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Reviews FanficRecs / React, Watch, Believe, Yikes

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miniman956 Since: Aug, 2015
08/22/2016 13:33:21 •••

It's bad.

It's filled to the brim with random Retcons and the characters are constantly out of character. Also, the only original character in the story is annoying. And that's her only purpose. Apparently she's relevant to the plot, in some way, which hasn't been revealed in the last three years. Remember when I said all the characters were out of character? Well, they're all assholes. The only difference between them is that they randomly revert back to their original personality for a few seconds. And the Retcon is the random memory lapses the characters suffer, in a failed attempt to make the story relevant to the latest episodes of RWBY. Honestly, it could just be an AU where Yang is adopted, but NOPE. They all had brain-farts apparently.

Unpleasant experience. Do not recommend.

Edit: Also, why is this on the Fanfic Recs for RWBY Crossovers? This isn't a crossover, they're just watching Red vs. Blue. That doesn't count as a crossover. If it's something to do with the JNPR chapters, then why are the JNPR chapters a thing? They have literally no point other than fan service.

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