      • Meet the Demoman: A black Scottish cyclops details the dangers of his work while blowing stuff up.
      • Meet the Scout: A Bostonian guy fights a fat guy over a sandwich.
      • Meet the Sniper: An Australian discusses the merits of his work and argues with his dad.
      • Meet the Sandvich: Battle Discretion Shot: The Movie.
      • Meet the Spy: A Frenchman warns some crazy mercenaries about another Frenchman.
      • Meet the Medic: A heart transplant goes surprisingly well.
      • Meet the Pyro: The world of the gender-ambiguous person is... strange.
    • Mann Versus Machine: A six player game mode in a game with nine classes. This times, robots that bleed money are involved.
    • "Expiration Date" short: The Texan, German, and Drill Sergeant Nasty experiment with baked goods. This ends in disaster. Meanwhile, the Bostonian guy tries to go out on a date with the overworked secretary of the person who runs both teams.
  • Tech Romancer: An evil Galactic Conqueror has come to Earth in order to Take Over the World while enslaving humanity from within the process. An unlikely group of heroes band together and use their own unique mecha robots to battle against the Galactic Conqueror and his evil forces (with the robots themselves being blatant expies of Mazinger Z, Ultraman, Gundam, and Macross).
  • Tekken (series): Members of a dysfunctional family violently argue over property.
    • Tekken: A Shotoclone fights in a tournament hosted by his father, a Corrupt Corporate Executive. Shotoclone wins and tosses his dad off a cliff.
    • Tekken 2: Shotoclone's father lives. He returns the favor with interest.
    • Tekken 3: Shotoclone's son asks his grandfather for help. Things don't end very well.
    • Tekken 4: Shotoclone's son distances himself from family and attempts to live in peace. Things don't end very well. Said Shotoclone comes back to life.
    • Tekken 5: Shotoclone's son meets his long lost ancestor. Things don't end very well.
    • Tekken 6: World War III is born from a fighting tournament by Shotoclone's son who wants to summon a demon. Things don't end very well.
    • Tekken 7: Shotoclone's father helps a reporter write his biography and recounts how his marriage didn't end very well.
  • Terraria: Destroy the environment so you can kill an old man and steal valuables from his tomb. Then sacrifice the guy who's been with you since the beginning in order to fight even more dangerous monsters and get even more valuables.
  • Tetris: Building supplies drop from the sky, and you must use them to erase any sign of your hard work to build the Kremlin. Failure Is the Only Option.
    • Tetris: The Grand Master: The same thing, but faster. This time, failure is not the only option, as you're now being graded for your performance.
    • First Person Tetris: The same thing with Interface Screw.
    • Tetris Worlds: Blocks that form iconic shapes must play the game that made said shapes famous in order to escape from their doomed home planet.
    • Tetrisphere: Little robots keep getting trapped in formations of said blocks of iconic shapes. Each time you rescue them, they get trapped in even thicker formations. There is no reason to really save them except that they're cute.
    • Tetris 99: Nearly a hundred people try to stack blocks at the same time. There can be only one survivor.
  • Theme Hospital: Treat ridiculous, made-up illnesses with equally ridiculous, made-up cures for fun and profit.
  • Theme Park: You hire fursuiters. Should you run out of biscuits, they'll all go on strike.
  • Them's Fightin' Herds: A cowgirl, a stuck-up jerk, a lunatic, a witch, a farmer, a warrior, and a pirate beat each other up over a key.
  • There Is No Game: An ambiguously Russian-accented program insists there is no game, but that won't stop the player from trying to find one.
    • There Is No Game: Wrong Dimension: Once again, an ambiguously Russian-accented program insists there is no game, and the player takes him through alternate dimensions trying to find one.
  • They Bleed Pixels: Boarding school student fights dream demons to stop herself from becoming one of them. Lots of blood spilled.
  • Thief: The Dark Project: Among the citizens of an uncaring city, a boy spends most of his time cowering in the dark, hoping that passing authority figures don't see him.
  • This Is the Only Level: Play the same level several times. That's literally all you can do in this game.
  • This War of Mine: War Is Hell (for people not fighting it) the game.
  • Thomas Was Alone: Rectangles with feelings work together to jump their way out of here.
  • Thousand Arms: Son of a blacksmith loses his home and reputation, has to rebuild it by dating pretty girls.
  • Threads of Fate: A runaway, some dolls, treasure hunters, and a doctor fight over a man's estate.
  • Time and Eternity: A girl with split personalities goes back in time to prevent some wedding crashers to ruin her day with the help of her pervy fiancĆ© stuck in the form of a dragon.
  • Time Hollow: The protagonist draws circles to try to fix the past. He makes it worse.
  • TimeSplitters: A guy who looks like Riddick travels through time and shoots aliens dead. Monkeys are involved. Lots and lots of monkeys.
  • The Tiny Bang Story: After exploding sporting equipment destroys a Baby Planet, you run around collecting jigsaw puzzle pieces and other junk and solving puzzles in order to facilitate a family reunion.
  • Titanic: Adventure Out of Time: A disgraced British secret agent gets a second chance to complete a critical mission he'd failed long ago.
  • Today I Die: A woman becomes suicidally depressed after a bad break-up. She solves her problems using jellyfish, glowing bubbles, and Mad Libs.
  • ToeJam & Earl: Rap enthusiasts throw tomatoes at people as they try to fix their ride home.
  • Tokimeki Memorial: Wake up, go to school, exercise, study, and date pretty girls. Maybe one of them will confess her love to you under a tree.
  • Tokyo Jungle: A Pomeranian tries to survive in a post-apocalyptic city. He does surprisingly well.
  • Tokyo Xanadu: A bunch of high school students obtain magic weapons and form a club to defeat evil monsters plaguing Tokyo, and later find out the cause of all that is a dead Childhood Friend.
  • Tokyo Xtreme Racer Zero: Explore Tokyo through its highways, with an opportunity to cruise down an extremely-straight twenty-kilometer stretch.
  • Tomato Adventure: A boy with a huge distaste for a particular vegetable must save his girlfriend from a king who punishes people for not liking that vegetable.
  • Tomb Raider I through III: A gifted archaeologist desecrates the ruins of ancient civilizations and kills local wildlife.
    • Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation: The archaeologist wins by not despoiling the cultural artifact, and is rewarded with death.
    • Tomb Raider Chronicles: At the start of the game, the archaeologist is still dead. The first part of the game is told in flashback.
    • Tomb Raider: The Angel of Darkness: The archaeologist is on the lam for allegedly murdering her teacher.
    • Tomb Raider: Legend: Reboot. A gifted archaeologist chases after a phallic symbol.
    • Rise of the Tomb Raider: Then the gifted archaeologist looks for an old library book and a water fountain.
    • Shadow of the Tomb Raider: Afterwards, the gifted archaeologist nearly commits global catastrophes over a knife and a box.
  • Tomena Sanner: A Japanese salaryman races the clock and evades numerous obstacles to earn the right to breakdance.
  • Tomodachi Life: Put your favourite fictional characters into an apartment building and watch them do wacky Japanese sitcom stuff.
  • Total Overdose: Once Upon A Crime in Mexico.
  • Totally Accurate Battle Simulator: A group of red googly-eyed Too Dumb to Live blob men wage war on a group of blue googly-eyed Too Dumb to Live men.
  • Total War: A Million Is a Statistic: The Series.
  • To the Moon: Two colleagues must finish a project before the deadline.
    • A Bird Story: A boy gets a new pet.
    • Finding Paradise: The same colleagues work on a new project, but their client gives them a harder challenge.
    • Impostor Factory: A man is invited to a mansion party.
  • Touch Detective: A 12-year-old tactfully earns her work permit by chasing a paper bag in her sleep.
  • Touhou Project: A bunch of girls in a Fantasy Kitchen Sink settle disputes with Extreme Dodgeball.
    • Highly Responsive to Prayers: You play literal Dodgeball against whoever destroyed your shrine.
    • Story of Eastern Wonderland: Ghosts partied at your shrine, and a boss from the previous game comes back with the future co-protagonist of the game.
    • Phantasmagoria of Dim.Dream: A hyperdimensional ship near my shrine? More likely than it sounds!
    • Lotus Land Story: Ditching the recurrent boss, you wake up a psychotic flower-obsessed girl. The whole story ends up hijacked by a maid.
    • Mystic Square: You thwart a goddess's plan to transform the Fantasy Kitchen Sink into a demon tourist trap.
    • Embodiment of Scarlet Devil: Vampire decides she wants to take her nightly walks whenever she wants. And then her sister leaves the basement.
    • Perfect Cherry Blossom: Groundhog Day (the holiday, not the trope or film) takes Refuge in Audacity. The protagonists are not amused.
    • Immaterial and Missing Power: A very short, very drunk demon uses her density manipulation powers to make the inhabitants of the Fantasy Kitchen Sink party hard.
    • Imperishable Night: Two fugitives shelter a draft dodger. This pisses off everyone.
    • Phantasmagoria of Flower View: Death slacks off. Many flowers bloom. A certain fairy decides to notify everyone that it's Spring. Repeatedly. With bullets. A familiar youkai who seemingly disappeared with a recurring boss returns after sleeping in for several years, and a paparazzi girl takes over as 'The Recurring Boss'.
    • Shoot The Bullet: Nearly everyone in the series is defeated by the paparazzi.
    • Mountain of Faith: A goddess needs prayer badly. To survive, she must go in the Fantasy Kitchen Sink with her personal priestess to leach the main character's Clap Your Hands If You Believe power.
    • Scarlet Weather Rhapsody: The weather goes out of control. The main character's shrine gets wrecked. Twice.
    • Subterranean Animism: The goddess from the tenth game needs electricity badly. She decides to give a bird from Hell nuclear powers to start an Industrial Revolution. The bird decides to incinerate the Fantasy Kitchen Sink instead.
    • Undefined Fantastic Object: The mains and the priestess of the tenth game are off to find a treasure ship. They end up fighting Magical Gandhi instead. Also, UFOs.
    • Hisoutensoku: The recurring priestess and the two main Ensemble Darkhorses see a giant... something. They then decide to beat the crap out of each other. The nuclear bird and a frog also join the fray. Who ordered catfish?
    • Double Spoiler: The rest of everyone in the series is defeated by the same paparazzi. Then, a blogger is added.
    • Fairy Wars: One of the Ensemble Darkhorses gets her home destroyed by fairies. She vows revenge. Also, one of the mains shows up with flashlights.
    • Ten Desires: Conspicuously colored divine spirits appear out of nowhere. To fix that, the mains, the priestess and a samurai gardener from the seventh game have to beat the tar out of angry, if dimwitted, taoists who are threatening the newly-built temple as well as heralding the resurrection of a DJ.
    • Hopeless Masquerade: The human population of the Fantasy Kitchen Sink tries to party themselves out of a globalized mood disorder. The mains, Magical Gandhi and the DJ of the previous game take this as an opportunity to start a popularity contest and spread their religion. Masks and Aggravated Battery are involved.
    • Double Dealing Character: Youkai are rioting and the mains and a certain maid's signature weapons are acting out on their own. To solve this problem, they fight against a compulsive contrarian and a midget.
    • Impossible Spell Card: Everyone breaks the rules in order to capture the compulsive contrarian from the previous game. They still lose.
    • Urban Legend in Limbo: The residents of the Fantasy Kitchen Sink re-enact Dragon Ball.
    • Legacy of Lunatic Kingdom: The inhabitants of the Moon are getting their butts kicked by a hell fairy clown in an American flag costume, so they hide in Dream Land where they plan to launch an invasion of the Fantasy Kitchen Sink.
    • Antinomy of Common Flowers: Sibling con artists start a rumor that gets the residents of the Fantasy Kitchen Sink fighting each other in order to rob a crowd at a concert.
    • Hidden Star in Four Seasons: When the seasons start running wild, the mains, the paparazzi, and the recurring Ensemble Dark Horse have to put a stop to it by fighting a hidden celebrity who's looking for new backup dancers.
    • Violet Detector: An outsider takes pictures for her Instagram.
    • Wily Beast and Weakest Creature: The mains and the samurai gardener literally go To Hell and Back while adopting some new pets.
    • Sunken Fossil World: A goat contaminates the water supply with oil, and residents of the Fantasy Kitchen Sink team up to stop it.
    • Unconnected Marketeers: The mains, the priestess, and the maid set out to thwart a scheme to introduce modern monetary systems in the form of trading cards.
    • 100th Black Market: The aforementioned trading cards skyrocket in value, and the co-protagonist starts investing in them.
    • Unfinished Dream of All Living Ghost: The Fantasy Kitchen Sink's real estate values go through the roof due to a clerical error. The residents take advantage of this.
  • Toukiden: The Age of Demons: You must avert an invasion of time warping demons with the help of the souls of dead people and a bunch of warriors specialized in dismembering and killing said demons.
    • Toukiden Kiwami: You must avert yet another invasion of time warping demons, now with the help of the founders of the group of warriors you're in despite the fact that one of them is a time travelling amnesiac, another is working on the demons' side and the most important one is dead.
    • Toukiden 2: You, a time travelling amnesiac, must stop a crazed time travelling precursor from destroying time and history itself with his Olympus Mons while keeping in check the time warping demons and the racial tensions you unwittingly exacerbate along the way.
  • Town of Salem: A certain town separated by three factions try to kill one another to win, either at night or by lynching. It's what Among Us would be if it happened during the Salem Witch Trials.
  • Tower Madness: Evil aliens are going to steal your sheep and turn them into a scarf for their Emperor! You must defend them!
  • Trace Memory: White-haired pretty girl moves to a long-abandoned island and attempts to solve a mystery while playing with her Nintendo DS.
  • TrackMania: Madman builds hellish racetracks. It may be you.
  • Traffic Department 2192: Well, the title alone belies the nature of this top-down mid 90s shareware sci-fi vehicle shooter, but let's give you the skinny: Bitchy woman uses her car to stop gangs named after scavenger birds.
  • Transformers: War for Cybertron: An unemployed librarian and his friends fight a downsized blue-collar worker and his friends.
  • Transformice: A multiplayer version of Lemmings.
  • Transistor: A former singer turned Cute Mute wields a sword possessed by the soul of her deceased boyfriend to stop The End of the World as We Know It.
    • Alternatively: Four people decide their city is too vapid and mercurial for their liking, resolving to do something about it. That "something" goes
  • Trauma Center: Play doctor. No, not in a sexy sort of way.
    • Trauma Team: Play as six different doctors, learn the destructive power of butterflies.
  • Trepang2: After being freed by a mysterious individual who killed themselves, you end up killing everyone else.
  • Tribes: In an online game where you fly around like a fairy, a major exploit to move really fast is found in the first week. Sequels would build this feature right into the game.
  • Trillion: God of Destruction: Six girls and their half-zombie leader fight a boss with a trillion health one at a time.
    • Alternatively: It's a game where you train and send cute girls to their doom in order to kill the final boss.
  • Trio the Punch: Follow the misadventures of a swordsman, a ninja, and a bad dude as they kill countless foes, including multiple clones of a Soviet strongman, disembodied hands and feet, your own master, and a sheep.
  • Tsukihime: A young man who has to power to see where things can break easily is stuck between a Friendly Neighborhood Vampire that he accidentally killed and his senpai who is a monster hunter.
    • Arcueid Route: He sides with the vampire to kill an even worse vampire.
    • Ciel Route: He sides with the hunter to kill said worse vampire and her Knight Templar organisation.
  • Tunic: A young kit fights through an isometric action-adventure using a torn-up instruction manual they can't read. Eventually they start entering codes to get everything.
  • Turok: An Indian goes to Post-Apocalyptic alternate earth where "Time Has No Meaning" to save children from a cyborg viking's armies of robot lizards and the Thuggees from Temple Of Doom with a crystal-powered Martian death-ray that SKULL-FUCKS people to death.
    • Or: Native American kills dinosaurs with guns. Aliens are involved.
  • Tux Racer: An adorable penguin races down customizeable slopes of ice, snow, and rock, often at breakneck speeds.
  • Twinkle Star Sprites: Adorable characters blow each other to smithereens in order to find a redneck star who grants wishes.
  • Twisted Metal: Sadistic millionaire grants a single wish to the person who can survive an all-out war with people in cars that shoot missiles, ice beams and tactical nukes.
    • Twisted Metal 2: He does it again, around the world.
    • Twisted Metal 3 and 4: He never did it with Rob Zombie.
    • Twisted Metal: Black: He does it again, in some clown's nightmares.
    • Twisted Metal: Head-On: He does it again, again.
  • Twisted Wonderland: Ambiguously gendered teen gets stuck in an all-boys college where almost everyone suspiciously resembles Disney villains, and has to play rhythm games and solve some students issues before they can go home. Their talking cat companion keeps getting them in trouble and eats black rocks.
  • Ty the Tasmanian Tiger: Anthropomorphic marsupial goes on quest to save parents, find rest of species, and defeat an evil bird by using a pair of boomerangs, and collecting anything that isn't nailed down, including jewels, geodes, small furry animals, parts of a machine, and more boomerangs. Also has an interesting relationship with a dingo, and occasionally rides on a boar.
  • Tyranny: An Evil Overlord is on the verge of world domination. You play as a lawyer trying to solve a land dispute.
  • Tyrian: A space pilot starts a multidimensional war because a lizard got killed. Some of the most threatening enemies are flying fruit.
  • Ugh!: A caveman earns money by flying other cavemen in his helicopter.
  • ULTRAKILL: Coin-flipping robot goes for a very difficult and very lengthy fuel stop and helps itself to assorted trinkets throughout its trip. Make the process stylish and the game rewards you.
  • Ultima: The locals have unrealistic expectations about their hero. Said hero comes up with increasingly creative ways to assassinate their leader in protest.
    • Ultima I: An Evil Sorcerer tries to take over the world. The solution is to slay monsters, travel in space, shoot down some TIE Fighters and go back in time to kill him with your blaster rifle.
    • Ultima II: Evil sorcerer's girlfriend wants to avenge him. She does this by compressing time and take over earth. Hope you have a guide.
    • Ultima III: After killing the sorcerer's girlfriend, their son, who is a demon computer thing, wants to have revenge. Your most dangerous adversaries before him are floors and grasses.
    • Ultima IV: If you don't live by a strict code of honor, you lose.
    • Ultima VII: Hero fights the evil forces of Scientology and Electronic Arts.
  • Uma Musume: In a world where racehorses can reincarnate as humanoid girls, many such reincarnations train at a prestigious academy for the chance to become famous idol racers.
  • Umihara Kawase: A girl swings across an absurd dream world with her fishing rod. Said rod is more flexible than Bionic Commando.
  • Umineko: When They Cry: A young man involved in an inheritance dispute uses colorful language in debates with beings he says do not exist. Metafiction ensues as they try to determine the story's genre.
  • Uncharted: Drake's Fortune: Lanky guy with a penchant for guns, hand-to-hand combat and one-liners searches for El Dorado with his Heterosexual Life Partner and April O'Neill. They are beaten to it by Simon Templeman.
  • Under Night In-Birth: A high-school boy with the most ridiculous haircut ever gets bitten by a monster and gets a sword that can kill anything. Along the way he meets cute, young girls, violent psychos, and cute, young psychos.
    • Have you been Touched by Vorlons? Join our support group! We meet literally everywhere.
    • A guy in a purple trenchcoat kicks everyone's faces in in a game with such complex mechanics you can genuinely lose because you didn't walk forward enough.
  • Undertale: A human falls into a cave full of monsters and tries to get out while being stalked by an evil flower. Later, the flower takes six colorful hearts and turns into either a goat or an abomination.
    • Or, a child with only one expression either befriends or murders several animals, corpses, and a sexy calculator. A dead goat wants to kill them all because he misses said child's doppelgƤnger. The most well-known scene involves one of the corpses repeatedly beating the child to death set to a song composed for an edgy ROM hack the creator made as a teenager.
    • Undertale>Pacifist: The human decides to make friends with everyone, and even dates a skeleton.
      • As a reward for doing a Pacifist Run, you get to go on a date with some of the characters, and discover a scientist's failed experiments.
      • BREAKING NEWS: Local child literally too determined to die.
    • Undertale>Genocide: The human decides to murder everyone and eventually ends up fighting a skeleton.
    • The Hard Mode: The human, who now shares their name with another human, encounters monsters that they're not supposed to encounter until much later. They then fight their adoptive mother, which is interrupted by a dog declaring that the game is over.
    • Deltarune Chapter 1: A different human is told, by a guy who looks like their brother, not to kill cards and board game pieces. They find they couldn't even if they wanted to. In order to get the best ending, you must deliberately thwart your own ally's attempts at helping you. Features a character creation system that doesn't actually work.
    • Deltarune Chapter 2: Ralph Breaks the Internet: The Video Game, but with a love triangle between a violent chalk-eating dinosaur, a horny reindeer and a gamer bird, and in the end you either beat up White Diamond or shoot a salesman with a severe speech impediment, depending on whether you murdered the bird or not. Also features danger of getting scammed, becoming potassium deficient, or becoming a victim of vehicular manslaughter by the game's developer.
      • Alternatively, four furries and a Smurf go to the library and end up re-enacting The Adventures of Sharkboy and Lavagirl.
      • Or, a living computer tries to kidnap a bunch of teenagers to prevent them from destroying the world, but changes her mind when she finds out that not destroying the world will destroy the world, and ends up stealing the son of an evil card. Also involves a dance-off against a bunch of studio equipment and fighting over real estate with an insect-obsessed pirate who seems to be made of slime. However, most people mostly remember either the optional part about the homeless nutcase obsessed with a 90s soda commercial or the even more optional part where one of the teenagers casts a spell she doesn't know.
      • The Weird/Snowgrave Route: Teenagers making frozen chicken results in a homeless Pinocchio overthrowing an alcoholic Xenomorph as the ruler of a single room in a public building, putting explosive eggs everywhere and becoming some nobody's OC drawn in MS Paint.
      • Or, a mentally ill hobo who is secretly a cat becomes king of the Internet by selling jewellery to a masochistic Christmas enthusiast. This causes said masochist to work up enough courage to look at her crush's butt.
  • Undertale Yellow: A child with a gun goes in a cave and is followed around by a time-travelling weed. Depending on how many people the child shoots, either a furry tries to murder them because a weeb melted her daughter (though she doesn't know that), a cop on drugs tries to murder them, or the weed turns into an eldritch horror and torments them for a while and then tells them to do something more interesting.
  • The Unfinished Swan: A boy chases a neckless swan across a kingdom missing large sections of itself.
  • Unicorn Overlord: A blue haired prince, exiled after a usurper took over his kingdom, amass an army of knights, brigants and mercenaries to defeat him and took his place back as the rightful ruler while defeating an evil sorcerer and a demon lord. Sounds familiar?
  • Uninvited: Your poor driving skills lead you to stop and ask for help at the first house you find.
  • Uniracers: Sentient one-wheeled vehicles compete in race and stunt competitions.
  • Unison: Rebels of Rhythm & Dance: A Disco Stu forms a Girl Group to fight against the government.
  • Unpacking: An Interior Designer Is You: The Game. Surprisingly bittersweet.
  • Unreal: You are stranded on a planet where the invading reptiles are out to kill you and the natives. One of the most popular Game Engines is named after this entry.
  • Untitled Goose Game: Play a charming little bastard that pranks an entire town.
  • An Untitled Story: An egg travels throughout the world to hatch and fight ghosts.
  • Until Dawn: A group of high schoolers spend almost literally the entire game playing spooky practical jokes on each other, only stopping when the first one pranked starts freaking out at the others.
    • Play a progressive roller coaster ride through every horror movie trope from the 1980's until today.
  • Urban Dead: Thousands of warriors face off in a never-ending battle and die, only to get up and do it again the next day. They gather at shopping malls to do so. Basically Valhalla with less mead.
  • Urban Rivals: Massive gang war among diverse groups, such as pirates, environmentalists, cops, the undead, the mafia, aliens, and the military. Drug use is rampant and aids in the fighting.
  • Uriel's Chasm: A game so bad it will literally drive you insane.
  • Utawarerumono: Masked amnesiac man is rescued by animal-eared people and soon becomes the leader of a peasant revolt, ultimately becoming king of a small country. As the story goes on, it is revealed that the masked man can turn into a not-Godzilla who happens to be God-zilla, that he turned (almost) all of humanity into jelly creatures, and that he has split in half.
    • Utawarerumono: Mask of Deception, Haku's plot: Maskless amnesiac man uses his wits to good profit in battles against other countries, leading him to uncover a conspiracy against his elder brother and niece.
    • Utawarerumono: Mask of Deception, Kuon's plot: Daughter of masked man travels to a foreign land, babysits an amnesiac man and befriends a scholar girl with similar interests as well as her homologue from the country she's in.
    • Utawarerumono: Mask of Truth, Haku's plot: Maskless man dons a mask which can turn him into not-Godzilla to take a dead man's identity. Necessary to quell a civil war instigated by a yaoi writer, eventually becoming a god to save those he loves from a massive not-Godzilla.
    • Utawarerumono: Mask of Truth, Kuon's plot: Daughter of masked man weighs in her opinion of the civil war and gets nearly beaten up for her trouble. She then proceeds to help a friend not turn into not-Godzilla while she does the same, eventually failing due to a larger not-Godzilla, which in turn leaves her open to a takeover from an even larger not-Godzilla.
  • Vacant Sky: An ordinary high school girl gets murdered and spends a lot of time complaining about it.
  • Vagrant Story: A royal peacekeeper is sent into a haunted town to rescue the son of the duke of a kingdom. A creepy pale-skinned guy dressed in chain mail taunts him every step of the way.
  • Valiant Hearts: It's a game about one of mankind's most brutal conflicts, but the gameplay's all about running away from gunfire, punching barricades, throwing grenades that never hurt anyone, getting captured by enemies, doing mundane things like cooking and dressing, and excessively pampering the Team Pet.
  • Valkyria Chronicles: It's World War II and you're Poland.
    • Alternatively: It's WWII with women of mass destruction. The Fantastic Racism is due to the fact that you have the wrong hair color. And yes, you are Poland.
      • Alternative to the alternative: Battlefield 1942: JRPG Edition.
  • Valkyrie Profile: A lot of people die and join the heroine's party.
  • Vampire Survivors: Italian monster hunters face an undead army and get overwhelmed in minutes.
  • Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines: The fate of a Dark World version of LA depends on not opening a Mesopotamian sarcophagus, while you face off against incredibly difficult and terrifying monsters.
    • Alternatively, a disastrous one-night-stand forces a recent hire to prove himself/herself truly worthy of employment.
  • A Vampyre Story: An opera singer tries to get away from her clingy boyfriend with the help of a sarcastic bat.
  • Vectorman: A garbage-hauling robot has to stop a sentient nuclear weapon from taking over the world, using only his shooting hands and burning feet. He encounters fat versions of himself, killer light bulbs, and pesky mosquitoes.
    • Vectorman 2: A garbage-hauling robot has to stop a bunch of over-mutated bugs and their big-brained queen from taking over the world.
  • Victoria: An Empire Under The Sun: Spend a hundred years providing people with coal and opium.
  • Viewtiful Joe: Movie fanboy obsesses over movies, pretends to be his hero.
    • Viewtiful Joe 2: Said fanboy teams up with his girlfriend to punch his father in the face.
  • Virtua Fighter: Fighters from around the world challenge each other for the rights to battle a corporation's metallic Super-Soldier.
  • Viva PiƱata: You are put in charge of a breeding ranch for party favors.
  • Volley Fire: Two ships fight across mini asteroid fields containing mirrors. This was made by an animation company.
  • VVVVVV: Captain of a wrecked ship rescues crewmates by screwing with gravity.
