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The TVTropes Trope Finder is where you can come to ask questions like "Do we have this one?" and "What's the trope about...?" Trying to rediscover a long lost show or other medium but need a little help? Head to Media Finder and try your luck there. Want to propose a new trope? You should be over at You Know, That Thing Where.

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KD Since: May, 2009
21st Feb, 2021 07:26:21 PM

Their name is an Overly Long Name.

If they insist that other people use their full name, it's Insistent Terminology.

If someone uses other people's full names by preference and without being pressured, it's Full-Name Basis.

mightymewtron Since: Oct, 2012
21st Feb, 2021 07:27:32 PM

Insistent Terminology, possibly They Call Me MISTER Tibbs! crossed over with Overly Long Name.


Edited by mightymewtron I do some cleanup and then I enjoy shows you probably think are cringe.