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Reviews Anime / Digimon Xros Wars The Young Hunters Who Leapt Through Time

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RebelFalcon [[Music/BlueStahli ULTRANumb]] (Private)
[[Music/BlueStahli ULTRANumb]]
01/17/2020 07:14:38 •••


Young Hunters is the shortest Digimon series, having ~20 episodes. While considered the worst series, I decided to take a look again and see if the hate was warranted. On its own, it is bad, but as lone episodes, it's fine. Confused? That's the issue: the series is episodic. Other series had this bigger narrative or enemy in the background, YH doesn't. You can watch any episode before the final few and you wouldn't miss anything. The actual "plot" doesn't start until the final episodes. It fails as a season, it does fine as lone episodes. The main plot is nothing to write home about. Quartzmon is a Generic Doomsday Villain with a confusing plan. The Clockmaker is confusing, especially The Reveal he's Bagramon reincarnated, with no explanation for Clockmon. The previous leaders returning is just fanservice and largely just a powerup for Tagiru.

  • People call Tagiru the worst main character, and I agree. He's not bad, but has the weakest writing and is static.
  • Ren is just the Token Evil Teammate, and while Mizuki, Hideaki and Kiichi are likable, they're rather minor overall.
  • Ryoma and Airu are the best:
    • Airu actually develops, going from a plain bitch who would steal others Digimon to somewhat kinder thanks to Yuu.
    • Ryoma at first seems like the generic aloof rival, but him being a secret fanboy of Taiki's and wanting to stand alongside him and Tagiru, it's endearing. Add on his partner just using him but being Defiant to the End, Ryoma was my fav.
  • Gumdramon is selfish and bratty. He has a neat design, especially as Arresterdramon, but embodies the series' wasted potential, his backstory implying big things that is never followed up on.
  • Opposumon, Submarimon, Dobermon, and Locomon are satellite characters, and Dracmon doesn't have a character.
  • Astamon sucks. A cool design isn't enough. He's largely silent, and the one time he speaks more than a sentence, its revealing he's Quartzmon. Now he's lumped in with that nonsense, it creates a Plot Hole, since he and Arresterdramon digixrossed, yet neither Arresterdramon nor Tagiru notice anything off. Ryoma can be Hand Wave as brainwashed, but it doesn't explain the others.

Young Hunters would normally be written off as a mediocre Post-Script Season. So why the hate? Probably cause:
  • This was an anniversary season and Tagiru being Taiki's Replacement Scrappy. Taiki is not the deepest leader, but he is nice & likable. Contrast Tagiru, who is selfish & generic and steal the focus, and it can wear on people's nerves.

I understand why people hate this series, it's just overblown. Don't misinterpret. As a season, it's bad, with a lack of focus and wasted potential, but the episodes on their own are serviceable. Plus, I think we can all agree on one thing: Tagiru Chikara by Psychic Lover is amazing.

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