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Discussion History JustForFun / TVTropesWillRuinYourLife

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[001] Malchus Current Version
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\'\'\'A note from admin about examples:\'\'\' Barack Obama as a modern politician is noteworthy to this site as a performer. He uses rhetorical techniques to obtain a specific outcome. That\'s storytelling. The examples here are of the guy\'s techniques, and how he is used in media, not about your political opinions. \'\'\'\'\'No [[SubjectiveTropes subjective tropes]] or \
\\\'\\\'\\\'A note from admin about examples:\\\'\\\'\\\' Barack Obama as a modern politician is noteworthy to this site as a performer. He uses rhetorical techniques to obtain a specific outcome. That\\\'s storytelling. The examples here are of the guy\\\'s techniques, and how he is used in media, not about your political opinions. \\\'\\\'\\\'\\\'\\\'No [[SubjectiveTropes subjective tropes]] or \\\"audience reaction\\\" tropes are wanted here.\\\'\\\'\\\'\\\'\\\' Recall the {{Rule of Cautious Editing Judgment}}. [italicized bolding mine]