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Reviews Videogame / Minecraft

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YouShallNotPass Why are you reading this? Since: Oct, 2013
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06/18/2014 13:30:25 •••

A game for everyone

This is a game...that has an appeal for everyone. You could build, dig, or go an a massacre of piggies. And that's just the singleplayer. Multiplayer introduces teamwork/competition, and some geniuses have gone and created custom minigames. The biomes are unpredictable and unique, and that's pretty cool. However, some computers may not be able to run it at optimal settings(i.e. low fps, rough lighting), and this game does have quite a few bugs. All in all, it's an addicting game with endless possibility. P.S. The soundtrack is amazing

DeviousRecital Since: Nov, 2011
06/18/2014 00:00:00

The game certainly doesn't have an appeal to me, that's for sure. I like my games to have a little more substance than a level creator. Typically, I want a narrative, excitement, thrills, escapism. All Minecraft seems to offer me is tedious busywork with no end goal using an outdated graphical style.

Pannic Since: Jul, 2009
06/18/2014 00:00:00

It has an appeal for a lot of people, for sure, but I've seen plenty of people who dislike it because they don't see it as "having a point" or a goal, or a story. Not that it doesn't appeal to me, but I can see that it's not for everyone.

Though when I see someone disparage it by saying that it literally isn't a game, then I roll my eyes.

Fanfiction I hate.
DeviousRecital Since: Nov, 2011
06/18/2014 00:00:00

I wouldn't consider it a game myself because my definition of what a "game" is involves there being an objective. But whether it is or isn't a game makes no difference to the experience itself, so yeah, that kind of is a dumb complaint

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