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Mac_R (Experienced, Not Yet Jaded)
11th Jul, 2020 08:06:23 PM

I'll be honest, I assumed Verbal Tic was just for one of two words, but the other examples fit.

MetaFour MOD (Old Master)
11th Jul, 2020 08:15:21 PM

I think Flexo would also fall under "Just Joking" Justification, in that he'll blatantly insult people to their face and then laugh and say he was just kidding. Unlike Bender, who just insults people to their face.

I didn't write any of that.
Unsung Since: Jun, 2016
12th Jul, 2020 10:33:18 AM

Seconding Verbal Tic overlapping with "Just Joking" Justification in Flexo's case. Verbal Tic does mention it can be a phrase (and I'd take that to also cover variations on a phrase) rather than just a single word or sound.
