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Fighteer MOD (Time Abyss)
TheNerfGuy Since: Mar, 2011
9th Mar, 2019 06:27:23 AM

Reverted the example.

I do believe locking the page entirely is a little overboard. Would a note on the page suffice for the time being?

WhirlRX Since: Jan, 2015
9th Mar, 2019 06:27:50 AM

Add a note for now.

RoundRobin Since: Jun, 2018
9th Mar, 2019 06:33:20 AM

Thanks :)

I'll keep an eye on the page, but locking it might be for the best since this is the third time the issue has been brought up.

Edited by RoundRobin - Fly, robin, fly! - ...I'm trying!
TheNerfGuy Since: Mar, 2011
9th Mar, 2019 06:36:24 AM

I believe suspensions should be applied first before locking; locking should really be a last resort in case suspending problematic tropers prove insufficient.
