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Reviews VideoGame / Mass Effect 3

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CPFMfan I am serious. This is my serious face. Since: Aug, 2010
I am serious. This is my serious face.
10/20/2012 09:45:00 •••

The Good, The Bad, and The Good again.

The laconic version: Mass Effect 3 has a ton of flaws, but the consistently great gameplay and certain amazingly well done scenes make up for it.

Long version: Mass Effect 3 is a great game. The gameplay has been massively improved since 2. The leveling up system has the "just right" amount of character customization in a game like this, there is a huge arsenal of weapons and armor, the modding and upgrade system is fun and encourages experimentation, all enemies are fun to fight and have aggressively challenging AI, and the game never feels cheap. Even though it doesn't have many memorable fights (which I attribute to the lack of boss fights), something Mass Effect 2 had a monopoly on, when I was shooting something, I was always having fun. The production values are high quality, with detailed backgrounds and character models and a great soundtrack. The voice acting also remains top notch, even for background characters.

The problem is Mass Effect 3 as a conclusion to a roleplaying series. People have already ranted about the ending, so I won't reiterate how awful it is. Even the Extended Cut merely made most of them bad. But Mass Effect 3's plot had more problems than that. Chief among them are the Crucible, which is a very poor plot point for many reasons, and the way the game factors in your choices. There are two points in the game where your choices have logical and significant consequences: Rannoch and Tuchanka. In all other instances, your choices either only cause a slight change in war assets or are just not mentioned at all. The choices regarding Vido, the rachni, your choice for Councilor, whether or not you did Arrival, and the Collector Base are particularly big offenders. The reduced dialogue options in this game doesn't exactly help. A lot of the game runs on an Idiot Plot, which I don't have enough words to elaborate upon here.

However, it's easy to ignore (some of) these flaws when certain moments are just so good. Retaking Rannoch with Tali and curing the genophage with Mordin and Wrex, for example, are some of the most memorable and emotionally satisfying sequences I have ever seen/played. Overall, Mass Effect 3, despite its flaws, is a great experience, and well worth your time and money... as long as you've played the other two games first, of course.

CPFMfan Since: Aug, 2010
10/16/2012 00:00:00

Huh, review didn't quite come out how I liked. I guess that's my fault for trying to fit so much into 400 words.

Just a note: I consider multiplayer to be its own separate game and will write a separate review for all the DLC when it comes out. If the limit left my review too vague, I'll elaborate on any points people have questions about here.

NordRonnoc Since: Oct, 2010
10/16/2012 00:00:00

I disagree with the storyline in Mass Effect 3. Like most of Bio Ware's games, I thought the quality of the story is top-notch (with the exception of the endgame prior to the release of the Extended Cut). But I digress.

Yes, you didn't focus on the endgame like most reviews here!

JobanGrayskull Since: Dec, 2011
10/16/2012 00:00:00

"the game never feels cheap"

Three words: Thessia, Kai Leng.

I think this game is great fun, mechanically. I enjoy the multiplayer because it showcases the gameplay. I still can't figure out how I feel about this game. I have a love/hate relationship with it.

CPFMfan Since: Aug, 2010
10/16/2012 00:00:00

Originally it was going to say "cheaply difficult", but I had a specific word limit. To clarify, I was talking about single player's gameplay.

JobanGrayskull Since: Dec, 2011
10/16/2012 00:00:00

Yeah, I know what you mean. For the most part it wasn't cheap. That one part though...that made me so made. It wasn't cheaply difficult, it was cheaply impossible.

JobanGrayskull Since: Dec, 2011
10/16/2012 00:00:00

That should say "made me so mad."

Tiamatty Since: Jan, 2010
10/16/2012 00:00:00

Pretty much. Great gameplay, some amazing moments, but the story is overall weak and flawed. Auto-dialogue aside, the dialogue itself is the best in the series.

X-Men X-Pert, my blog where I talk about X-Men comics.
CPFMfan Since: Aug, 2010
10/16/2012 00:00:00

I believe I should mention some things I didn't like that weren't in the review: the war assets are an incredibly lame mechanic because it's just numbers on a meter. You will never see the rachni fighting; you will never see krogan riding dinosaurs into battle; you will never see elcor artillery, or that heavy frigate you salvaged. The numbers are also ridiculously arbitrary; rive asari commandos are equivalent to a frigate, an N7 team is equivalent to an infantry division, one krogan company is equivalent to an infantry division, et cetera. Not to mention the massive amounts of fridge logic that kick in when you actually count your assets and realize that they wouldn't even be able to make a dent in taking a single city, yet alone the entire goddamned planet.

In the end, all it amounts to is the choices Starbrat feels like giving you, and whether or not the Normandy gets stranded for... some reason.

Spirit Since: Dec, 2010
10/18/2012 00:00:00

There's a very good chance that Retaliation is the last MP DLC we're getting, so you might want to start thinking how you'll review it now.

CPFMfan Since: Aug, 2010
10/18/2012 00:00:00

By "all the DLC" I meant ALL the DLC, for both single and multi player. I mean I could write three reviews, one for single player DLC and one for multiplayer, but that'd probably get taken down as one of those "two part" reviews.

CPFMfan Since: Aug, 2010
10/18/2012 00:00:00

Though maybe I'll review it all after Omega comes out and just edit in the last few DL Cs when they come out. Wait, what happened to the edit button in the comments? I could've sworn there used to be one.

Tomwithnonumbers Since: Dec, 2010
10/18/2012 00:00:00

It was removed quite a long time ago now. Other people were editing/vandalising other people's comments I guess.

I feel like your review most aptly reflects my opinion everything about the gameplay was pitch perfect but the plot and choices completely screwball under the slightest analysis, yet the emotional points are good enough that it ends up not being so important.

The only thing missing is a negative on how bad so much of the environments look. You spend the majority of the game on Tuchanka, Rannoch, Earth and the moon of Palaven all of which are doing various takes on apocalyptic barren wasteland and not particularly lovely examples of that. It's actually my main problem with the game, because I can forget about the plot and instead remember the characters and emotions, but the ugliness of so much is the one really sour emotional note

JobanGrayskull Since: Dec, 2011
10/18/2012 00:00:00

This is kind of a nit-pick on the War Assets, but the way multiplayer ties in is kind of insane. If you "promote" your level 20 characters in MP, you get permanent assets (that is, they apply to current and future new games alike). Right now, I think I've promoted something like 50 MP characters, and they're good for around 50 War Assets apiece...which lands me a permanent 2500 War Assets. That is enough to get fullest endings with literally no effort outside of plot missions in the SP campaign (even before the EC that was a sizable chunk of the necessary assets). I'm not sure why they designed it like this.

CPFMfan Since: Aug, 2010
10/18/2012 00:00:00

@Spirit: Tuchanka and Earth were ugly, but I really liked the looks of Thessia, Rannoch, and Tuchanka.

JackAlsworth Since: Jul, 2009
10/18/2012 00:00:00

"Tuchanka and Earth were ugly, but I really liked the looks of Thessia, Rannoch, and Tuchanka."


Tomwithnonumbers Since: Dec, 2010
10/18/2012 00:00:00

? Spirit

I forgot Thessia. There were cool bits there, but the actual ground you walked on still ended up looking like Tuchanka. I need to clarify a little bit though, all of them (except Tuchanka) had very pretty skyboxes. But the actual landscape and what you ended up looking at for the most of the game was complete dross and utterly identical between almost every non-city location. It wasn't even good dross.

Okay the wasteland was necessary, but it looks ugly even compared to other wastelands. I've tested it out on people and Korriban in Koto R legitimately looks more interesting that Tuchanka. There's no colour or contrast at all and they'e all got this ugly brown filter thing going on

CPFMfan Since: Aug, 2010
10/18/2012 00:00:00

@Jack: I meant to type Palaven the first time.

@Tom: I meant to type tom.

I usually make mistakes the first time I type something due to usually being in a hurry when I write these comments. This is why I miss that goddamned edit button.

@Joban: I don't see much wrong with it considering the obscene amount of grinding it takes to promote 50 squads. I've only promoted like 8 and I've been playing since March.

JobanGrayskull Since: Dec, 2011
10/19/2012 00:00:00

I guess the thing that seems weird to me is that MP removes incentive to fully explore the SP environment. It does take a lot to get to where I've gotten, yes, but I don't like that my MP progress sort of erases the need for any future SP effort. It's not exactly bad that the game rewards this way, but it's unusual. I never got to experience the "bad" endings to the game, and now even my failiest of fail runs will result in complete success. Sometimes it's fun to play the game and do everything wrong, but now because I've put in time and effort in MP I'm sort of railroaded into seeing the fruits of my labors, even if I don't want to. If that makes any sort of sense at all.

Tomwithnonumbers Since: Dec, 2010
10/19/2012 00:00:00

Sorry I was being harsh and only meant it in fun, no-one who types as atrociously and incoherently as me can point out other peopel's typos =D

@Joban is there an option to disconnect from the EA servers? If they aren't online at any point you're playing they won't count MP progress. I'm not sure they give you the option though

CPFMfan Since: Aug, 2010
10/19/2012 00:00:00

@Joban: I have a bigger problem with war assets as a whole. "Fully explore the SP environment" seems to translate to "do a bunch of fetch quests". Previous choices matter for very little (outside of Tuchanka and Rannoch) when you can just do boring fetch quests to get hundreds of assets.

Also, some of the results of the choices are pretty illogical, further damaging the credibility of the whole war assets mechanic. This results in the game missing several opportunities for some great moral choices. As for the MP thing: I don't really know what it's like to enjoy getting the worse ending, so I can't comment on that.

Tomwithnonumbers Since: Dec, 2010
10/19/2012 00:00:00

Well it seems pretty natural to try it. One nice run, one renegade run and one make everything as awful as possible run.

JobanGrayskull Since: Dec, 2011
10/19/2012 00:00:00

@CPF Mfan Well yeah, to be completely fair the War Assets mechanic on the whole isn't too great. I guess I'm just trying to be nice about it, but there isn't exactly a lot to "explore" in the traditional sense of the word.

@Tomwithnonumbers Somehow, that never occurred to me. It may be possible, and it's at least worth a try. When I import my fail run from ME 2 I'll try doing it while disconnected from the servers and see if that cuts out those MP assets.

Spirit Since: Dec, 2010
10/19/2012 00:00:00

Playing offline does remove your MP assets.

The war assets make some sense you think of each asset having points related to useful they are in relative terms. The problem comes in when they all are just dumped in one large pile, leaving with a margin for error in the thousands when the worth of many assets are in the double digits. If they were divided up between, say, Sword and Shield and Hammer forces then every one of the asset's value would increase.

CPFMfan Since: Aug, 2010
10/20/2012 00:00:00

Even in relative terms most of these would be completely useless. Single people or ships should not even qualify as a single point in a galactic war like this. Sci Fi Writers Have No Sense Of Scale.

Plus, the war assets don't actually have a logical effect. It just determines what choices Starbrat feels like giving you. Which is a shame, since with more work they could've made this mechanic decent.


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