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[001] Kombucha Current Version
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This is what Cowboy Bebop At His Computer Means:
This is what Cowboy Bebop At His Computer means:
Changed line(s) 5 from:
\\\"This trope is when the media reports blatantly incorrect facts about a creative work that any fan (or casual observer, or anyone with access to The Other Wiki, etc.) would know to be wrong.\\\"

Note it\\\'s when the \\\'\\\'media\\\'\\\' makes mistakes that a \\\'\\\'fan\\\'\\\' or even \\\'\\\'casual observer\\\'\\\' would recognise as such.

Almost this entire page is about what \\\"some people\\\" allegedly think, and many of the \\\"corrections\\\" are not based on what a fan (in this case, presumably adherent to the religion) or casual observer would necessarily know. Furthermore, much of it seems to be based on interpretations and pet theological positions that are hardly open and shut cases. We all know it\\\'s easy to \\\"prove\\\" something about a religion\\\'s position on a given subject by cherry-picking, and some of these \\\"corrections\\\" are as guilty of it as the people they\\\'re correcting.