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[001] kvschwartz Current Version
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First we see Ushio -- or rather, her knees. The next person we see -- the last person in line -- by the final episode is Shino Okazaki, Ushio\'s great-grandmother on her paternal side. She doesn\'t show up until late in the season (probably the closing credits to episode 18). The next-to-last guy is Toshio Koumura, the CoolOldGuy teacher who heads the chorus club and the drama club. The pink-haired guy is presumably Naoyuki Okazaki, Tomoya\'s father, although I don\'t recall his ever having pink hair except in the credits. Sanae with Akio. One of the members of the Miyazawa gang, whose name I don\'t recall. With Yukine Miyazawa. Youhei Sunohara. With his sister Mei. Misae Sagara. With her cat, the pretend-Katsuki Shima. Tomoyo Sakagami. With her brother Takafumi. Yusuke Yoshino. With Kouko Ibuki. Sugisaka. Holding hands with Rie Nishina. (Perhaps the biggest of many little tiny hints that the two of them are indeed a romantic couple.) The friend of Kotomi\'s parents whom wikipedia lists as [\
First we see Ushio -- or rather, her knees. The next person we see -- the last person in line -- by the final episode is Shino Okazaki, Ushio\\\'s great-grandmother on her paternal side. She doesn\\\'t show up until late in the season (probably the closing credits to episode 18). The next-to-last guy is Toshio Koumura, the CoolOldGuy teacher who heads the chorus club and the drama club. The pink-haired guy is presumably Naoyuki Okazaki, Tomoya\\\'s father, although I don\\\'t recall his ever having pink hair except in the credits. Sanae with Akio. One of the members of the Miyazawa gang, whose name I don\\\'t recall. With Yukine Miyazawa. Youhei Sunohara. With his sister Mei. Misae Sagara. With her cat, the pretend-Katsuki Shima. Tomoyo Sakagami. With her brother Takafumi. Yusuke Yoshino. With Kouko Ibuki. Sugisaka. Holding hands with Rie Nishina. (Perhaps the biggest of many little tiny hints that the two of them are indeed a romantic couple.) The friend of Kotomi\\\'s parents whom wikipedia lists as [Gentleman in Kotomi\\\'s path ... Voiced by: Yutaka Aoyama ... A gentleman without a given name, he is Kotomi\\\'s guardian, a co-worker of her parents, who had died in a plane crash. Kotomi refers him as a bad guy, due to her misunderstanding and her tragedy involving her parents.] With Kotomi. Who seems to be clutching that teddybear to her chest. Botan / Button, the baby boar. Trotting dotingly behind Ryou Fujibayashi, who is right behind her twin Kyou. Nagisa. Tomoya. For much of the season, they\\\'re first (or last, depending on how you look at it). By the end of the season, we also get Fuko Ibuki (the one strutting) and, first (or last) of all, Ushio again.

I hope that\\\'s at least mostly right.