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Reviews Fanfic / My Brave Pony Starfleet Magic

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NisjayCakecup Since: May, 2015
07/12/2015 05:01:06 •••

My Little Mykan: Audience Apathy is Magic

Oh good lord, this story... Where do I start? In a way that hasn't been already said by the rest of the reviews, that is? And you know it's bad when the grammar's the least of its problems.

One major red flag is the author outright saying that he hates Friendship is Magic and trying to "fix" everything about it. It's all downhill from there.

While I hadn't watched Friendship is Magic, it didn't really take me long to find out that Mykan cares nothing for depth in his characters. The original (the term I'll use loosely here) cast are essentially cardboard cut-outs (With Rhymey being the most annoying, and Grand Ruler being noteworthy for averting Royals Who Actually Do Something when it came to the villains.) And then, he stripped the canon characters of their likable traits when it came to crossing over with Equestria.

The plot is episodic, but the episodes are mostly about repetitive struggles against the Big Bad and their minions, with overuse of the Monster of the Week formula (Sound familiar?) And the chapters (according to Mykan) are trying to emulate the length of a TV episode.

As a result, the writing boils down to the author not letting the characters or actions do the talking. And do I have to mention that the author defines Small Name, Big Ego?

All in all, I say give this fanfic a pass, not even for riffing on.

Valiona Since: Mar, 2011
07/10/2015 00:00:00

I agree with this review. The worst part about this fic is that it's not even very enjoyable to make fun of.

It's generally bad to write fanfics for stories and characters that you hate. Your biases against them tend to manifest in the writing, and the work comes off as hateful and reactionary, rather than something you created yourself.

It's particularly unfortunate that the author doesn't care for depth in his characters.

Perhaps the worst part of the fic is the complete and utter lack of creativity. Most of the So Bad, It's Good fics include all manner of insane ideas and storylines. Part of the reason why My Immortal became so (in)famous was because the author dared to discard everything we all knew and loved about Hogwarts to make way for a high school in which goths waged war against preps. There's no such creativity here, and most of MLU comes off as a warped version of MLP mixed with various Sentai shows. That's why I found it so tedious to read, and why there was so little to laugh at, much less wholeheartedly enjoy. When all that's left is a bastardized version of MLP written by an author with severe real life problems, it doesn't make for very good MST material.

One more thing, though; when you put potholes in the title of your review, people who, like I do, see them in the "Reviews Activity" page will see them as "((Tropename Potholed Word(s).))" instead of as "Potholed Word(s).", so it loses the desired effect. As such, I recommend that you either use trope names or forgo potholes entirely.

NisjayCakecup Since: May, 2015
07/11/2015 00:00:00

To Valiona: That pothole thing, I fixed it. (I think)

And yeah, I agree with the reviews stating that this fanfic should be left to rot.

Valiona Since: Mar, 2011
07/11/2015 00:00:00

Nisjay Cakecup,

Yes, it's fixed. It's an issue that I've seen with several other reviews' titles, and one that I notice because, as I said, I mainly look for new reviews on the "Reviews Activity" page.

NisjayCakecup Since: May, 2015
07/12/2015 00:00:00

And here's one character I forgot to mention in the review: Ace Ray, who appeared in SFM II.

I found him the best character in this entire thing, because he accused Starfleet of being lazy when it came to preventing the destruction of Equestria. He also called them out on thinking every enemy is Always Chaotic Evil and their species essentially being overlords (and not very efficient ones at that, as far as I know.) for taking over United Equestria. He even pretty much said that Celesto is a god mode stu.

You know the author's fucked up if the only likable character in the story is the one Straw Critic who is the solitary voice of reason in an ineffective dictatorship. (Then again, as pretty much demonstrated time and time again, he didn't care.)

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