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[001] ZellThe5th Current Version
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My understanding of this page is that it is for making works seem better than they are; for presenting them in an extra glow-y sort of light that far surpasses what they actually offer by creatively selecting and spinning various themes, topics, happening, etc. from them into a promotional-like blurb (and not for making them sound worse than they are). If that understanding is incorrect, then please, by all means, and with my appreciation, do correct it. If it is not, however, then I\'ll note that \'promoting\' Toy Story as: \
My understanding of this page is that it is for making works seem better than they are; for presenting them in an extra glow-y sort of light that far surpasses what they actually offer by creatively selecting and spinning various themes, topics, happening, etc. from them into a promotional-like blurb (and not for making them sound worse than they are). If that understanding is incorrect, then please, by all means, and with my appreciation, do correct it. If it is not, however, then I\\\'ll note that \\\'promoting\\\' Toy Story as: \\\"An exploration of male jealousy and atheism,\\\" seems much more like a thinly veiled dig than a sparkling summary, and, therefore, whatever else might be said, that point should stand.

As for my ancillary objection to specifically calling the movie an \\\'exploration of atheism\\\' (which you in turn seem to have objected to yourself), I note that I simply found the declaration to be rather random (and, again, whatever way that part might have been intended for interpretation, it didn\\\'t seem to have a particularly positive cast to it, either). You are right that I simply could have changed the entry to something better, but I really didn\\\'t have anything in mind to call upon that might have served. I give my apologies for the lack of inspiration, but note that perhaps your remark, and the manner in which you gave it, were a touch uncalled for.

Finally, for the sake of thoroughness, I\\\'ll acknowledge that the extra little bit I included with my preceding Xenosaga entry falls victim to something of the same argument of not being entirely positive in its casting, and thus may have (along with some unfortunate word overlap with my following edit note) made my additive and subtractive troping seem both entangled and a bit questionable. I state first that I was, in the end, just trying to have a bit of tongue-and-cheek fun with, and poke a bit of fun at, familiar media, as I imaging most tropers here are. I nevertheless admit that the inclusion was somewhat out of place. I waffled a little, in fact, over whether or not I should add it in, but it tied directly with the (as far as I can tell) perfectly valid entry on the game that I had made, so I eventually decided I would. As noted, though, I was aware of the inconsistency, which is a large part of the reason why I added the inclusion as hidden text, so that it wouldn\\\'t overtly intrude. (It also broadly pertains to end events of the game, so better, I thought, to be safe.) My point is that I wasn\\\'t trying to be either trollish or heedless.

Anyway, with all of that said, undo my actions or not as you see fit. I only ask that you are clear and internally consistent in doing so, and that my own activities are given the benefit of not being unduly disparaged or misunderstood.

P.S. E-gads! This rather got longer than I intended.