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Reviews FanficRecs / Sage

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LordHerobrine '''''THIS IS MY FINAL FORM''''' Since: Oct, 2013
01/08/2014 09:50:20 •••


A very long fanfiction over 420K words long, this fanfic is not only well written, but also one of those fanfics thats not afraid to kill off important people. Very deep insight into the psyche of humanity as well as a well-paced plot. Doesn't contain movie related canon references until much later into the fiction, which is always good to hear if you're someone who's watched everything but the movies. It does reference one movie-centric thing in the very beginning, but it isn't something where you need to watch the movie to get the plot. Believable progression of power gain as well, and surprisingly up-to-date on the canon content (as of 1/8/2014, though that isn't guaranteed).

It has a slightly bad habit of underplaying important fights from the side character's point of view when everyone is fighting everyone, but that's the only re-occurring blip it has.

Has a TON of Wham episode, Crowning Moment of Awesome, Tear Jerker, and a whole lot of HSQ moments, all from a Martial Pacifist standpoint unless you ROYALLY piss him off.

Or Them.

Epic is an understatement.

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