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WarJay77 (Troper Knight)
4th Jul, 2020 06:20:10 PM

I can answer the AC question length, usually. Consensus is that either style can be used, but that folders are encouraged for longer pages.

Current Project: The Team
wingedcatgirl MOD (Holding A Herring)
4th Jul, 2020 06:22:07 PM

  • I treat spoiler tags like quotation marks — which is itself controversial, but for me it means include the punctuation if and only if it's part of the thing being (spoilered|quoted).
  • I would title it "Anime and Manga", but I'm not sure it's important.
  • There's a vague idea that AC (short for "asscaps", for some reason) headers are for shorter pages and folders are for longer ones, but I'm unclear as to where the dividing line is.
  • I don't think it matters. I don't even think I've been consistent with that just with myself, to be honest.

Edited by wingedcatgirl Trouble Cube continues to be a general-purpose forum for those who desire such a thing.
Loopytires55 Since: Aug, 2016
4th Jul, 2020 06:43:23 PM

What the heck is “asscaps” supposed to mean?

WarJay77 (Troper Knight)
4th Jul, 2020 06:55:15 PM

^^ This is what asscaps are. You've seen them. They're just stuck with a silly name.

Current Project: The Team
Twiddler MOD (On A Trope Odyssey)
4th Jul, 2020 06:59:05 PM

If spoiler tags cut off the end of a sentence and there's another, unspoiled sentence after it, I think it looks much better to leave the end punctuation of the first sentence outside of the spoiler tags. e.g.

  • Alice turns out to be Bob's long-lost cousin. Everyone is shocked at this.
as opposed to
  • Alice turns out to be Bob's long-lost cousin. Everyone is shocked at this.

If there's nothing after the spoiler tag... I guess it depends how long the spoilered section is and whether there's multiple sentences in it. Something like the above example minus the second sentence, I could go either way on whether the period goes inside or outside the tag. But for something like

  • Alice turns out to be the alien overlord stealing people's brains. Her sabotage of the science fair and theft of Donny's bike were means to this end. By destroying all the baking-soda-and-vinegar volcanoes, she ensured that no one would have the tools to stop her. The bike was to get her to the school gymnasium and back.
it looks weird to me to have the last period outside of the spoiler tag.

I think AC stands for All Caps. But actually they're small caps.

Troper48 Since: May, 2020
4th Jul, 2020 07:38:39 PM

Ok thanks for the responses everyone, everything that's been said so far makes sense. At least with the ones where it's a choice between two phrases, I've been doing it where I look up " [phrase]" for both and whichever has more results is the one I use.

Edited by Troper48
WarJay77 (Troper Knight)
4th Jul, 2020 07:46:19 PM

I mean, half of the time the unabridged version thing is made into a gag anyway, so I don't think it matters at all.

Current Project: The Team
Troper48 Since: May, 2020
4th Jul, 2020 08:14:07 PM

That's fair. Also another thing that I wonder about is if "season" is capitalized.
