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iwintheinternets? to win the internets! Since: Sep, 2009
to win the internets!
05/11/2010 03:50:11 •••

The Beast Below

Having missed the first episode of the new season, this was my first taste of the new Doctor Who.

My first impression was confusion as to why the theme music had been needlessly and quite radically altered to a less effective tune, although liked the new opening. This along with the brand spanking new logo show clearly that the new series is distinct in every way to Davies series. I am unsure whether this cut off is a good thing or not yet.

Matt Smith has been criticized a lot for attempting to emulate the brilliant David Tennant's tenth doctor. Conversely I found him much more similar to the ninth doctor. He is faster to be made angry or upset and appears more brooding than previous doctors. There is no doubt he is copying some of Davids mannerisms and techniques, but he does feel different. Something superficially concerning about the new doctor is his age. He looks and acts much younger than previous doctors. He is also a man with a very interesting face. The doctors of the new series have been good to average looking in a very normal way. The ninth was an averagely attractive character and the tenth was good looking in a very normal way. The eleventh is either the best looking or worst looking of the three. He has a very unusual face to look at and it is an odd choice for a doctor.

Onto the episode itself. It was rushed. It could have been a double episode. Even a full length movie. It did not work in an hour time slot. There was no build up, the story was quite emotionless and it seemed underwhelming. That said many of the things that were ouched upon were fun and the moral dilemma towards the end was certainly nice but needed more emphasis.

My biggest fear with the new series is it is biting off more than it can chew, by attempting to be a serious, dark sci-fi show.

Doctor Who has always been about Narm Charm. It is quirky and enjoyable. The new series is driving for something a lot more mature and realistic, which ironically causing the Narm to stand out like splinters in a broken toe.

Still I found the episode to be interesting and look forward to seeing the rest of the series.

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