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Discussion History Film / JohnnyMnemonic

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There was a Men in Black cartoon episode about the aftermath of a Reentry Scare, where K, J, and L go on board the shuttle to find out what happened. (I don\'t remember if the astronauts or the computer/autopilot landed the shuttle.) K, in response to J\'s \'normal phenomenon\' statement, made a comment that the communications blackout being \'normal\' was what they \'\'wanted\'\' people to think -about the time they found the astronauts unconscious. [[spoiler:Turns out parasitic aliens who like human-brain happy juice had taken to the crew. Three guesses which MiB got jumped.]]
There was a Men in Black cartoon episode about the aftermath of a Reentry Scare, where K, J, and L go on board the shuttle to find out what happened, since the crew wasn\\\'t answering hails. (I don\\\'t remember if the astronauts or the computer/autopilot landed the shuttle.) K, in response to J\\\'s \\\'normal phenomenon\\\' statement, made a comment that the communications blackout being \\\'normal\\\' was what they \\\'\\\'wanted\\\'\\\' people to think -about the time they found the astronauts unconscious. [[spoiler:Turns out parasitic aliens who like human brain happyjuice had taken to the crew. Three guesses which {{MiB}} got jumped.]]